Lost Ten Tribes Studies (19 March, 2015, 28 Adar, 5775)
1. Reactions to Israeli Elections
(a) Nelson Thall:Â Bibi is a Good Man!
(b) Steve Collins: Delighted to see Bibi won!
2. E.A. Bradbrooke: Germans from Northern Iraq!
3. J. Tompkins: ISIS is Edom! Edom are Murderers.Â
Followed by IMPORTANT Brit-Am Comment about Esau
1. Reactions to Israeli Elections
(a) Nelson Thall:Â Bibi is a Good Man!
I'm very happy to hear of Bibi's election. He is a good man.
From my vantage point in Canada, he is the most wise choice for Israelis at this point in history.
We must send all Palestinians to Jordan where they belong and take back Gaza.Â
(b) Steve Collins: Delighted to see Bibi won!
I was delighted to see Bibi won!
2. E.A. Bradbrooke: Germans from Northern Iraq!
Believe me. I do not sell out to satisfy anyone just because I have a different viewpoint.
The texts of the Tanakh speak for themselves, and I gave my views as to what they actually say as opposed to what people may think due to hearsay.
Edom being Germany? Preposterous garbage!
Genesis Chapter 36 does not lend or give any credibility to that ridiculous theory.
The Germans, for the most part, came from northern Iraq. The progeny of the Germans migrated from Iraq to northern and central Europe to where they are today.
As for the dispersion of the Israelites, the Tribe of Benjamin is tacitly blended in with the German nation, which is modern Assyria.
It's a bit funny, but a Syrian friend, born in Tobuk in Saudi Arabia, told me that the Iraqis are the "Prussians of the Middle East."
So, yeah. The Germans are from the same locale. Go figure.
E.A. Bradbrooke.
3. J. Tompkins: ISIS is Edom! Edom are Murderers.Â
Followed by IMPORTANT Brit-Am Comment about Esau
Shalom Yair
Who is Edom in this world in 2015? Not Turkey; it is ISIS
 The comment in the Artscroll Chumash is that Edom could not receive the Torah because of the Edomite leaning to commit murder.
Brit-Am Reply:
There may be descendants of Esau amongst the adherents of ISIS. Their major front-line troops are fanatics from Chechyna in the Caucasus. The third man in their hierarchy is said to be a Chechyan. These are often reddish haired and hairy and so is he: [So am I to some degree for that matter but let's pretend you did not notice it!]
Anyway the comment Cristian Sildan is pertinent to this matter:
Brit-Am Now no. 2428. Lost Ten Tribes Studies
#3. Cristian Sildan:Â Remarks of Interest
#(a) Assyria may be widespread like the TTs.
Cristian Sildan spoke about the Assyrians but it applies more to Edom.
The descendants of Esau are parallel to the Israelites.
They comprise several different nations.
They are both scattered in many places like the Jews and concentrated more in particular localities like the Ten Tribes.
A few days ago we copied down information concerning Edom and Murder which may be of interest.
It includes the Midrash you are referring to.
Here it is:
Midrash Yalkut:
The LORD came from Sinai,[ and dawned from Seir upon us;Â Â HE shone forth from Mount Paran] [Deuteronomy 33:1][Midrash]Â
Yalkut: When God revealed HIMSELF to give the Torah to Israel, HE did not appear only to Israel but rather to All the Nations .
At first HE went to the descendants of Esau.
HE asked them: 'Are you prepared to receive the Torah?'
They answered HIM: 'What is written in it?'
HE replied: 'Do not Murder'.
They said: Our very essence derives from Esau our forefather who was murderer, as it says, 'the hands are the hands of Esau' (Genesis 27:22).
For this reason Esau was promised by his father,
'By your sword you shall live' (Genesis 27:40).Comment of Rabbi A. A. Desler (1892-1953), (Mictav Me'Eliyahu, Part 3, Jerusalem, [Free translation]):Â
# The aspect of Haughtiness is strongly entrenched in the psyche of Esau. They have such a powerful urge to control others. This reaches to the extent that the very existence of another interferes with their self-image and need for rulership. This is the source of their compulsion to murder: The need for unlimited control, 'My power and the might of my own hand' (Deuteronomy 8:17). This prevented the Descendants of Esau from receiving the Torah. This explains their opposition to the Children of Israel who did accept it for all their generations. #
We were told (Genesis 25:34) that Esau despised his birthright. Jacob wanted it.
 The Birthright entailed the duty to learn and keep the Torah, to elevate mankind to a higher level and to rule over the nations.
In a sense it may be said that Joseph is doing what should have been the task of Esau.
If Esau should so wish to rectify his contempt for this initial birthright task of his then he may do so by assistance to Joseph.
There is a tradition that in the End Times the Remnant of Esau will repent.
They, like everybody else, have the potential to do good .