Lost Ten Tribes Studies (19 June, 2015, 2 Tammuz, 5775)
1. New comment on video clip
2. Tammuz: Month of Reuben
3. Proverbs 24: 1-3. Keep Away from Bad People Because they Breed Badness
1. New comment on video clip
Hebraic Origin of the Celts
James Robertson
Thank you for sharing this research, sir.
Note the number of subscribers to the Yair Daviidy YouTube Clip Station
has now reached 777 (18 June, 2015).
This is not bad,
Considering that we never encouraged subscriptions and so far have not employed any of the enhanced promotion methods used by others.
2. Tammuz: Month of Reuben
17 and 18 June, 2015, began the Hebrew month of Tammuz.
The most accepted opinion (HaGra and Ha-Arizal) ascribes this month to Reuben.
Other opinions apportion it to Dan (Midrash Pleiah) or Yehudah (Rabad).
3. Proverbs 24: 1-3. Keep Away from Bad People Because they Breed Badness
Proverbs 24:
1 Do not be jealous of men of evil, and do not lust to be with them.
2 For their minds contemplate robbery and their lips speak oppression.
3 Through wisdom shall the house be built, and with understanding shall it be prepared.