Lost Ten Tribes Studies (25 June, 2015, 8 Tammuz, 5775)
1. New Comments on Video Clips
(a)Â Most excellent!!
(b) Feelings Confirmed
2. Are Red-Heads and Hunters Edomites?
3. Ordering Autographed Copies of "Esau. Edomites Today".
1. New Comments on Video Clips
(a)Â Most excellent!!
The Unicorn and Israel
Rhuby Star Diamond
Most excellent!
(b) Feelings Confirmed
Hebraic Origin of the Celts
I had a feeling the Celts were descended from Hebrews.
The Celts Called Themselves Hebrews!
2. Are Red-Heads and Hunters Edomites?
Shalom. Would all redheads be Edom?
Would all hunters be Edom?
Brit-Am Reply:
No. Of course not.
King David from the Tribe of Judah had red-hair, so did many from the Tribes of Levi, and Benjamin, and other tribes.
Most peoples of the world, including Israelites and Jews, comprise numerous hunters.
The same applies to red-hair.
In fact our studies indicate that most Edomites do not have red-hair. It seems now to be rare amongst them though the gene was once there and occasionally reappears.
It could be however that amongst blue-blood Edomites (if there is such a thing) red-hair is more common.
In fact the ruling races of Inca civilization in South America had red hair.
May be they were from Edom?
The book "Esau. Edomites Today" is not a thorough examination of descendants of Edom wherever they may be.
The work is more an account of Edom and his role in mainstream history and the inter-play with descendants of Israel
in Biblical Prophecy and on the world scene
3. Ordering Autographed Copies of "Esau. Edomites Today".
Andy Asked:
Is there any way to preorder a copy of Esau? Perhaps autographed?
Brit-Am Reply:
I do not want a repetition of the Hebrew Ancestry experience where people placed a pre-publication order and the book is still not ready though I hope eventually it will be.
[It may be a matter of weeks from now, or it may take a little longer.]
At present I am trying to get the"Esau. Edomites Today" printed.
After that copies shall be sent to the USA by surface mail and posted out from there.
This could take a while.
The alternative will be to send the book by Airmail which almost doubles the cost.
Nevertheless this is what we shall at first do for those who request it.
The book when ready shall cost about $30 to $35. This is expensive but it is what we need to charge at present.
Someone who wishes to receive an autographed copy should send us an offering of about $50 (to cover extra costs, etc) and be prepared to wait.
[Also PLEASE say that is what the donation is for.]
The waiting period may well be quite short but we cannot guarantee it.
We are also badly in need of funds not only for the book but for everything else even without the book.
The book however is valuable. It fulfills a need. We have a feeling that it will be popular and sell well.
"Esau. Edomites Today" proves where the Lost Ten Tribes are AS WELL as discussing the identity of Edom.
It helps get the Biblical Message concerning descendants of Israel to others.
In other words the book fulfills a three-fold purpose which is in fact one:
 Spreading the Message about:
 (1) The Lost Ten Tribes being today among Western Peoples [It contains NEW information on this matter].
(2) Revealing who and what Esau became and his inter-action with Israelites today.
(3) Perhaps raising money so that we may continue to spread the message in any way possible.
The work, among other matters, throws light on Biblical Passages and on an important theme in Biblical prophecy.
In my opinion it is an exciting, valuable, and interesting work.