Lost Ten Tribes Studies (16 July, 2015, 29 Tammuz, 5775)
1. Orders for "Hebrew Ancestry". Important Message.
2. Reply to Identity Person who is confused about their color
3. New Article. "Esau and Conspiracies" by Yair Davidiy
1. Orders for "Hebrew Ancestry"
Important Message.
A free copy of our latest book, "Esau. Edomites Today" will be sent to all who placed an order for "Hebrew Ancestry".
In addition "Hebrew Ancestry" will be sent to all who ordered it as soon as it becomes available and we are able to do so.
About 2 years ago we made a pre-publication offer for a book named "Hebrew Ancestry".
Quite a few people took advantage of the offer and paid in advance for the work.
We have the names and addresses of they who made the order.
If you made such an order, Please, write to us to confirm your name and address and that you are on the list.
If you did order 'Hebrew Ancestry"
 A copy of "Esau. Edomites Today" shall be sent to you along with others who ordered like yourself.
We will do this in stages so it might take a little time to reach you all but in the end we hope that everyone will have received their copy.
As stated
we made a pre-publication offer
This was about the ...nth time we had done something like that and until then everything had always worked out.
This time it did not.
Publication of Hebrew Ancestry was delayed.
It is still delayed BUT we hope to correct this ASAP.
Meanwhile, another work, "Esau, Edomites Today" has gone to press.
We are now selling this work even though Printing is still in process.
The above Announcement of Intention is going to cost us money which we do not have BUT it appears to be the right thing to do and it could help us.
It should restore our good name and also help publicize the new work "Esau. Edomites Today" which we feel to be important.
Please do not think that because we are doing this we have had a sudden windfall of funds.
On the contrary.
We have kept body and soul together largely thanks to subscribers to this list ("Brit-Am Now") who mostly send small amounts when they can.
These add up and have allowed us to function.
We wish to continue along this path and even increase our efforts.
Please make an offering,
"Esau. Edomites Today" is a valuable and important work.
 There has never been another like it. It tells the truth. It breaks barriers that until now were closed. It is needed.
You are urged to order this work (if you did not order "Hebrew Ancestry") since you should very much enjoy reading it and benefit from it.
Giod bless you,
Yair Davidiy
2. Reply to Identity Person who is confused about their color
Re YouTube Video Clip
Israelite Physical Types
Shawn Spence
You are not a Jew, you are Jewish, ( Kind of a Jew ) and then again I don't think you are a righteous person. I think you are deceitful and wicked for your lies. You guys adopted the religion from Moses who civilized your nation. But you come from Europe most were speaking Yiddish who were actually from the Khazar Tribe who infiltrated the religion but are not true Hebrew Israelite's. You are not of African decent so how could you be an Israelite?
Brit-Am Reply:
You are apparently an African and therefore wish to disqualify the Jews from being what they are and make yourself out to be Israelite.
There are also white people who say the same things as you do for the same reasons.
In both cases you say the same things for the same reasons but with contrary intentions.
You think true Israelites are black and not Jewish.
They think true Israelites are white and not Jewish.
You cancel each other out and bear testimony one to another as to who you both are.
Tough luck.
Sorry but that is how it goes.
3. New Article. "Conspiracies and Esau" by Yair Davidiy
1. Overview. What happened with Jacob and Esau?
2. Jacob Called a "Trickster"!
3. The Name Yaakov.
4. What Did Esau Mean to Say?
5. What is a Conspiracy Theory?
6. The Classical Model of Conspiracy Theory: The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
7. Why Conspiracy Theory Reflect an Edomite Psychology!
(1) Belief in Malevolent Design.
(2) Resentment
(3) Conspiracy Theories Usually Avoid Speaking Against Edomites!
(4) Conspiracy Theories are Usually Anti-Jewish and often anti-British and anti-American!
(5) Conspiracy Theories are Weapons of the Enemy
(6) Conspiracy Theories are Mendacious
(7) Conspiracy Theories Breed Mental Sickness and Hatred of Jews.