Ten Tribes Studies (25 November, 2013, 22 Kislev, 5774)
1. Douglas Augustine: Jewish Support for US Revolutionary War
2. Bill Rasmussen: In Gratitude to John Hulley
3. Mark Williams: Coincidence or Tribal Subconciousness At Work?
4. Will Joseph Reveal Himself?
5. Mats Rosenquist : The Coat of Arms of Asher and Blekinge in Sweden
6. The International Spread of Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations reflected in Brit-Am Now Postings.
7. The Zebulon Sonnett.
1. Douglas Augustine: Jewish Support for US Revolutionary War
Dear Mr. Davidiy:
I am American and have a B.A. in History. Despite this, it was not until much later in life that I discovered how critical Jewish support was for the American Revolutionary War. It is a valid conclusion to say that the war would have been lost without Jewish support. This is not taught in the schools or as part of the standard curriculum for U.S. History at the university level.
Simply plugging the phrase "jewish finance revolutionary war" into google produces a large number of hits on articles related to this subject as well as a host of leads to persons such as Haym Salomon who was George Washington's go-to person for funding that made final victory possible.
With the new knowledge I am gaining regarding the Lost Tribes, this strikes me as a strong piece of evidence of the bond of kinship between Judah and Israel. From its very inception, the United States has enjoyed the support and prayers of the Jewish community both inside and outside of the country to the mutual benefit of both.
Douglas Augustine
2. Bill Rasmussen: In Gratitude to John Hulley
Shalom Yair, I want to echo the sentiments expressed by Abraham Rempel regarding John Hulley. I wrote some years ago to you about how Yochanan Hevroni Ben David -aka John Hulley greatly influenced my regarding the Lost Tribes of Israel. John wrote an amazing article that was published in B'Or HaTorah and was titled, "Did Any of the Lost Tribes Go North?". The article was what got me interested in the topic back in the early 1990's. Much later, I learned about Brit Am and Yair Davidiy and his serious research about the Tribes of Israel going north as well. I will forever be grateful and indebted to both John and Yair. They have shaped my entire understanding of the Tribes of Israel and how they will play a major role in end time prophecy. As such, every serious student of the Bible and those who believe they are Israelites or believe in the research and repatriation of all the tribes of Israel need to support these two great men and their works. I will
continue to do so and am so ever glad that I have read the works of John Hulley and Yair Davidiy. Shalom v'b'richot [blessings], Bill Rasmussen
3. Mark Williams: Coincidence or Tribal Subconciousness At Work?
Shalom Yair
You probably don't know this, but there was a Linux based operating
system called "Mandrake". It was built by French people.
And isn't the mandrake root associated with Reuben?
4. Will Joseph Reveal Himself?
New comment on your video
Sequence of Return in Ezekiel.avi
tomelushua said:
All that's left now is for Joseph to reveal himself to his brothers
5. Mats Rosenquist : The Coat of Arms of Asher and Blekinge in Sweden
Interesting to see that the coat of arms of Asher is an olive tree. With a little bit imagination you can see the Blekinge [southeast Sweden] County's Coat of Arms, an Oak with acorns as very similar to an Olive tree with olives.
It's also a bit coinciding that in this county there are 9 Run Stones written in Biblical Hebrew or Aramaic language.
6. The International Spread of Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations reflected in Brit-Am Now Postings.
It just caught my attention looking at the above 5 postings how world-encompassing we really are:
Item 1 Douglas Augustine is an American living in Japan.
Item 2 Bill Rasmussen is an American in the USA writing about another American (John Hulley) living in Israel.
Item 3 Mark Williams is in England. He writes about people in France being descended from the Hebrew Tribe of Reuben.
Item 4 tomelushua is of unknown provenance to us but presumably American.
Item 5 Mats Rosenquist is in Sweden.
I was born in Australia but now live in the State of Israel.
7. The Zebulon Sonnett.
In a few days we may well produce a YouTube clip (and perhaps new article) concerning the Tribe of Zebulon being in the Netherlands.
As a preparation it may behove some of you to peruse one of our past contributions to Great Poems of the Western World that dealt with this issue.
Zebulon and the Sea-Shores
Poem: Zebulon
Zebulon means "Dwell in Strength"
Holland stretches sea-length
Protected by wall and dam
From Oceanic battering ram,
Against rising sea and flood.
They are of Israelite blood.
Many Living behind the dyke
Guarded from waters' strike.
Dwelling on Shores of the Sea
A people proud and free.
This is the land of Zebulon
Sered, Elon, and Yachli-el
Sea-shores they built on
Living fine and quite well
Scenes of sea and wind-mill
With Stork-bird of long bill
Fields of colored tulip-flowers
Nation of hidden powers
On the Rhine their towers.
In the north the Sabulin-goi
Once laid their national claim
Their children to find fame
With their ports employ
Sailors shouting, Land Ahoy!
They sailed over the seas
Both to rule and appease.
With the Jews in Amsterdam
Pictured by Painter Rembrandt
Praying in Synagogue chant
Fellow Children of Abraham.
Ships in port of Rotterdam
Speakers of Puritan cant
Preachers of Gospel rant
In Frisia they saved Jews
From German Nazi claws.
Belief in a common cause
Of Bible and Torah Laws.
Children in wooden shoes.
Sailors drinking booze.
This is all the Netherland
Founded on sea and sand.
From here went the Boers
To the Land of Kruger Rand
South Africa they did found
To keep their Ancestral Lores
Ever Faithful without pause.
To work and till the ground.
HaShem be with Zebulon
Let us all try to get along.
Psalm to sing as with song.
The Almighty depend upon.
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