Ten Tribes Studies (24 December, 2013, 21 Tevet, 5774)
1. Marita from the Netherlands: A Personal Discovery of Israelite Ancestry
2. Jamie Johnson: Pastor S is in error
3. New Article and YouTube Clip. Lost Ten Tribes to Rule the World
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1. Marita from the Netherlands: A Personal Discovery of Israelite Ancestry
Maria Jozef wrote:
Dear Yair Davidiy,
I am trying to find out if I am linked to one of the 10 tribes or just from Jafeth.
I remember that [the Almighty] asked me in my mothers womb that He asked me if I wanted to live this life. And I said YES.
In 1998 a woman told me that my ancestors had made God angry and with me this will end. So now I am in the Hebrew Roots/Messianic Jewish Movement. I was looking for my ancestors and I dated my ancestors back untill 1325 all in one area. I live in the Netherlands and my ancestors lived in Zaltbommel, Rossum, (Maas)Driel untill 1325-1985.
I hope you can help me to find out if there is a possibility that my ancestors are one of the tribes or not.
Yours faithfully,
Brit-Am Reply:
Marita Shalom,
Very good,
A lot of people have experiences of things that happened before they were born. There is something in this.
We cannot tell with absolute certainty whether or not you are an Israelite BUT the fact that you live were you do and feel this way makes it quite probable.
Ultimately we shall all know the objective truth of these matters.
Meanwhile we need to do what we can and seek to do the will of the Almighty.
God bless you
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2. Jamie Johnson: Pastor S is in error
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 2183. Ten Tribes Studies.
#1. Criticism from a Pastor and Brit-Am Reply
Hi Yair,
As I browse through the daily Brit Am emails, I occasionally see something that grabs my attention or causes me to step back and go, what?
I find it ironic and very that a "pastor" would be complaining about requests for financial support? Ironic in that everyone working full time doing spiritual work faces the same financial challenges, specially pastors. It is a great hardship and sacrifice to do this type of work full time, relying simply on the good will of others. I commend anyone with the courage to do so. My hat off to you.
My question is this, does this pastor have a physical congregation? It is much easier to pass around a bucket at the begging or end of every service to a group of people sitting in front of you (as I am sure he does if he works in the full time ministry). It is quite another thing to send out the same requests to a group of anonymous Internet email addresses and hope someone responds.
Does this "pastor" understand the current financial hardships of Brit Am? Does this person support Brit-Am financially? Or is he just consume the hard work and resources and complain about request for support (likely the same requests he sends out in a different form)?
Few things shock me but this is up there with one of them. The coldness of someone that supposedly is in the same line of spiritual work being so judgmental and critical. What happened to "a workman is worthy of his wages", "understanding", "patience" and "love"? If these are the leaders of Ephraim we have quite a ways to go.
The upside to this email is that it reminded me to reschedule our recurring financial payment to Brit Am. Thanks for the reminder Pastor S.
If this person is more concerned with reading a few lines of financial requests, over the rich learnings that follow, then perhaps its better that he does unsubscribe himself from your email list.
Best regards,
Jamie Johnson
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3. New Article and YouTube Clip. Lost Ten Tribes to Rule the World
(a) New Article. To Rule the World
Policeman of the Globe: A Proof of Israelite Descent
1. Introduction and YouTube Clip
2. To Rule the World. Policeman of the Globe
3. Extracts from the Press
America's Destiny Is to Police the World by Max Boot
Yes, We Are the World's Policeman by Dennis Prager
4. Rulership - A Biblical Sign of Identification
5. Proof from Scripture
6. Conclusion
... the Bible gives us indications by which they may be recognized.
These signs include being the most powerful nation on earth, ruling over other peoples, guiding non-Israelite nations and when necessary exercising physical force against them.
This does not mean that any nation that ever became powerful on the international scene is of Israelite Origin. World Power is only one identifying symptom out of many. It is however a valid sign that should be taken into consideration alongside other identifying features.
... Taking all of the above together (along with other verses) we obtain a picture of a group of people who were to become the most powerful nations on earth, to rule over others, to maintain the existence of others, to be a policeman of the world and to emphasis the possession of strategic bases and points of access. Those nations whom we identify as descended from Israel, especially the British Empire and after them the USA, have fulfilled all of the above. They are the only ones who did. They are the descendants of the Ten Tribes of Israel.
(b) YouTube Clip.
To Rule the World
Duration: 14. 32 minutes
The Lost Ten Tribes according to the Bible were destined to become the most powerful nations on earth, to determine the existence of other nations and rule over them, to be the Policeman of the Globe, to possess the major strategic points, and to guide foreign peoples. Western Nations, especially the British and Americans have done all this as predicted and they are the only ones who have.
To Rule the World. Policeman of the Globe: A Proof of Israelite Descent