Ten Tribes Studies
Does the Preoccupation with Subsidiary Questions Emanate from Antagonism?
3. New Article.
Through your work [the Almighty] has given me insights into the author of my salvation that I would never have known had it not been for you and your dedication to the Israelites who were dispersed because of our idolatry and whoredom to other gods. Just as He told our forefathers before they went into the promised Land, if we disobeyed He would scatter us and we would serve other gods' which our fathers (Abraham, Issac and Jacob) had not known. But He has raised you up in these end-times to awaken Israel to our real identity.
Robert Graves
2. New Article. Trolls and Enemies
1. Introduction:Â Why did we say, Make an Offering in Exchange for an Answer?
2. What are the Aims of Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations?
3. What is Trolling?
4. Coming to Israel and the Troll Effect
5. Keeping the Commandments and the Troll Effect
6. The Troll Effect
7. Enemies. Why do they seek our harm? A List of Nefarious Motivations
8. Stick to the Point or Pay for our Time!
9. Conclusion.
1. Introduction
2. Letter from David Jackson
3. The Sabbath was created at the Creation.
4. The Seven Noachide Laws
5. The Ten Commandments
6. Original Intention of the Law. Universal Ethics
7. Conclusion. Israelites are Different