Ten Tribes Studies (9 March, 2014, 7 Adar-2, 5774)
1. New Article. Homer and the TTs. Britain and the Odyssey
2. Continuing the work of Joseph.
3. The Demographic Significance of Religious Faith
1. New Article.
Homer and the TTs. Britain and the Odyssey
1. Introduction
2. Victor Berard, James Joyce, Phoenicians, Irishmen, and Jews
3. A Summary of Some Relevant Portions of the Odyssey
4. Identifications. The Phaeacians are Phoenicians.
5. Strabo on the Literary Devices of Homer
6. Strabo on Tartessus
7. Phaeacia and the Phoenician City of Tyre
2. Continuing the work of Joseph.
Joseph was the revealer of secrets, "AND PHARAOH CALLED JOSEPH'S NAME ZAPHNATHPAANEAH" [Genesis 41:45] i.e. He who explains hidden matters.
By revealing the ancestral identity of Israelite Peoples and its historical expressions we are furthering the work of Joseph and perhaps bringing the Time of Redemption a little closer.
3. The Demographic Significance of Religious Faith
The Hebrew-Language newspaper, "HaModia" (p.14 Tosafot leGilion, 28 Adar-1, 5774) published the following statistics from the USA concerning different Jewish communities and groupings.
100 Secular Jews after 4 generations leave 5 Jews.
100 Reform Jews after 4 generations leave 13 Jews.
100 Conservative Jews after 4 generations leave 24 Jews.
100 Modern Religious Jews after 4 generations leave 346 Jews.
100 Ultra Orthodox Jews after 4 generations leave 2536 Jews.