Ten Tribes Studies (7 April, 2014, 7 Nisan, 5774)
1. Delay in Publishing the work, Hebrew Ancestry.
2. Lyne Tracy: Impressions from the Time Line of Israel
3. How Can We Be Sure as to Who We are Within Israel?
4. Proverbs 17:23 Bribing the Almighty?
5. The Approaching Feast of Passover (Pesach)
1. Delay in Publishing the work, Hebrew Ancestry.
Bob wrote:
I'm still waiting for the book that I paid for. Any news when you will send it? Robert Davidson
Brit-Am Reply:
Robert Shalom,
You are referring to the work Hebrew Ancestry.
This was offered as a pre-publication offer some time ago.
It should have been available before now, though we never did set a final date for its availability.
Such however is the nature of pre-publication offers. It is not the first one we have made. All of the others also suffered from delays etc beyond what we had initially expected.
Anyway, concerning Hebrew Ancestry the work is almost ready. We want to incorporate within it an additional chapter with information and insights that have recently become available.
If we do not do this now, while we still can, the work will be lacking.
Next week begins the Festival of Passover (Pesach) where for about 8 days we shall not be available for most issues.
After that we intend to dedicate ourselves mainly to putting the final touches to Hebrew Ancestry. This should not take too long.
The book is worthwhile. We believe it will be successful and of great value to those who read it.
Also financially it will probably help us.
With all the stress we place on frequent Appeals for offerings etc it is often our publications that keep us going.
Completing Hebrew Ancestry is an obligation we have and we intend to fulfill it.
[Incidentally the work is worthwhile in itself. We find it rewarding and even exciting.]
Even though this is an obligation we have already incurred, in this as in all other matters, sponsors and contributions would naturally be greatly appreciated.
God bless you
2. Lyne Tracy: Impressions from the Time Line of Israel
Time Line by Sylvia Halpert
Commentary by Yair Davidiy expounding the understandings and teachings of Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations
Dear Yair Davidy
Time Line by Sylvia Halpert and Commentary by Yair Davidiy expounding the understanding and teachings of Brit- AM/Hebrew Nations.
A clear account of Biblical writings and Prophecy, in words and pictures. Cleverly designed, with good commentary, so all can understand it. Very good.
The work showing:
In the begging Adam and Eve then Noah. The Lost 10 Tribes going in to Exile. The Second Temple in Jerusalem being destroyed by the Romans and the Rise of Christianity. The Lost Ten Tribes in Exile, later to become a Great Nation. (Sifted as grains amongst the nations.) Then Ephraim and the British Commonwealth. Then later in 1948 State of Israel being RE- ESTABLISHED.
The RE-UNITED KINGDOM OF ISRAEL, with a New Covenant, A TORAH NATION. The Return of the Messiah Son of Joseph, and the Messiah son of David of Judah. The Second Coming of GOD, after Mount Sinai. And all of God's enemies destroyed. MOUNT ZION RESTORED and the Messiah Son of David. The HOLY TEMPLE restored. His Holy Temple shall be called a house of prayer for ALL the NATIONS, Isaiah 56,60 Zech 14. Jerusalem will be a GLORIOUS capital of the UNIVERSE. GOLD ETERNAL CITY Of GOD, FABULOUS HUB Of the WORLD. The Torah goes round the world. God shall be King of all the world. Jerusalem the GLORIOUS capital of the UNIVERSE. All those who love and fear the God of Israel, in a free Torah society.
God Bless
Lyne Tracy
3. How Can We Be Sure as to Who We are Within Israel?
Donna wrote:
How can we know who we properly are in the bloodlines/tribes?
Brit-Am Reply:
The answer is that at this stage, we cannot know for sure who we are within Israel.
We can only approximate to the truth by correlating the information we have and internalizing it.
The Almighty shall show us the way.
In the Time of the Messiah such matters shall be clarified.
This uncertainty is how Divine Providence so wanted it.
I sometimes think it may have a good side.
The uncertainty lowers the already existing tendency amongst some would-be Ephraimites to set themselves up in opposition to Judah and to push Judah aside.
The Lost Ten Tribes are experiencing the beginnings of an arousal.
This needs to be accompanied by some degree of humility.
The lack of absolute certainty as applied on the individual level exists for a reason.
Perhaps this is it?
God bless you
4. Proverbs 17:23 Bribing the Almighty?
Continuing our ongoing study of the Book of Proverbs authored by Solomon son of David and king of all Israel.
Proverbs 17:23 The wicked accept a concealed bribe
to pervert the ways of justice.
This applies at the simple straightforward level. Public officials etc often do take bribes and pervert justice.
A more literal translation runs thusly:
A bribe is taken from the breast of the wicked to divert the ways of justice.
At the general level wicked people in the Media and Academia pervert the truth (or disregard it) in order to serve their own interests.
Rashi has a more optimistic explanation. Rashi says that God receives in secret (from the breast of) words of submission and placation from the wicked. This results in the sentence of the wicked being changed from bad to good.
In other words a bad person can repent. His repentance will be accepted by the Almighty.
It may be that otherwise the wicked person was about to be punished severely. Through repentance he will have been saved.
It is as if the Divine Judge Above has accepted his contrition as a bribe!
Whatever it is called, the bottom line is that it works.
5. The Approaching Feast of Passover (Pesach)
From Sunset April 14 to sundown April 22, 2014, is the Feast of Passover (Pesach).
In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month between the two evenings is the LORD's Passover. And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD; seven days ye shall eat unleavened bread. In the first day ye shall have a holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of servile work. And ye shall bring an offering made by fire unto the LORD seven days; in the seventh day is a holy convocation; ye shall do no manner of servile work (Leviticus 23:5).
We shall be sending out messages and receiving correspondence etc until about a day before the Feastday.
After that we shall not be available (apart perhaps from some private messages, etc) until after Passover has passed over.
Yair Davidiy UTube Station
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