Ten Tribes Studies (9 December, 2014, 17 Kislev, 5775)
Duration: 4.20 minutes. To Read Brit-Am Now Articles Please Scroll Down!
1. Reply to Criticism of Do NOT Missionize Jews
2. Ilan Avraham Bergman: AÂ Criticism of Ernest L. Martin
3. New Article. Classical Sources by Stephen Phillips
1. Reply to Criticism of Do NOT Missionize Jews
Re: Do NOT Missionize Jews!
(a) How is it forbidden ? Who said? You get most of your funds from Christians and Gentiles its only because of them your site is up etcc. Shame on you . The messiah, mashiach , moshiach is who he is and one day he will come either again from the sky or reborn here or born no matter what we all will finally no [i.e.know] who he is.
(b) Hear oh israel the Lord the Lord our God is One ( echad one in a bunch or cluster or unit ) not hebrew word for one as in one single or like adam and eve one single flesh . So one has a mystery wouldnt you admit it ! And jesus is the son ! If God spirit can be inside animal skins in the desert for 40 yrs then inside 4 walls of the temple holy of holiess then why not inside the soul of a perfect human as adam before the fall hmm ?
(a) We have said several times that Christianity in some contexts is a positive force. It is a tool of Divine Providence. Amongst other things we see it as a means through which the Ten Tribes will be made aware of their ancestry and eventually return to whatever the Almighty intends them to return to.
As for Christians having helped us. We serve Christians. They receive something from us. We do not turn to them as members of a religion but rather as believers in the Bible and descendants of Israelites. We need their assistance and we ask for it. A few Jews and a few Christians have responded in the past and some do so at present. By virtue of this we are enabled to function.
We offer a service for the benefit of others and ask them to help us provide it.
That does not mean that we have to compromise our own integrity.
We do not present ourselves as other than what we are.
We say that Christianity is forbidden by God for Jews to believe in or practise. It is not necessarily forbidden for Gentiles.
People who try to cause Jews to believe in Christianity are participating in a transgression for which they are liable to be punished.
Amongst other factors, gratitude for the help received by us from Christians compels us to warn them to stay out of harm's way.
We do not want them to harm Jews or themselves.
(b) As for the Presence of God having been amenable in the Tabernacle etc this does not mean that the Tabernacle was ever to be considered the same as God Himself or anything like it.
2. Ilan Avraham Bergman: AÂ Criticism of Ernest L. Martin
From: ilanb <ilanb@ca.rr.com>
Subject: Regarding your Article on Ernest L Martin
Dear Yair, hope you are well.
Just got your latest email and I am forced by conscious to say something in regard to Ernest L. Martin as he is a part of the newsletter
Though I do not believe for one moment that he was anyway an antisemitie,  I do find that his attitude towards the Jewish State Of Israel, from Biblical times till today to be that of one determined to prove that Jewish history as Jews and others understand it, is totally wrong and it often reminds me of the barrage of Arab propaganda attempting to revise history as regards Jews connections to the land.... I cannot guess what his problem is with calling Israel, Israel, during the bibilical days and today. Only he does and he no longer with us. To this day I have never received any reply of any kind. Is this telling? You decide.
I attach a copy of my original email.
"Dear Sirs,
In reading Dr Martin many essays and books, I seem to note that he uses the word Palestine a lot even when referring to pre Hardrianic times when it was named as such with Jerusalem as Aelia Capitolina.....
When the Babylonians attacked there still was no Palestine. It was the Kingdom of Judea.
Another example
It may come as a surprise to many people but we have enough 'rags and tatters' of history
which have come down to us from before the 6th century BC to show the extent of Joshua's
attacks against the Canaanites and later of David's activities to rid Palestine of the Philistines.
FootNote 6. When we realize that many of the Libyans in North Africa are really Philistines that David and Joab
drove out of Palestine, it might explain why leaders in north Africa are so against Israel being in Palestine,
though they live hundreds of miles away.
These are just a couple of examples where I find Dr Martin using the word "Palestine" in reference to an era where there was no territory by that name nor is it ever mentioned in the Bible. No matter where or when it happened before Hadrian's renaming of the land of Israel to Palestine to humiliate and attempt to sever all bonds of the Israelite people, Dr Martin keeps referring to the land as "Palestine, even when it was Canaan, Israel, The Kingdoms of Judea and Israel after the split, I get the feeling that Dr Martin finds the return of the Jews to their land less then pleasant to his theological mindset. The lands are now Israel and Judea and Samaria. There never was a sovereign nation of Palestine nor Palestinians except for Jews and then created as camouflage name by Arafat in 1964 to make a bunch of mixed blood people, kurds, circassians, turks, arabs, armenians, egyptians, etc who had nothing culturally in common as a unified entity to oppose Israel. The late Doctor, though I respected him as a seeker of knowledge, leaves me a lot of times, thinking in the back of my mind that Israel is an inconvenience to him and therefore uses the term Palestine as though it were some legitimate country rather the a backwater of the Ottoman Empire. And late 1800 photos show the Temple Mount looking like it had been part of a condemed building project that still had a few pieces to remove. Weeds growing throw uneven cobblestones. No evidence that any Muslim gave a Darn for the spot, till of course the Jews took over and now make a big fuss as too how Israelis endangering their holy places that looked like crap only a hundred years earlier.
Dr Martins constant use of the word "Palestine" no matter what historical error he is referencing , reminds me of the RCC teaching that the Jews were doomed to wander the earth until they accepted Jesus. 1948 was a big shock to them and in Doctor Martins writings it seems to be troublesome as well.
Thank You for your courtesy in reading this. I know the Doctor has passed and I wish he were here to answer personally but he really seems to enjoy using the word Palestine even before its naming as such in 135 AD
God Bless You All."
Yair I leave it to you off course if you need to edit for space but I felt it very important to show the mindset provided by Dr Martins own writings. I find it basically insulting and almost propagandist the way he hammers the name Palestine where it has no place nor purpose. Im sure he dosent call his birthplace, Oklahoma, the Indian lands of the Shawnee, Cheyenne Arapaho, Seminal, Ottawa etc. Nor did he address letters home as such as depending where his home was built.
Be well and take care when walking the streets. Cars and knives seem to be flying around as much as Katushyas.
As always, agree or disagree,
with admiration
Ilan Avraham Bergman.
Brit-Am Reply:
We are not familiar with most of the works and activities of Dr. Martin. We also have not particular interest in them.
He wrote one (as far as we know) article against belief in the Ten Tribes being in the west. The article is well written and makes a good, albeit super facie, case. It is sometimes quoted and we had been asked to review it. The article deals with a subject that concerns us. By answering such an essay we are enabled to reiterate and confirm our own understanding of the matter.
3. New Article. Classical Sources by Stephen Phillips
Difficulties in Evaluating Historical Traditions
... Miletus also fell around about that same time with half the population (of Miletus) setting sail and ending up in Egypt by permission of their king Psammetichus I, and the other half of the population travelling north and settling in Lydia by permission of their king Gyges. This seventh century date for the fall of Troy accords with what the Greek writers all tell us, but because of our corrupted Assyrian and Egyptian chronologies, archaeologists are forced to push back the fall of Troy to some remote period. We should bear in mind that many of the survivors of Troy settled in Carthage on the north African coast, and Carthage did not exist prior to the eighth century BCE. (Some of the Danaan from Troy settled in Naucratis in Egypt and subsequently arrived in Ireland in the middle of the sixth century BCE.)
.... Have you heard of a satyr? A satyr is supposedly someone who is half man and half goat. Did you know that this Greek word is derived from the Hebrew word Seir where the letter ayyin of Seir (spelt shin-ayyin-reish) has been transliterated as a 't'? This Hebrew word Seir is even translated as satyr in Isa. 13:21 & Isa. 34:14. Seir is not only the name of the progenitor of the Seirites, or sons of Seir (Gen. 36:20 & 1 Chron. 1:38) – hence half man, but is also the word for goat, hence half goat. The Odomantes and Satrae (i.e. Satyrs) who, Herodotus informs us, were in his day mining for gold in the Pangaean mountains (in Thrace) (Herod. vii.111-2) were Edomites and Seirites respectively.
As for Bellerophon, the Greeks (like the Irish) were turning tribes into fictitious people. We know Bellerophon as Pallu-Reuben (Num. 26:5), the interchange of the 'b' and 'p' in ancient languages being well-attested. Hammurabi king of Babylon, for example, was also called Hammurapi in the Mari Letters. The Hattian king Suppulilulme appears as Subbiluliuma in the so-called Hittite texts as well as in the El Amarna letters. More pertinent to our current enquiry, the land of Reuben to the east of the river Jordan was called Raphana by Pliny (Nat. Hist. v.xvi (74).)
Incidentally, did you ever get any response to your question concerning Queen Tea? I personally would ask whether you deem it important that prophecy has been fulfilled in Queen Tea and Gede Ollgothach? Whilst most of the royal houses of Europe are descended from King David, the royal houses of Ireland and Scotland are descended from the tribe of Ethan son of Zerach. Also, I have assured you that Ireland is named after Ethan and Darda, two of the sons of Zerach, son of ER son of Yehudah who arrived from Naucratis in Egypt in the sixth century BCE, with the other two sons arriving much later. You have only to trace these four sons of Zerach from the land of Israel to see that what I am saying is true. Surely that is significant information? To reject it means that you are sending mixed messages. Either you are trying to trace the Ten Tribes or you are not. At least, that is my take on the matter.