Hosea (DAY 3) (11 May 2016, 3 Iyar, 5776)
Hosea3 (Day 3. 10:12-14:9)
Message from Hosea:
Needed by the Ten Tribes: The Almighty; Kingdom of the House of David; the Temple.
The Midrash (Midrash Shmuel 13, Yalkut Shomeoni-2, remez 106, Rashi on Hosea 3;5) : ##Rabbi Shimeon the son of Menasiah said: Israel will not see a blessing until they return and seek out the three things they rejected. As it says in Hosea:"AFTERWARD SHALL THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL RETURN, AND SEEK THE LORD THEIR GOD, AND DAVID THEIR KING; AND SHALL FEAR THE LORD AND HIS GOODNESS IN THE LATTER DAYS" (Hosea 3:5). This means: [Hosea 3:5] AFTERWARD SHALL THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL RETURN, AND SEEK THE LORD THEIR GOD, - this is the Kingdom of Heaven. AND DAVID THEIR KING; - This is the Kingdom of the House of David. AND SHALL FEAR THE LORD AND HIS GOODNESS IN THE LATTER DAYS: This is the building of the Third Temple.
This Week
Day 1: Hosea 1:1 to
Day 2: Hosea 6:2 to
Day 3: Hosea 10:12 to
Day 4: 14:6 to end of Chapter at 14:10.
Day 3:
Hosea 10
In a sense this chapter could have been the beginning of the Book of Hosea. Division amongst Israelite Tribes invites disaster. The cult of the Golden bull-calves at Beth-el and Beth-Aven will have corrupted Ephraim and this corruption will be responsible for terrible punishments. Ephraim will have acted similarly to the homosexual monsters who once inhabited Gibeah of Benjamin. Numerous foreign peoples will sense the weakness of Ephraim and attack him. Ephraim was nicknamed "Aegel" or "Angle" (as in "Anglo-Saxon" and Angle-land:England) meaning bull-calf but sometimes Ephraim acts like a little cow. If we repent and do as well as we can God will have mercy on us and redeem us.
For more details go to
Day 3:
Hosea 11
Joseph will retain traits of his half-Egyptian origins. The mother of Ephraim and Manasseh was from Egypt. They will worship Baal as the Ancient British, Irish, and Gauls did. God raised them up like someone taking care of a baby but still they rejected HIM. The Lost Ten Tribes will repent and return from the West to the Land of Israel. Ephraim will have rejected the Almighty while Judah remained faithful.
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Day 3:
Hosea 12
Ephraim going to Mitsraim (Egypt or Russia) and Assyria (Germany, the EU?) for alliance is a mistake. It will end in disaster. Ephraim was meant to be alone and subdue all adversaries. The Divine Protection that was given him and the special talents he was imbued with to fulfill his destined role are misdirected when Ephraim strays from God. Ephraim quarrels with Judah concerning the nature of the Almighty and the validity of the Law. Ephraim is a devious merchant, a "nation of shopkeepers". When Ephraim returns he will dwell in tents just as many of the Jews did after 1948. Ephraim links to "Aram" meaning the Scythians. They will be keepers of sheep and cattle. Prophecy will be restored and a Prophet will arise to lead Ephraim back.
For more details go to
Day 3:
Hosea 13
Ephraim should be naturally feared and respected but due to the sin of idolatry he is treated with the contempt due to a dead object. Ephraim will be devoured by foreign nations who will massacre women and children.
For more details go to
More Sources on Hosea.
Hosea on Islam
(a) New Article.
Islamic Hatred. The Prophet Hosea Foresaw the Menace
In modern terms the word for Egypt ["Mitsraim'] can mean present-day Egypt and the Muslims in general. In certain contexts it could also refer to Turkey or to Russia.
Muslim Arab countries exploit the USA for the money it gives them while in the long term wishing for the destruction of America.
The Ammonites could mean the Mexicans who would come in and take over part of the USA if they ever got the chance.
(b) New Video Clip.
Islam in Prophecy
Duration 24.9 minutes
The Prophet Hosea (9:6,7,8) foresaw the menace of Muslims and the trouble they would cause to Western Peoples (especially those of English-speaking nations) in the End Times.
See: Islamic Hatred. The Prophet Hosea Foresaw the Menace
Hosea Four and the World Today
Quotes from Hosea ch.4
A Description of the Present? Immorality, Pollution, Ecological Disaster, Idolatry in Unification? The Name of Ephraim in the Mountains of Samaria as seen by Satellite, Photo
Milky Way
Israel in Exile as Neither One Thing nor the Other
Quotes from Hosea ch.3
The Milky Way is a mass of constellations in the Universe as seen from earth. Milk in popular understanding has come to stand for something worthwhile in itself but weaker and not as potent as it should be, a half-and-half measure. We have therefore chosen the title Milky Way to describe the prophesied luke-warm half-hearted faith in what is neither paganism nor Hebraic belief. This is what it was prophesied would prevail amongst the Ten Tribes towards the End of their Exile.
Ten Tribes Prophesied
Hosea 1, Gomer, Edom, and the Ten Tribes
Quotes from Hosea ch.1