Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
21 November, 2021; 18 Kislev, 5782.
Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness
The Distinctive Imperatives of our Movement
(1) Belief in the Bible.
(2) Acknowledgement of the Jews as Judah.
(3) The Lost Ten Tribes Identified as specific nations and groups now present among Western Peoples.
New Book:
"Hebrew Tribes.
The Israelite Tribal Identification of Western Peoples."
Yair Davidy,
Israel, 2021
452 Pages
Price $35.
1. Comments to Video Clip:
Rabbi Avraham Feld: "America is Manasseh! Britain is Ephraim!
2. New Article from Project Benjamin.
Saul - Chosen of God, The Best of Them All!
3. Remarks by James Meister and Brit-Am Reply.
1. Comments to Video Clip:
Rabbi Avraham Feld: "America is Manasseh! Britain is Ephraim!
Charles Bird:
I do believe that Ephraim is the USA, regardless of what the Rav, says
corey driggers
Clearly Britain the older brother and America the younger
Lassi Rauhanen
I'm sorry but disagree... America is not race or "racial" nation but many nations. Manaseh can't be as one tribe in America. Manasseh is one or divided to two (east Manasseh and west Manasseh).
America is like all the nationalities including also 10 lost tribes. It is man made "mother of exiles" and founded very late. Manasseh and Ephraim are more simple logic... I think I can localize em.
J Rutt
Yes, true. However its national identity is Mannaseh. Mannaseh was separated east and west by the Jordan. The U.S. is separated east and west by the Mississippi. Mannaseh was the largest land mass in ancient Israel. The U.S. is the largest where Israel went. A few went to Russia, but most Russians are not. Only the blue eye light hair are.
Lassi Rauhanen
@J Rutt Columbus discovered America 1492... Where were they before that?
When they headed for the north around 622 BC, where did they end up? Where did they live that 2100 years before America?
I think it was a northern land, just north of Jerusalem. The Bible says Zak 6:8 Then cried he upon me, and spake unto me, saying, Behold, these that go toward the north country have quieted my spirit in the north country.
Lassi Rauhanen
Manasseh was not just land mass. They are tribe, nationality, a homogeneous group of people genetically related. Which group is in question? Their tribal symbol is e.g. bow and arrow. They lived under the North Star. Yes, they moved to America, but only a small number.
J Rutt
@Lassi Rauhanen 722 BC. They were in Germany Manaseh. Ephraim came to the U.S. with British immigrants. Manaseh came in the 19th century with German immigration. The German Americans industrialized the U.S. and took over. They became the single mighty nation. We see the south Had the rebel flag with the X on it. This is a sign of Ephraim. The crossed hands of Jacob when he blesses Ephraim and Manaseh. Manaseh means forgetful. German Americans are forgetful of their heritage, and everything else. The Lutheran Churches in the U.S. have Manasseh in them. While the Anglican have Ephraim. But the U.S. has the overall identity of Manasseh.
They would of lived in a general same area. Tribes do this.
Good job, Rabbi Avraham.
Klaus Bartholomay
Danke.. amen !!!
Scruffy Scrubs
Mashiach come quickly! I have heard that the souls that were there at Mt Sinai are living in the end of days. At this time, gentiles need to drop their idolatrous religions and accept and obey the 7 Laws of Noah.
2. New Article from Project Benjamin.
Saul - Chosen of God
The Best of Them All!
3. Remarks by James Meister and Brit-Am Reply.
New book Hebrew Tribes. It says it is a new edition of The Tribes, as well as being the 4th edition of The Tribes. ... I personally find the repetition of material across your books to facilitate understanding and ownership of the materials contained therein.
Excellent, valuable service you are providing. With an Israelite revival I taking place, being facilitated by the horrors of the Deep State Biden administration, I see the stage being set for identity discovery and reunification taking place. This will likely lead to the exposure of Deep State Europe and a new geopolitical paradigm arising in the midst overnight..... just as they closed the whole world down overnight. There is no more time for playing games and wasting the lives God has gifted us with.
James Meister
Brit-Am Reply:
In our advertisement of "Hebrew Tribes" we said:
"Hebrew Tribes" is a renewed, updated, improved version of "The Tribes."
["Hebrew Tribes" concentrates on the individual identity of each Israelite Tribe. Additional information that was to be found in "The Tribes" will be re-published as part of another work to be published at a later date.]
This may have been somewhat misleading. "Hebrew Tribes" is a new book in its own right. It contains information that was in previous editions of "The Tribes" but much of this has been re-written, reformulated, with additional explanations and proofs and new illustrations. Some points that were in previous editions of "The Tribes" have been omitted. "The Tribes" is now out of print.
"The Tribes" in its four different editions was comprised of Three sections:
(a) Long Introductory Chapters that were almost a book in their own right.
(b) After that came a middle section with each Tribe receiving its own chapter.
(c) At the end came Additional Chapters dealing with related matters along with Appendices of interest and importance.
In the new work "Hebrew Tribes" we have eliminated the 1st and 3rd sections or reduced them to brief notes. They will be republished as part of a future work now in preparation.
"Hebrew Tribes" concentrates on each one of the individual Tribes. Most of the information concerning each of the Tribes that was in "The Tribes" has been repeated. Apart from that the text has been improved, new information and insights of importance added along with additional illustrations.
Even if you already have "The Tribes" you will benefit from "Hebrew Tribes."
Jacob Kept the Law of Tithing:
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
The Lost Ten Tribes are now among Western Peoples. Brit-Am spreads this message and develops it through Bible Learning and Related Researches.
Descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes NEED to know who they are.
Help us do this.
Jacob associated the giving of tithes to his return to the House of His Father (28:31).
This too is the Brit-Am Message!
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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