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15 March, 2022; 12 Adar-B , 5782.
Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness
The Distinctive Imperatives of our Movement
(1) Belief in the Bible.
(2) Acknowledgement of the Jews as Judah.
(3) The Lost Ten Tribes Identified as specific nations and groups now present among Western Peoples.
1. New Article.
Matter of Return. articles/biblical-proof/lostorfound/return.html
How will the Lost Ten Tribes known who they are? Who will Judah recognize them?
2. Comments to Video Clips
Extract from a message sent to a Rabbi in Israel explaining Brit-Am.
3. Summary of Overall Understanding.
1. New Article.
Matter of Return.
How will the Lost Ten Tribes known who they are? Who will Judah recognize them?
2. Comments to Video Clips
Naphtali is Norway-1
Inkabys Scaleshine
Norway look like a deer leg
Inkabys Scaleshine
Danish see Norwegians as childlike
Signs of End Times
Mark Williams
Man, you're blurry. What happened?
Brit-Am Reply:
A lot of my videos are like that. If you find any more please let me know and I will gradually replace them.
Who Qualifies to be from the Ten Tribes?
Much respect and admiration for your work!
Jos Goossens
Thankyou from Holland in the Netherlands Mr. David's Son!
Yair Davidiy: Hebrew Kings of Norway
Inkabys Scaleshine
From South Dakota its all Norwegians. I lived in portland for a year loved it
3. Summary of Overall Understanding.
Extract from a message sent by Yair Davidiy to a Rabbi in Israel explaining Brit-Am.
The Purpose of Disappearing.
Why Did the Ten Tribes Get Lost?
The Blessings to Abraham included the task of Civilizing Humanity and being Blessed in order to enable it.
Abraham Isaac and Jacob gave rise to the Israelite People. The forefathers went down to Egypt where Joseph helped them and also supplied the rest of the world with provisions. Later, the Hebrews came out of Egypt and received the Torah.
They were supposed to conquer Canaan and divide it between the Tribes. After that they had to build a Temple in Jerusalem, and keep the Torah.
Through personal example, propagation, economic, cultural and political means and if necessarily also force all of mankind was to be induced to acknowledge the Almighty and accept a minimum level of behavior.
This may be termed Plan A.
Something along those lines may have been begun in the reign of Solomon.
Together with this, the Israelites also needed to develop the Torah according to how it was needed, somewhat similar to the way that Rabbinical Judaism eventually did, or began to do.
The Israelites however were not capable of carrying out both tasks at one and the same time. Neither was the rest of mankind amenable at that time to receiving the message.
So Plan B came into effect.
This entailed the Hebrews splitting into 2 parts.
One section (Judah) would take the Torah and open it up. That is what the Rabbinical Jews did do.
The other part would go down to the level of the Gentile masses, become like them, and from inside their culture evolve upwards.
They would then drag the rest of humanity upward with them.
This is what the Lost Ten Tribes to some degree did do.
The Promise to Abraham A Prerequisite for Greatness.
Abraham was the first ancestor of the Hebrew nation and of him it was stated:
"Abraham shall become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him... he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the Lord, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which He hath spoken of him" (Genesis 18:17-19).
This blessing implies that becoming "a great and mighty nation" was not only an effect but also a prerequisite of having all the nations of the earth being blessed in him and of doing justice and judgment. Similar verses in the Bible expound on this theme and add detail to it. The doing of justice and universal material advancement was to be especially associated with the Tribe of Joseph.
Colonialism Was Beneficial
The nations identified in this book as being of the Israelite seed of Abraham were those who mainly conducted European colonialist policies from the eighteenth to twentieth centuries. The overall effects of colonialism, in most cases, were very beneficial -despite claims to the contrary. French, British, and Dutch colonialism put a stop to internecine warfare, ended human sacrifice and slavery, founded and/or improved irrigation-systems, reformed agricultural practices and public hygiene, built bridges, roads, public works, and so on. Wherever they ruled the local population greatly increased in numbers, in health, and in respect for basic human dignity. The colonial powers also often (but not always) made large profits for their own citizens and helped themselves by exploiting opportunities for investment, which the subject countries offered. This investment usually benefited all parties. This was part of the blessing of Abraham, the power was given and it was used for good, even though in some cases the initial conscious motivation in colonization was a lust for power and material gain. In the case of the British, colonies often accrued to the Empire due to dynamics beyond the conscious control of the British themselves! The overall effect of colonization was beneficial, and altruistic motives were also present and implemented. Even today these peoples remain the only real morally motivated advancers of international justice in this world. Even if this morality is often misapplied or self-serving or strangely selective there does exist a genuine will to do the right thing overall and on the whole the effects are positive.
Source: "The Tribes," by Yair Davidy, 1st edition, 1993.
The USA followed in the footsteps of the British but used economic and cultural inducements (rather than direct force and fiat) to achieve the same ends.
The Lost Ten Tribes became peoples in Western Europe with the Tribes of Joseph being especially prominent among the British and Americans.
Other nations in which descendants of the Ten Tribes been prominent include Ireland, Netherlands, Belgium, France, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland.
Rabbinical Evidence.
Commentaries (Rashi, Nachmanides) to the Book of Obadiah 1:20 say that the Lost Ten Tribes were in Zarephath.
Rashi said Zaraphath meant France. Abarbanel says that the term Zaraphath included France and Britain.
Nachmanides explains the term to mean the far north in general.
Post-2nd Temple period Jewish legends say the Ten Tribes are in the Isles of the Blessed meaning Britain and/or Ireland.
Jewish Arab traditions (i.e. Arab sources of Jewish origin) concerning the people of Aed (meaning the Ten Tribes) etc locate them in the British Isles and/or France.
Legends concerning the Sons of Moses often associate them with the Lost Ten Tribes and also place them in France and/or the Isles of the Blessed meaning Britain and Ireland.
Rabbi Yisrael Alter (1895-1977) in his work "Beis Yisroel" (VeYechi, 5710 (ca. 1950-51), # Genesis 47:28) wrote that the Children of Israel, especially as associated with Joseph, were known as Gomer and as Gomerites. This is confirmed in the Biblical Book of Hosea, chs. 1 and 2. Gomer is the name given by the Assyrians to the Cimmerian Federation (of whom the exiled Ten Tribes were part) that rebelled against them and from whom the Scythians and Goths emerged. They were the ancestors of Western Nations.
Talmudic Sages said the Ten Tribes went to the Sambation and beyond it and to the Clouds of Darkness, to Daphne of Antiochia, etc.. The identification of these areas helps confirm evidence indicating a confederation of the Ten Tribes with the Cimmerians and Scythians and their movement to the west.
In the Torah, Balaam (Numbers 22:2-25:9) prophesied concerning Israel. He foresaw the future division between Judah and the Ten Tribes (Numbers 23:7). The Israelites would be a nation counted Alone and not with other peoples. They would not be subject to the same limitations as the others are (23:9). They would be above the other peoples though bearing heavier responsibilities. They would be an innumerous people, a very great multitude (23:10). They were to receive an unconditional blessing (23:8,19-20). A portion of them would be governed by a monarch (23:21). Their symbols would include a lion (23:24, 24:9) and unicorn (23:22, 24:8) like the British Coat of Arms. They were to dwell according to their Tribes (Numbers 24:2), and in fertile rich areas (24:6), to be in many waters, in every sea, and to rule the waves (24:7). They would become the most powerful national grouping in world history (24:7). They would defeat Edomite nations such as Germany and Japan (24:9).
The Kenites (Rechabites) would be exiled along with the Ten Tribes and return alongside them (24:22 see Rashi).
Josephus understood the Prophecy of Balaam to indicate that:
The multitude of your posterity also shall live as well in the islands as on the continent, and that more in number than are the stars of heaven.
Hatam Sofer [The name may also be written as "Chatam Sofer," or "Chasam Sofer."] i.e. Rabbi Moses Schreiber 1762-1839.
Commentary to the Talmud, Baitsa 4b, opined:
# It seems to me, may HaShem expand our border quickly in our days, for then all the isles and islands that are in the Great Sea opposite the Land of Israel to the western limit of the Okeanos [Atlantic Ocean] all of it shall belong to the Land of Israel, and study the source [in the Talmud], Gittin 8a, and in Tosafot where it begins Said Rabbi Yehudah. Indisputably all this is part of the [lands given to] Ten Peoples... #
Levushi Mordecai (by Rabbi Mordechai Leib Winkler, 1845-1932).
Part Three, Yorei Daeah, 49.
# I heard from my Rabbi and Teacher... who heard from the holy mouth of our teacher, the Hatam Sofer, concerning the borders of the Land [of Israel in the future]: the Country of "England" belongs to the islands of the Holy Land..
[This is based on an understanding that what is in the sea to the [north and] west will belong to Israel. This would include North America.
Jacob Kept the Law of Tithing:
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth."
The Lost Ten Tribes are now among Western Peoples. Brit-Am spreads this message and develops it through Bible Learning and Related Researches.
Descendants of the Lost Ten Tribes NEED to know who they are.
Help us do this.
Jacob associated the giving of tithes to his return to the House of His Father (28:31).
This too is the Brit-Am Message!
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Videos with Text.
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