The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
8 May, 2022; 7 Iyar, 5782.
1. Brit-Am National Criteria.
2. 2 New Video Clips.
Was Hitler Jewish?-1
Was Hitler Jewish-2
3. Comments to Video Clips.
4. Message of Zechariah 7:10 was Needed!
5. Brit-Am Use of Different Biblical Translations.
6. Mark Williams. "the powerful [TTs] Israelite nations envisaged by Josephus" and company.
7. New Article. Israelite Family Names.
Testifying to Hebrew Origins! by Jack Hertzog
1. Brit-Am National Criteria
1. Blessings: Economic and Physical Blessings as promised to Israel in Scripture.
2. Additional Indications of Scripture.
3. Groundwork: Historical, Archaeological, and Related Proofs showing paths of migration.
4. Judah: Affinity with the Jews.
5. Originality: Innovation and Intellect.
6. A Civilizing Influence.
7. Empathy: The Doing of Social Justice.
8. Israelite Self-Identification.
9. Family Connection.
10. Tribal Affiliation.
2. 2 New Video Clips.
Note: The text of BOTH these videos is now given as subtitles to the Clips.
(a) New Video Clip.
Was Hitler Jewish?-1
Duration: 24. 11 minutes
The Russian FM recently said that the Ukraine needed to be de-Nazified. The fact that the Ukrainian PM is Jewish does not change the facts. Some of the worst anti-Semites in history have been Jewish. He also said that Hitler may have been Jewish! These statements aroused a vehement protest from the Israeli Government. Nevertheless on all three counts there may have been something to them. Ukrainians political culture is permeated with anti-Jewish traditions and Nazi-type practices. Some of the major enemies of the Jewish people have themselves been Jews. Adolf Hitler may well have had some Jewish ancestry.
Was Hitler Jewish? Jacob Frank and the Nazis
(b) New Video Clip.
Was Hitler Jewish-2
Duration: 30. 04 minutes
Adolf Hitler believed he had some Jewish ancestry. We know this from the testimony of his personal lawyer and long time associate, Hans Frank, and also from some of his actions, and other points. The Nazis in general, including Hitler, were linked to devil-worshipping type groups including a deviant Islamic group in Turkey. Another element involved may have been a group of renegade Jews whose ancestors had converted to Christianity and who hated the Jewish people. One of the Criteria to judge whether a nation belongs to Israel or not is the relative level or sympathy versus antipathy for the Jewish People. There are however exceptions just as we find some Jews who are themselves anti-Jewish.
Was Hitler Jewish? Jacob Frank and the Nazis
3. Comments to Video Clips.
Was Hitler Jewish?-1
J Rutt
A few Nazis were actually Jewish, or had Jewish roots. Alfred Rosenberg, Adolph Eichmann, and even Rudolph Hess was the great grandson of Moses Hess, so he head Jewish roots. Many other famous Jews were and are either antisemitic, or anti Israel. Karl Marx, Norm Finkelstein, and Bobby Fischer all Jewish! So that statement is partially true!
J Rutt
Well the Israelites had tribal affairs amongst themselves in ancient Israel. So this is to be expected. The Northern tribes had great strife with the southern kingdom.
Was Hitler Jewish?-2
Interesting history about Frankists and Shabtai Zvi. However, your comments on the remarks of Russian FM Lavrov [Putin has since issued an official apology to Naftali Bennett] could be viewed as highly controversial.
American Pepe
Jacob Frank was very evil
Real Christians don't hate Jews, Far from it. Catholics is a totally different thing though. Real Christians don't celebrate the Pagan xmas and easter and know Saturday is the Sabbath day.
J Rutt
The reason for Christianity and Judaism separation was all by design. The houses had to split so that the covenants of promise were to be fulfilled to their fullest. God's divine plan is to subordinate the entire earth under a Godly Conscience of the one true God that has not yet been fully revealed! To do this the covenants had to be taken to all nations on earth. There was no way the Abrahamic covenant could be fulfilled while honoring the Mosaic covenant. So the Jews got the Mosaic covenant and are the lawgivers. Their job was to install legal systems of the Judges throughout the world, they did! They dominate the legal circuit. Joseph's job was to do the hard work. Joseph had to turn a beastly world into a feastly world. Joseph brought clean drinking water, sewage systems, modern agriculture, technology, and raised the average lifespan by 30 years. Also the population of the earth multiplied ten times within 100 years all to Joseph. Joseph's last role was to take the Gospels to the nations of the earth. This could of only been done if the houses went separate ways and to opposite corners. Its like why you go to college to learn one trade. Joseph is the plower, while Judah is the planter. Joseph has the connection with God, while Judah has the correction of God. Judah has the fear of God, while Joseph has the love of God. Everything in the bible is a intrinsic metaphor for future events. Sarah struggles to give birth to a son, would signal that her future descendants would struggle with God. But Sarah is redeemed by God with the birth of a son. Sarah's future descendants would also then be redeemed by the birth son. Joseph would go to Egypt and assimilate into Egypt. He adopted pagan ways in Egpyt. His brothers then came to Egypt to find him after they told Jacob that he was still alive. They were in Egpyt for a while and never knew al the time they were right next to their brother Joseph. His pagan garb distracted them from recognizing him. Just as the Jews were right next to Joseph in Great Britain and the U.S. and do not know their brother. But as in Ancient Egypt, Joseph will reveal himself, and the brothers will come home to live as a family of God!
Even the Romans were of one of the tribes of Israel, so it does make you wonder but nontheless it shouldn't be viewed as the Israelites as a whole. Always Bad apples on healthy apple trees. And furthermore the tribes of Gad/Dan persecuted Christians too.
@J Rutt As i said, I'm not going to judge a people or tribe because of a few bad apples.
Dan 2. The Messiah and the Tribe of Dan
Armand Emsha
My opinion I think that tribe of Dan was settled in today Kosovo The original name of Kosovo is DarDan if you translate in semetic dialect it means House of Dan or Place of Dan There are some symbols that DarDan people used are similar the six point star,snake there are some words that are of semetic origins in Hebrew (we) in Albanian is (dhe) Hebrew (lo) in Albanian (jo) and many more.
Hebrews in Wales-1
Taffy Ducks
Yeah, The Cymry, as in Beth-Khumry of the House of Omri. It was spelt with a K up until the printing press and when Welsh was outlawed by the English.
The Northern Welsh are known as...The Gogs by the Southern Welsh.
Here is some more stuff from memory[please check if you wish and have time,my memory may be slightly off]: Votadini has the Latin suffix -ini so the root word would be Votad. Venicones has a Latin suffix "-ones" so the root word would be Venic.If V-> F then Venic becomes Fenic which sounds like Feine or Phoenician "Phoinix" or "Phoenic" or "Foenic" [P->F in Irish Gaelic and silent h]. This may be the Phuni clan of Issachar,but Phoenicians from "Tsiar" and "Scadon" [Tyre and Sidon] in the east did visit Ireland for the purposes of trade. Fenius Farzaidh in Irish myth was linked to Phoenix [Phenius?],brother of Cadmus in Greek myth since they were both linguists. Cadmus was at Thebes in Greece which was founded by Ogyges. The old Irish histories refer to the Irians of Ulster as Ogeages;the land of Iair,Iahir,Jair or Yair [east Manasseh] was [originally] ruled by the giant Og or Gog[Ayin rendered as a "G" or "A":Aog or Gog]. The Irish myths speak of Tir na n'Og [Land of the Og,but Og is translated sometimes as "youth"].
REPLY2 replies
Hebrews in Wales-2
Anglo Saxons Are Israelites
Wales is Asher and Ireland is mostly Ephraimite.
were the angles, saxons, celts, vikings, normans etc all different tribes of Jacob? Or were they all mixed?
also the flag of the United kingdom (union jack) is it the union of jac(ob) flag?
The Tribe of Levi and Revealing Tribal Identity
Family names on both sides, Myers, Levitt and Link, are they Levi
Israelite Physical Types
Those that were makers of idols, became slaves, Isaiah 45:14-17
Are you from Benjamin? BennyA Queries.
amanda fawcett
Ive got all those traits
4. Message of Zechariah 7:10 was Needed!
Zechariah (NKJV) 7: 10
"Do Good for its own sake!"
Shalom Yair,
Needed that!!
Thank you.
5. Brit-Am Use of Different Biblical Translations
Gary Jonathan wrote:
> I like your ideas and agree with most of them but why you using the
> King James bible instead of the Jewish Tanach?
Brit-Am Reply:
At present we are using the NKJV (New King James Version). Sometimes we use other versions.
We always accompany these with a commentary.
In order to use a translation we need it to be:
Easily Available for downloading with no clear Copyright impediments.
Reasonably accurate. Close to the Hebrew.
Written in clearly understandable modern English.
6. Mark Williams. "the powerful [TTs] Israelite nations envisaged by Josephus" and company
Shalom Yair
Have you ever written an article addressing orthodox (not Orthodox) Jewish theories concerning the whereabouts and condition of the Lost Ten Tribes in both the modern and pre modern eras? For example... The contrast between the powerful Israelite nations envisaged by Josephus and other late Classical era/Medieval Jewish thinkers and exegetes and the impoverished and politically impotent Lost Ten Tribes allegedly found by Jewish organisations like Avichail and others; as exemplified by the Bene Menashe of India.
7. New Article.
Israelite Family Names.
Testifying to Hebrew Origins! by Jack Hertzog
Extract from:
first published in Brit-Am Truth no.8 (i.e. Tribesman no. 13, see: ) ca. 2010.
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Videos with Text.
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