The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
16 June, 2022; 17 Sivan, 5782.
1. Brit-Am Appeal - Truth that Needs to be Made Known!
2. New Article. Syria is Israelite?
Free the Bashan and Gilead!
Judah of Israel and Anglo-Joseph Need to Conquer Syria and Iran!
3. New Video. Syria is Israelite-1.
4. New Video. Syria is Israelite-2.
5. Comments to Video Clips.
6. New Article. Two Houses Today!
The Separate Tasks of Judah and Joseph.
7. New Video Clip. Two Houses Today.
8. Reply to Quora Question.
As a Jew, how can a non-Jew be respectful while still renouncing the actions of Israel and the occupation of the West Bank?
9. Book Review.
Nechama Price-1. Reuben.
1. Brit-Am Appeal - Truth that Needs to be Made Known!
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That is, unless they plagiarize from us as some have done. It does not matter that much.
We could do more perhaps? We need to reach more people.
We also must deepen our own appreciation of the truths that have begun to become apparent.
So too, we have a rapport with our followers that needs to be expressed more often.
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2. New Article.
Syria is Israelite?
Free the Bashan and Gilead!
Judah of Israel and Anglo-Joseph Need to Conquer Syria and Iran!
3. New Video. Syria is Israelite-1
Duration: 12.10 minutes
Text in sub-titles.
Israel and Syria are at odds with each other. Syria is helping the sworn enemies of Israel. Syria is also involved in a Civil War of its own. The rulers of Syria are associated with pagans who worship the moon. The people of Damascus descend in part from the ancient Samaritans who were brought to Samaria to replace Israelites from the Ten Tribes who had been taken into Exile. The USA and UK are also parties to this conflict. This had been Prophesied. Events are unfolding that could lead to the Lost Ten Tribes returning.
Syria is Israelite? Free the Bashan and Gilead!
Judah of Israel and Anglo-Joseph Need to Conquer Syria and Iran!
4. Syria is Israelite-2
Duration: 17. 12 minutes.
Text in sub-titles.
Syria is in the midst of a Civil War. The State of Israel, the USA, and Russia, along with Iran, and others are also involved. Syria is already in ruins. Half its population is dead, exiled, or displaced, Syria is in danger of collapsing altogether. The world does not react. Europe and even the USA to some degree are anti-Jewish. So are other nations we identify as Israelite. Because our Israelite Tribal identifications though Biblically correct face much opposition we need to emphasize the positive more than is necessarily justified by Reality!.
The Prophets Micah and Zechariah foresaw the Lost Ten Tribes returning to the Promised Land via Matsor, i.e. Kurdistan (where the USA is now entrenched) and from there continuing to occupy Lebanan, Bashan, and Gilead, meaning Syria and Jordan.
These events may well be a prelude to Messianic Happenings.
Syria is Israelite? Free the Bashan and Gilead!
Judah of Israel and Anglo-Joseph Need to Conquer Syria and Iran!
5. Comments to Video Clips.
Syria is Israelite-1
Tim Skelton
God knows who we are, and were we are and he's awaken us up. Long live the true ISRAELITES .
Substitute Bodhisattva
When I went to school in Norfolk, Va. in the 70s, they kept the mentally deficient in the basement.
When you would travel through the basement, you would see them in lines, waiting to go here and there.
They nodded as this guy does. They spoke more clearly however, and seemed more intelligent.
The religious are worse than the mentally incompetent in society.
Not just a dependent upon the rest of us, but actively causing problems.
Drop the racist religion and be productive.
Your behavior is contemptible. The fact you claim a religion that no longer exists cannot be overlooked. Where are your priests?
Ted Gomez
Greetings from Manasseh
Sub Culture
You are the sworn enemies of the world.
Ibrahim Bangura
He cannot even speak properly
Syria is Israelite-2
Assyria also migrated away from the middle east. They are mostly the Germanic peoples. Modern Syria is not Assyrian. At the end times the ten tribes, and especially Ephraim and Mannaseh, will be taken captive by modern Assyria.
The return from captivity will not be from modern Syria but from the Germanic regions.
John S
So the idea of Greater Israel between the Euphrates and the Nile is actually taken seriously by some. Interesting!!!!
Good heavens! So many children of hasatan [The Satan] commenting on here.
Don't listen to them, Yair. You are doing the work of El Shaddai!
6. New Article. Two Houses Today!
The Separate Tasks of Judah and Joseph
1. Division.
2. The Task of Judah.
3. The Task of Joseph - The Lost Ten Tribes.
4. Future Re-Unification.
5. The Solution - Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness.
7. New Video Clip.
Two Houses Today .
Duration 12.23 minutes.
The Hebrew Peoples are divided into 2 sections. One part is that of Judah meaning the Jews. The task of the Jews is to keep the Torah and learn it and in our time to help prepare the Land of Israel for all the Tribes. The other section of the Hebrews is that of the Ten Tribes, headed by the Tribes of Joseph. They are to be found among Western Peoples and in the English-speaking nations. Their task is to become the richest and most powerful nations and to humanize humanity through the powers and influence given unto them. The two halves of the Hebrew Nations still have their separate goals to fulfill. Nevertheless ultimately the Messiah son of David will appear and they will re-unite. This was predicted in the parable of the two sticks in Ezekiel ch. 37. Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness helps spread knowledge of these matters and should be helped to do so.
Two Houses Today!
The Separate Tasks of Judah and Joseph.
8. Reply to Quora Question.
As a Jew, how can a non-Jew be respectful while still renouncing the actions of Israel and the occupation of the West Bank?
I personally was born Jewish at least technically and I identify as such. I support Israel. So too, the so-called "Occupation" of the West Bank i.e. Judah and Samaria, in my view is obligatory, necessary and justified. This is also a religious Biblical imperative.
If anything the Israelis are far too compromising on this matter than they should be. Having cleared that matter up we may also point out that there are some Jews who remain Jewish but do not support Israel on this issue.
If there are Jews who live with this "double" standard why should others not do so?
Nevertheless, as an apparent Gentile, you may perhaps ask yourself some pertinent questions:
Why are you so sure that Israel is in the wrong?
Even if there were grounds on which to criticize Israel why is it more important to you than thousands of other more serious and far more egregious points of conflict around the world?
There are some Jews who feel that no matter what they do the Gentiles will always find a reason to find fault with them. This sounds like paranoia but empirically there is something to it. In other words, it could be that you yourself have a latent or active Judeophobic streak. Is this not the case? It may be inherited or cultural or induced by impressions obtained from the Media or simply values shared by your peers that you automatically adopted.
Since you declare yourself a non-Jew are you certain that you are not influenced by the "Crowd Mentality"? Classes of little children sometimes for no apparent reason take a dislike to one of their fellows. Usually this wears off. Sometimes it does not. There is something of a "Little Child" in all of us. Is this the real reason why so many are against Israel?
The Jews have always been a minority. Is this a crime?
Perhaps the anti-Jewish majority are the real criminals?
The Jews historically were persecuted for reasons known to the Almighty who will also make recompense to them.
- Isaiah (NKJV) 53:
- 10 Yet it pleased the LORD to bruise Him;
- He has put Him to grief.
- When You make His soul an offering for sin,
- He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days,
- And the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in His hand.
- cf.
- Zechariah (NKJV) 1:
- 15 I am exceedingly angry with the nations at ease;
- For I was a little angry,
- And they helped but with evil intent.
- 16 Therefore thus says the LORD:
- 'I am returning to Jerusalem with mercy;
- My house shall be built in it,' says the LORD of HOSTS,
- 'And a surveyor's line shall be stretched out over Jerusalem.'
Whether the Jews have faults of their own or not is largely irrelevant on these matters. The Jews are described in discriminatory terms because they are Jews.
If the Jews stopped being Jews the World would not be interested in them.
- Psalms (NKJV) 44:
- 22 Yet for Your sake we are killed all day long;
- We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
Nevertheless, the day will come when Judah will be vindicated:
- Isaiah (NKJV) 49:
- 23 Kings shall be your foster fathers,
- And their queens your nursing mothers;
- They shall bow down to you with their faces to the earth,
- And lick up the dust of your feet.
- Then you will know that I am the LORD,
- For they shall not be ashamed who wait for Me.
9. Book Review.
Nechama Price-1.
Nechama Price, "Tribal Blueprints. Twelve Brothers and the Destiny of Israel," ca. 289 pages, Jerusalem, 2020. hardcover.
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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