The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Brit-Am Now no. 3318
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3 July, 2022; 4 Tammuz, 5782.
1. New Video Clip and Addition to Article.
The Two Sticks of ZECHARIAH. "Pleasant" and "Bruiser"
2. New Article. Destined to Rule.
The Future Tasks of Ephraim.
3. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions to be Viewed on the Quora Site.
Would the Nazis have killed disabled veterans?
4. New Video Clip.
Ephraim to Rule Humanity!
5. Comments to Brit-Am Video Clips.
6. Question on Matrilineal Descent vrs Tribal Descent among Jews.
7. DNA, Brit-Am, Dr. Jeanson, Dr. Dan, and David P. Neff.
1. New Video Clip and Addition to Article.
The Two Sticks of ZECHARIAH. "Pleasant" and "Bruiser"
Duration: 16.38 minutes
The Two Sticks of ZECHARIAH. "Pleasant" and "Bruiser"
Zechariah chapter 11 speaks of two sticks. One has a name meaning "Pleasant" the other is called "Bruiser." Zechariah is told on separate occasions to uproot and break in half both sticks. "Pleasant" meant good will for Heaven towards the non-Israelite Gentiles which towards the End Times will cease. "Bruiser" represented forces preventing the re-union of Judah and the Ten Tribes. This impediment will be removed and they will be re-united. This is paralleled by the the two sticks of Ezekiel ch. 37 whose coming together symbolized the unification of Judah with Joseph and the Lost Ten Tribes.
Zechariah-11. Spiritual Re-Union and Two Sticks. Part Two: The Two Sticks.
2. New Article. Destined to Rule
The Future Tasks of Ephraim
3. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions to be Viewed on the Quora Site.
Would the Nazis have killed disabled veterans?
4. New Video Clip.
Ephraim to Rule Humanity!
Duration: 12.32 minutes.
"Ephraim" in Biblical Terminology represents the Lost Ten Tribes especially the English-speaking section of them.
These peoples were dominated by the Tribes of Joseph, Ephraim and Manasseh.
Both of them are part of "Ephraim" in Biblical terms though in the USA Manasseh was also dominant.
Biblical Verses show that in the End Times "Ephraim" will rule over the earth.
An important commentator, Rabbi Moshe David Valle, 1697-1777, Padua, west of Venice in Northern Italy,
confirms this interpretation and adds insights of value of his own.
Destined to Rule. The Future Tasks of Ephraim
5. Comments to Brit-Am Video Clips.
The Two Sticks of ZECHARIAH. "Pleasant" and "Bruiser"
I purchased the Hebrew English book from your website. English may have borrowed heavily from the Hebrew language but I see why. The Hebrew language has literal meanings that identify the originator of that language and the originator was not from mankind. It could only have been given to Adam and handed down through the patriarchs.
Yair Davidiy: Ephraim NOT to Convert!
Kitty Meow
Thank you Rabbi for this powerful message! May Lord God of Israel, who is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, bless you!
Ephraim to Rule Humanity!
Rick O'Shay
This is a very valuable and insightful lecture.
Ephraim is coming soon. we will grow up the Land of our mothers & fathers.
charles reed
Confederate states of America; Anglo saxon southland (dixie) - saxons (issaacs-sons)
S True
Joseph came to America to provide a place for the other tribes who have been gathered from where they have been scattered all over the world. Joseph will, with Gods help, lead the tribes back to the promised land,from the US to Israel
No Covid Jab
Speak quietly Yair.
Alfonso F Manfredo
Wonderful !You are appreciated Yair, very much. HalleluYah!
Psalml 60:7 Gilead is mine; Menasheh is mine; Ephraim, the champion of Captains; Yehuda my King.
Psalm 60:9
Gilead and Manasseh would be mine,
Ephraim my chief stronghold,
Judah my scepter;
Thats right. There is no Israel without Joseph. Ephraim is coming soon...
R&B Discussion Unexpurgated
Kris Gill
Genesis 48.Ephraim is I UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.Manneseh is the U.S.
Wipe Out Amalek!
Amalekites are the Saudis
Yair Davidiy: Creationism and DNA
Danny Barrett
Ah, yes, Dr Jeansen... He knows that western Europeans are from Shem (although he says we're from Joktan - how he gets that is beyond me!), but he says that Y-DNA J and I are from Japheth... If there's anyone who we know are from Shem without a doubt, those people are the Sabbath-keeping people from the tribes of Judah, Levi and Benjamin, who kept the most important sign between God and His people: the Sabbath! Jeansen's theory can't explain the presence of the Cohen gene in both J1 and J2, as well as other Y-DNA strains any better than the evolutionary model. As far as I'm aware, only the Brit-Am model can explain it. Keep up the good work, Yair! One day, the two sticks will be rejoined into one stick in the Promised Land.
6. Question on Matrilineal Descent vrs Tribal Descent among Jews.
re Ephraim to Rule Humanity!
Roaring from the Lion of Judah
Please forgive my ignorance, but I've been wondering something, and I don't know who exactly to ask, so I figured I'd ask it here amongst a Jewish audience. I found out that I have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. It's one family seven generations back on my father's side, but the rest of my ancestry is non-Jewish. Does this make me a Jew by blood? I heard something about only the maternal side being counted Jewish, so it confuses me. Thanks in advance.
Brit-Am Reply:
According to Torah Law the status of one from an inter-ethnic union between Jew and non-Jew goes through the mother.
The Grammatical Structure of the relevant Biblical verses supports this:
Jewish Status from Mother
Why do you need a Jewish mother to be Jewish, not a Jewish father?
From the Tribal perspective it may be (Abarbanel) that in the End times affiliation will be determined through the father.
Gentiles whose ancestry through their father goes back to Judah (and who are accepted into Israel) would therefore probably be considered part of Judah IN THE END TIMES though not at the present.
Alternately they may be counted as belonging to whichever Tribe they dwell among when the End Times come (Ezekiel 47:23) .
7. DNA, Brit-Am, Dr. Jeanson, Dr. Dan, and David P. Neff.
Yair Davidiy: Creationism and DNA
David P. Neff
The problem with Dr. Jeanson is that he uses the wrong methodology to calculate his time to the most recent common ancestry and uses the wrong dataset. See my videos and Creation Myth's videos on Dr. Jeanson.
Debrief with Dr. Dan | Our Conversations with Dr. Jeanson
Brit-Am Reply:
Traditional Rabbinical Chronology says that Noah and the Flood took place in Anno Mundi (Year of the World) 1656 A.M., ca. 2105 BCE. This is also the date accepted by Bishop Usher in ca. 1650 and adopted by most Protestants. Some revised Chronologies might push the date back by about 100 years. At all events according to this all Humanity descend from Noah who lived 4300 to 4400 years ago.
We looked at the video clip you mentioned. It was a bit difficult to follow and also quite long.
Dr Nathaniel Jeanson presented evidence that the rate of DNA mutation in insects, etc, is much faster than Scientists previously claimed. Applying this rate of mutation to humans it would be quite easy for all of mankind to have originated from one person ca. 4500 years ago, i.e. the Time of Noah.
Dr. Jeanson has applied this method to human history producing results that contradict contemporary human historical understanding. He has made other claims. These additional suppositions in some cases are interesting possibilities but mostly, in our opinion, incorrect. There was in the Video a panel of four of which Dr. Jeanson was only one. The others all seemed to concentrate on criticizing Dr. Jeanson on his methodology and subsidiary matters.
The main point of Dr. Jeanson was the possibility for all of mankind to have originated from one person ca. 4500 years ago. No-one convincingly contradicted Dr. Jeanson on this. Dr. Jeanson does not have to provide overwhelming evidence for this understand of his. He just has to show that it was feasible and that parallels exist in nature. This is what he has done.
We, Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness, understand the following:
1. Not Slow. The rate of DNA mutation must be very much faster than is claimed. We agree with Dr. Jeanson on this.
2. Not Linear.
3. Not Unitary and Progressive but Explosive.
1. Not Slow. The rate of DNA mutation must be very much faster than is claimed. We agree with Dr. Jeanson this.
2. Not Linear. Dr Jeanson like most modern scientists seems to accept that after Mutations take place it moves progressively i.e. through A, B, C, D, G, to H. It could just as well be stated that it jumps (at least in some cases) from A straight to H!
3. Not Unitary and Progressive but Explosive. Dr Jeanson like most modern scientists seems to accept that mutation occurs in one solitary case and then moves by hereditary and progressively proceeds to dominate the whole body.
We understand along the lines of Catastrophe Theory that massive changes take place relatively suddenly that affect all, or much of, the population in question.
Yair Davidiy: Creationism and DNA
Danny Barrett
Ah, yes, Dr Jeansen... .... Jeansen's theory can't explain the presence of the Cohen gene in both J1 and J2, as well as other Y-DNA strains any better than the evolutionary model. As far as I'm aware, only the Brit-Am model can explain it.
Keep up the good work, Yair! One day, the two sticks will be rejoined into one stick in the Promised Land.
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth."
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Videos with Text.
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