The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
11 August, 2022; 14 Av, 5782.
1. Visitor from Finland.
2. Books Acquired.
3. New Articles Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Which states in Germany have the highest number of anti-Semitism and attacks on Jews?
4. Mark Williams.
Brit-Am and DNA.
5. New Article. Gene Transfer.
Evolution Refuted. DNA Changes Explained.
6. New Video.
End Times. Men becoming like Women!
7. Comments to Video Clips
1. Visitor from Finland
Rabbi Avraham Feld and Yair Davidiy met up in the center of modern Jerusalem with "Jeremiah" from Finland.
Jeremiah is a professional in his own field and prefers not to have his full identity mentioned.
He is gather in g material for a future work identifying the Fins with part of the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel.
Jeremiah comes from the west of Finland and is of the Swedish-language sector.In Finland today about 10% still use Swedish as a mother language
and another ca. 20% had forefathers who once did.
Finland from the 1200s to 1809 was ruled by Sweden. The Swedes were benign rulers but autocratic and did not broke deviations from accepted Christian belief.
In 1809 Finland became part of the Russian Empire as the autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland.
The Russians too on the whole allowed Finland its own autonomous existence, did not allow many Russians to enter the area, and had a relatively liberal existence towards the Fins but they too did not allow much differentiation from their own line.
Wikipedia tells us:
Nicholas-2, the last Tsar of Russia, tried to russify Finland and terminate its political autonomy, but after the 1917 Russian Revolution, Finland declared independence from Russia. In 1918, the fledgling state was divided by the Finnish Civil War. During World War-2, Finland fought the Soviet Union in the Winter War and the Continuation War, and Nazi Germany in the Lapland War. It subsequently lost parts of its territory to Russia but maintained its independence.
Jeremiah explained that Historical experiences have taught the Finns to be somewhere secretive.
Nevertheless he claims that many families have traditions that they are of Israelite or Jewish ancestry.
They have Jewish and Hebrew customs and numerous Hebrew words in their language.
Among other things Jeremiah described the marriage custom of holding a canopy over the bridal couple.
Jews also have the same custom. In the past Jews would sometimes use a prayer shawl (instead of a canopy) known as a "tallit" while the canopy was called a "Choophah" (pronounced more like "Hoopah")
Similar words are used in Finnish for the canopy they use which is known as both a "Hoopu" and as a "talitsa."
We also discussed the problem of DNA and Israelite Identification.
Other visitors from Finland in the past have told us similar things.
Articles have been written on the subject that we have summarized in some details in our book "Hebrew Tribes" in the chapter about the Tribe of Issachar.
2. Books Acquired
"The Challenge of Jewish History.
The Bible, The Greeks, And The Missing 168 Years,"
by Alexander Hool.
In presenting fresh and startling astronomical, mathematical and archaeological evidence, Rabbi Alexander Hool has charted new ground in his quest to find the solution to this ancient problem.
"Searching for Sinai.
The Location of Revelation,"
by Alexander Hool.
"When and How the Jewish majority in the Land of Israel was Eliminated,.
Are the Palestinians descendants of Islamicized Jews,"
by Rivka Shpak Lissak.
Shows that there was NO SIGNIFICANT conversion of Jews to Islam.
Contradicts claims by others to the contrary.
3. New Articles Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Which states in Germany have the highest number of anti-Semitism and attacks on Jews?
The highest number of attacks on Jews in Germany occur where the most Jews are to be found. Berlin has the largest Jewish community therefore the most attacks take place there.
This does not mean that a higher proportion of anti-Semites are present in Berlin. On the contrary. Most violent crimes in Germany today against Jews are carried out by Muslims. According to the ratio of victims (Jews) to potential perpetrators (Muslims) so do the figures correspondingly rise or fall.
# Moreover, German Jews most frequently point to Muslims as perpetrators of anti-Semitic attacks (41%)22 among all Jews surveyed in EU states. Research conducted by the IKG with the participation of Jews living in Germany is also important. It showed that most frequently the respondents pointed to Muslims as perpetrators of harassment and insulting behaviour (62%)23. #
Nevertheless, the Muslim physical attacks are reinforced by native German Judeophobe sentiment. If you were to remove Jews altogether from Germany there would still be some areas with rabid Jew-hatred. These are the same regions that historically had the most pogroms and anti-Semitic attacks in the past.
The former area of East Germany was the worst and that too was a bastion of Nazi support. East Germany in the Soviet Era was also at the forefront of Communist antagonism to Israel.
'At War with Israel' on JSTOR
Jeffrey Herf, 'At War with Israel', Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 16, No. 3 (Summer 2014), pp. 129-163
Place where Jews were burned in the Middle Ages historically usually had higher levels of anti-Semitism throughout their history.
PERSECUTION PERPETUATED:THE MEDIEVAL ORIGINS OF ANTI-SEMITIC VIOLENCE IN NAZIGERMANY* Nico Voigtlander Hans-Joachim Voth http://chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
Mapping German Anti-Semitism by Asya Pereltsvaig
..... deep-rooted historical attitudes, expressed through voting results for anti-Semitic parties in the late Imperial period (1890-1912), votes for the Nazi Party in the 1920s, and votes for the Nazis in the 1930s, closely correlate with the prevalence of anti-Jewish views held in various districts today.
The least anti-Semitic areas in Germany were probably former Hanseatic merchant areas of the west and northwest. Here too however it would not have been difficult to find Nazi war criminals.
The same applies for Catholic Bavaria.
4. Mark Williams.
Brit-Am and DNA
Shalom Yair.
It seems to me that the greatest variety of y-dna is to be found amongst the Jews, who were scattered, rather than the Ten Tribes; who coalesced into recognisable polities.
after escaping the Assyrian captivity. Is it possible that a combination of a longer sojourn in the Middle East, and especially in Southern Mesopotamia and the Arabian peninsula, coupled with Jewish migrants from those regions being better equipped to adapt to the lifestyle imposed on them by the Catholic Church and anti Jewish laws, is what lead to the greater preponderance of J and E haplogroups amongst Jewish males rather than the more common R1b halpogroups found in Western Europe? It strikes me that if DNA does mutate faster in hotter climates then it stands to reason that, somehow, through what mechanism I have no idea. R1b males might be far more likely to have J and E descendents. But only if some form of back mutation can be proven. If the phylogentic table is more akin to a ladder than a tree this might be feasible. But the tree model is the one preferred by geneticists and I don't have the knowledge to challenge it.
Brit-Am Reply:
The answer is that DNA is initially determined by environment triggered off by HGT (Horizontal Gene Transfer) rather than by Heredity.
An article or two in preparation will clarify this matter.
5. New Article.
Gene Transfer.
Evolution Refuted. DNA Changes Explained
1. Introduction.
2. The Phenomenon. A Fishy Storey, Herring.
3. Parallels to GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).
4. Modes of Genetic Transfer.
5. Frequency of Genetic Transfer.
6. Implications. Evolution is no Longer Necessary?
7. DNA can change under certain conditions almost overnight!
Implications. Changes in DNA no longer a Problem for Brit-Am!
6. New Video.
End Times. Men becoming like Women!
Duration: 20.30 minutes.
Zechariah chapter 14 speaks of Hebrews from Judah and the Ten Tribes returning and dwelling in Jerusalem. The Gentile Heathen Nations will come against them. The Israelites themselves will be suffering from the moral degradation of their past existence. Men psychologically will have become like women! The Almighty will save the besieged descendants of Judah and Israel. HE will fight for them. The Gentile Heathen will be defeated. God through HIS Messiah will rule over all the earth. All nations will have to pay obeisance to HIM. Those who do not will be punished. They will all have to live according to what the Almighty wants of them.
Zechariah-14. Ultimate Jerusalem and World Rule
7. Comments to Video Clips
End Times. Men becoming like Women!
Mark Williams
Be honest. Did you expect it to come about this literally?
Sang Raal
Shallom And Godbless
Why? What Difference do the Lost 10 Tribes Make?
Mycenean Greece had scape goats like Azazel in the OT,another example of a bronze age connection. The place names in some areas of Greece are non-Greek according to Martin Nilsson and have matching examples in Asia Minor
Genesis (NIV) 28: