The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
16 August, 2022; 19 Av, 5782.
1. New Video.
Evolution Refuted! DNA Changed
2. Comments to Video Clips.
3. New Article and Video Clip.
(a) New Article.
Obadiah and the TTs. The Lost Ten Tribes in France, the North, and England
(b) New Video Clip.
Lost Ten Tribes in France says RASHI!
4. Question on Germany and Assyria.
5. 2 New Videos.
(a) New Video.
R & B. Prophecy and the Ten Tribes in the End Times
(a) New Video.
R & B. Steve Mathe, "Rising from the Dead and the Redemption of Israel."
1. New Video.
Evolution Refuted! DNA Changed
Duration 25.12 minutes
Living creatures can receive Genetic Information from each other. As a species they can share their new DNA if necessary. This means they do not have to take millions of years in evolving. They can change overnight and have been proven to do so. The changes may even influence whole species altogether all at once. This makes the Theory of Evolution obsolete! It also means that differences in DNA Racial Haplotypes do not mean two peoples cannot be closely related.
Gene Transfer. Evolution Refuted. DNA Changes Explained
2. Comments to Video Clips.
Evolution Refuted! DNA Changed
Nicole Martin
Thank you for this! You are a blessing! Your heart is one that seeks truth and encourages others to find it as well. Bless you!!
13:33 Yes. The claim of super long periods of time that no one can scientifically verify is key to asserting a theory of very lucky genetic accidents that no one can observe in a laboratory. It is also used with the "Big Bang" theory as well since it is difficult to explain the structure seen in the night sky. The Milky Way galaxy has rotated 50 to 60 times during the supposed time for other galaxies to have moved billions of light years away. It's hard for me to reconcile the laws of entropy with the level of organization seen in the heavens and on Earth. The long time period is used to explain anomalies like the Grand Canyon with the claim that a river cut through rock. Yet, there are a lot of sharp edges in the Grand Canyon that should be smooth with gradual water erosion. There are cliff faces that look machined yet no evidence of quarries are in the Grand Canyon. (Similar fact patterns are seen on the Moon were no wind or water exists.) There are no known oceanic planets that have continents. Earth's ocean floors are very young compared to the continents no matter what time scale is used. Magnetic anomalies in the ocean floor are highly organized compared to the ones in the continents. Both patterns of magnetic anomalies are unexplained by "lava cooling in Earth's magnetic field" when standards of evidence are applied. I know what happened. Let's just say I'm not welcome in "academic" circles. "Educators" want me to believe in something that no one saw billions of years ago and that I forget eye witness testimonies that have been handed down for thousands of years in written and oral records when similar testimonies still happen today. There is a lot of science that proves Genesis but this comment is getting long.
Interesting revelation.
There are differing schools of evolution. Theodosius Dobzhansky disagrees with Stephen Jay Gould. Is increasing intelligence a driver in evolution? Gould maintained it wasn't. Herring industry in Outer Hebrides is big.
and only Homo Sapiens Sapiens (caucasoids) are Man (by our own definition of what human is) Denisovans and Erectoids are NOT of Man and should not be protected by Man's law.
evolution is a fiction pushed by freemason Darwin. To be a mason one must recognise a creator. He even wrote in his work that the whole theory would rely on the future discovery of 'transitional' creatures - which, of course, don't exist.
Corey Falls
the family tree proves creationism and cross references itself but the freemasons will not allow it on any ancestry site or on the internet at all. They removed the proof in 2012 after 3 yrs of work from 12 branches of the family as well as the head of Empire loyalist association that proves genealogies for claims. They keep their darwinism at all costs, even illegal censorship and illegal control of the entire internet space.
Hebrews in Wales-2
William Wimbourne
Oliver Cromwell had changed his name from Williams to Cromwell. Thank you Rabbi for a most interesting history lesson on my countries history.
Christianity, Jews, and the Ten Tribes
Kitty Meow
Thank you Rabbi for all of your good work!!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
End Times. Men becoming like Women!
17:10 It seems to be the case that a level of iniquity has to be observed before judgement occurs. This is expressed in Genesis 15 : 16 and is looked at person by person as is the case when Lot and his daughters were rescued from the final judgement of Sodom. Lot was surrounded in a bad situation and angels were sent to test him and rescue him according to test results. The level of iniquity worldwide becoming complete.
The UN doesn't threaten Israel in any real way... For they are a puppet organisation controlled by Ephraim and Mannesah.
REPLY2 replies
Eye of Joseph in the USA
12:38 I really appreciate your work on language history. It seems to be the fact pattern that English is the international language of business and that the language bears the name referring to Ephraim son of Joseph. The official language of the United States of America is solely English. So again, the point of this video is emphasized. I'll just finish my comment about language by saying, when I looked at the early Hebrew/Aramaic glyphs, they are a close match to the Latin Alphabet and Latin is also found on U.S. currency. The passage of time has led to changes in how language is used around the world and much about the original alphabet is seemingly forgotten. Again, I appreciate the knowledge you reveal about the language that could have only been granted to us by our Maker.
The British Israel theory existed in the 1500s. Long before the US came along and fulfilled "a nation and a company of nations" prophecy in Genesis. The Civil War nearly ripped the US into two nations, but it didn't...
Hebraic Celts
Stan Orr
Rabbi I have been watching and studying your content for some time and I have to admit you`ve changed my mind regarding the Celtic-Hebrew connection. You mentioned the Celtics are likely descendants of Emphaim and Manasseh which seems to agree with Gen 28.14 where Jacob was assurred that he would spread out to the North, South, East and West. This brings me to another place where the 10 Lost Tribes migrated to and that`s the Americas. I had 2 Cherokee great grandmothers, 1 Blackfoot/Scot-Irish and English great grandmother and 1 Scottish great grandmother plus other Scottish ancestry from my great grandfathers. However, I`m certain that the American Indians are also Hebrews because the tribal languages are Hebrew dialects and even anthropologist and geneticists have traced the Cherokees to an outmigration from Galilee over 2,000 years ago. Why have you only considered West Europe as having descendants of the ancient tribes when the scripture says North, South, East and West?
Doomsday Conspiracy
allan thomas
I was taught evolution at school and believed it to be fact. I was raised as an atheist and once refused to look at anything spiritual at all. It's almost like a religion in itself. The problem with being like that is I had decided the bible was wrong with no knowledge of it at all. The school system does a very good job of brainwashing children. It's very hard to break programming and often takes a traumatic event.
3. New Article and Video Clip.
(a) New Article.
Obadiah and the TTs. The Lost Ten Tribes in France, the North, and England
(b) New Video Clip.
Lost Ten Tribes in France says RASHI!
Duration: 24.21 minutes
The Biblical Book of Obadiah (1:20) speaks of the First Exile of Israelites being in TSARAFAT. Rashi, the foremost Medieval Rabbinical Commentator says this means that the Lost Ten Tribes are in France and the region around it. Other famous Rabbinical Commentators make similar comments and amplify discussion on the subject. The Ten Tribes according to these sources are to be found in Western Europe including Britain, France, and the North.
See: Obadiah and the TTs.
The Lost Ten Tribes in France, the North, and England
4. Question on Germany and Assyria.
Chad McNair wrote:
> Thank you for your teaching. I just returned from 2 weeks in France.
> Very many red heads there.
> In your video today you say Canaanites are in Germany. You have said
> previously the Germans are the ancient Assyrians. Can you explain?
> Chad T. McNair
> McNair Java Partners, LLC
Brit-Am Reply:
We identify the Germans as a mixture of peoples including Edomites, descendants of Canaanites, of Gomer son of Japhet, and of Magog son of Japhet.
This interests us mainly in so far as it helps us understand Biblical passages and identify Hebrews.
There were also descendants of Judah and Israel in Germany but most of them probably moved out in previous centuries.
The idea that the Assyrians became Germans was propounded by some British Israel writers and also by the Worldwide Church of God (of Herbert W. Armstrong) and its offshoots. Craig White wrote about 2 books of interest where he discusses the possible Assyrian origin of the Germans.
The Bavarians had a tradition that they came from Armenia which adjoined Assyria. The Austrian Chronicles says that the Assyrians once ruled over Austria. There are cities in Germany that have a tradition that Austrian monarchs founded them, and place-names that could perhaps be associated with Assyria.
5. 2 New Videos.
(a) New Video.
R & B. Prophecy and the Ten Tribes in the End Times
Duration: 43.52 minutes
A Root and Branch free-flowing talk given by Yair Davidiy concerning what the Prophets prophesied concerning the Lost Ten Tribes in the End Times:
The Book of Obadiah and other prophets';
The future re-unification of Joseph with Judah; the role of Edom, France, other Israelite nations, Britain, and the USA.
(a) New Video.
R & B. Steve Mathe, "Rising from the Dead and the Redemption of Israel."
Duration: 26.34 minutes
Excerpts from an R & B Talk given by Steve Mathe concerning the Prophet Elijah, and the Return of Israel, including the Lost Ten Tribes,
At the end of the talk Yair Davidiy greets newcomers to the gallery who only heard of the ZOOM Meeting after it had already started.
Genesis (NIV) 28: