The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
20 September, 2022; 24 Elul, 5782.
1. New Article.
Bert Otten: Levi in Wales
2. Comments to Brit-Am Videos.
3. New Articles Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Doesn't the Bible err (according to a genetics course I took) when it fails to acknowledge that all Jews would have been of the house and lineage of David, a king who lived a thousand years earlier and had many children?
1. New Article.
Bert Otten: Levi in Wales
Ten Prophetic Clues Concerning Levi - the Welsh
by Bert Otten
1st Clue: Levi: scattered
2nd Clue: Levi: Priests & Druids
Levites as priests
Priests - Druids
3rd Clue: Levi: piety & revival
Piety of Levi(tes)
The Welsh Methodist Revival
4th Clue: Levi: choirs and music
Levitical Choirs
Music of Wales
5th Clue: Levi: coal
Coal, fire & ashes
Coal industry in Wales
6th Clue: Levi: gatekeepers
The Tudors from Wales
Prime Minister Lloyd George
Welsh Guards
7th Clue: Levi: Prose & Poetry (Eisteddfod)
Bible & Levi
8th Clue: Levi: Insurrection
9th Clue: Levi: towngates / castles
Gate of Shechem
Castles in Wales
10th Clue: Levi: Exiles & Strangers
Exiles - strangers
Germanic W ? Roman G. Wales (English) ? Pays de Galles (French)
2. Comments to Brit-Am Videos.
Will France (i.e. Reuben) Invade Israel?
Mark Williams
Where does Napoleon and the Napoleonic Empire fit in to this? Seems to me the events of that era fit quite nicely into the second set of prophecies concerning Reuben. Tried to conquer "Israel" (check), failed (due to inability to conquer the British Isles). Lost their Monarchs and became a republic.
"Massachusetts and Manasseh [US3]"
sindessa orellia
Maryland , one of the most haunted states in the country , you say they're Levi? That would make sense
Note: The 2 videos below now both have Subtitles on YouTube. If you do not seem them straightway please press the CC button.
US of Manasseh [US2]
Massachusetts and Manasseh [US3]
3. New Articles Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Doesn't the Bible err (according to a genetics course I took) when it fails to acknowledge that all Jews would have been of the house and lineage of David, a king who lived a thousand years earlier and had many children?
The Bible emphasizes descent through the male line!
If one disregards the differences between male and female lines or lineages that sometimes go through the male but here and there count the female or vice-versa then it could well be that most Jews are descended from David.
Similarly the non-Jewish Emperor Charlemagne (747-814 CE) had many descendants and if one counts both males and females as bearers of his lineage it is said that most inhabitants of Euro[pe (especially the Western side) could be descended from him in some way or other!
Similarly the Jews who lived in Poland were mostly interrelated with each other. It was said that when two Polish Jews met and started to regale each other with their antecedents it would usually take only 4 generations back to find someone in common.
A lot of people would like to be descended from David.
Genealogical lists exists tracing families back to David along lines that are mostly through the male but here and there a female bearer is interposed.
Hillel the Elder (ca. 110 BCE - 10 CE) was born in Babylon. He was a leader of the Jewish People, and a Sage who helped give rise to the Talmud. Hillel descended from the Tribe of Benjamin on the side of his father, and from the family of David through his mother (Talmud, Ketubot, 62B).
Nevertheless, to be really significant from a Biblical point of view it would be necessary for all members of the lineage to be male, and all to be Jewish, to really count as belonging to the sub-clan of David within the Tribe of Judah.
This is not so easy to find as it may sound but it exists.
"David shall never want a man to sit upon the throne of Israel" (Jeremiah 33:17).
Theoretically one would think, that like the so-called "Cohen" gene," it would be possible to find a YDNA (male-transmitted) marker for the descendants of David.
This however is obviated by the DNA transposing of all YDNA on more than one occasion in the intervening period.
Abraham begat Isaac, Isaac begat Jacob aka Israel, Israel begat Judah, Judah begat Perez [Perets].
Ruth (NKJV) 4:
18 Now this is the genealogy of Perez: Perez begot Hezron; 19 Hezron begot Ram, and Ram begot Amminadab; 20 Amminadab begot Nahshon, and Nahshon begot Salmon; 21 Salmon begot Boaz, and Boaz begot Obed; 22 Obed begot Jesse, and Jesse begot David.
Jesse was the father of David. David is sometimes referred to in connection with "Jesse" (1-Samuel 20:1, 20:27, 30, 31, 2-Samuel 20:1,1-Kings 12:16, 1-Chronicles 12:18, 2-Chronicles 10:16).
The future Messiah will be descended from David the son of Jesse.
Isaiah (NKJV) 11:
1 There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse,
And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.
2 The Spirit of the LORD shall rest upon Him,
The Spirit of wisdom and understanding,
The Spirit of counsel and might,
The Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD.
Iben Roostu (ca. 912 CE) referred to the rulers of Khazaria as "Ayishai." The Persian Geography "Hud al-Alam" (980 CE) said that the Khagan of the Khazars was of the descendants of the Ansa. The name "Ansa" is in fact an Arabic form of the Hebrew "Yishai" (Avraham Polak, "Khazaria" Hebrew, Israel, 1951. pp.178-179) . Gardisi (1050 CE) pronounced it as "Abshad." These pronunciations all equate the Hebrew name of 'Yishai' (Jesse) father of David. See Yair Davidiy, "Hebrew Warriors. The Khazars," Israel, 2008. "Yishai" (i.e. Jesse) was the father of David (Ruth 4:17) and the expression, "Son of Jesse," is a common synonym for David and/or the Lineage of David e.g. 1-Kings 12:16, 2-Chronicles 10:16, 2-Samuel 20:1.
David had about 22 sons. His son, Solomon, became king after him. The future Messiah will be descended from David through Solomon.
1-Kings 1:
47 And moreover the king's servants have gone to bless our lord King David, saying, 'May God make the name of Solomon better than your name, and may He make his throne greater than your throne.' ..
In the future a descendant of David shall reign over all Israel.
"In those days, will I cause the branch of righteousness to grow up into David; and he shall execute judgement and righteousness in the land" (Jeremiah 33:14-15).
The Clan of David shall be extremely numerous. Indication are that they will merge with a group from Levi.
"As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured: so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto me" (Jeremiah 33:22).
See Also:
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth."
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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