The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
BARS-160. Brit-Am Research Sources.
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Brit-Am Now no. 3343
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
20 October 2022; 25 Tishrei, 5783.
1. New Month of Cheshvan. Tribe of Manasseh.
2. CC YouTube Subtitles Added to Recent Clips.
3. Comments to Video Clips.
4. Pleased with book.
5. New Article Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
1. New Month of Cheshvan. Tribe of Manasseh.
October 25 and 26, 2022, celebrates the Hebrew Month of Cheshvan, pronounceable similarly to "Heshvan."
Cheshvan is also known as "Marcheshvan." Cheshvan is the only month that does not have any holidays or special mitzvot. We are taught that it is 'reserved' for the time of Moshiach, who will inaugurate the Third Temple in the month of Cheshvan.
The Mainstream Opinion (HaGra and Arizal) ascribes this month of the Tribe of Manasseh.
The RABAD and some of the Hasidim attribute the month to the Tribe of Dan.
In the Bible this month is called Bul (1-Kings 6:38).
Interesting Extract:
Rabbi Yaakov excelled in many areas of scholarship. .... One interesting example is the following:
In this week's portion [Deuteronomy 33:1- 34:12], Jacob gives blessing to his children, who are to carry on the tradition as the nation of Israel with a covenant from the Almighty. They are one entity made up of 12 parts. Rabbi Yaakov finds an interesting reference to this in the blessings of Jacob:
Each blessing has the name of the tribe and the blessing. Each time a tribe is mentioned, if you take the first letter of the next word and its numerical value, and add all the "first letters" of the word after the name of the tribe, the sum total is 365, the days of the solar year.
If you do the same thing with the last letter of the last word of each blessing and add them all up, the sum is 354, the days of the lunar year. Rabbi Yaakov then compares a passage from Jeremiah (31:34-35):
"So says God, Who gives sun for light during the day, the fixed laws of the moon and stars for light at night... If these laws depart from me, says God, then also the seed of Israel will stop being a nation before me for all time."
2. CC YouTube Subtitles Added to Recent Clips.
Whose Tribe are you?
now has CC subtitles.
Rhode Island - Tribe of Asher [US6].
now has CC subtitles.
WORLD POLICEMAN. Proof of Israelite Descent!
now has CC subtitles.
3. Comments to Video Clips.
Judah & Utah-2 [US5]
mysterypro music
My family background is Mormon and I have spent a good portion of my life in Utah. I will just say that the founding peoples of Utah believed that they were mainly from the tribe of Joseph, particularly Ephraim. The first founding people of the Mormon faith were mostly British, and then secondarily from Scandinavia. Even now, the culture of the church is very Ephraimite and there is a definite hierarchy in leadership and thought in Church practice. Mr. Davidiy, you mentioned in your more recent video about the tribes, that Ephraim (singular, Ephrati) means aristocrat or hierarchy, and I will say that 'that' fits Utah to a Tee. I am not saying that there aren't other lesser amounts of tribes there, but yes, Ephraim historically and maybe even currently, is the dominant current in Utah.
... your presentation of the Mormons and history in Utah is mostly correct (with a few errors and omissions). As for polygamy, they were/are famous for that, but the real facts are that only a small percentage of them practiced it. (of the main body of people), but over the decades that's one of the main things people associate Mormons with (sensationalists like juicy news). The original purpose was to build up a people following God (build numbers, so have large families) and the men were expected to provide enough including with what the women and children could do because they were an industrious people who farmed as much as they did merchandising, but of course with human nature and human misfortunes not all went well all of the time. The vast vast majority of Mormons do not practice polygamy anymore (the mainstream church does not allow it), and speaking of the offshoots that do, there are men and women quite happy with polygamy, but there are also abuses in some poly families, but you will only hear about the tales of woe because a happy family just doesn't make for exciting news. Some of these polygamous Mormons live in other places than Utah I will note! One of the symbols of Utah is the Beehive and it's worth mentioning that the prophetess Deborah in the Book of Judges sat under a palm tree and gave prophecy in the tribal lands of Ephraim. Her name means "bee" in Hebrew.
Esau in Europe, Japan, and China
i am german from germany and i agree that some germans are not german for sure. dont forget people change there names to fit in or to hide there true identity of who they really are. an ungodly person cannot hide himself this is for sure.
The Celts Called Themselves Hebrews!
Celts did not call themselves 'Celts' nor did they call themselves 'Iberi'. There were hundreds of tribes who spoke a language categorised under the Celtic branch of Indo-European. To name a few: Iceni, Cornovii, Damnonii, Belgae, Demetae, Cruthin or Priten , etc. There isn't a known tribe known as 'Iberi' from the Iberian Peninsula. I read your blogpost about this too and you can not just confirm that they called themselves 'Celts' just because they spoke a 'Celtic' language. That generalised method is misleading and doesn't acknowledge that that label was put on them by non-Celtic-speaking people in the classical past and used as an inaccurate umbrella term during the Victorian times. But I realised you did this for the same reasons as British-Israelism did, to prove your argument with a lack of evidence and just saying it's 'good enough'. Unfortunately a little deconstruction easily proves this wrong.
Brit-Am Reply:
Please see the articles listed in the blurb below the Video Clip. The Name 'Hebrew' Hebrews or Yew Trees?? What Did the Celts Call Themselves?
French academics such as de Rougemenont, Hubert, and Markale, all agree that "Iberi" or "Hiberi" was an ethnic name the so-called Celts of Britain and Gaul applied to themselves.
Whose Tribe are you?
Benjamin Burbank
Shalom, do you have this in written form to review? I found this very interesting! Thank you for making it!
Brit-Am Reply:
The video clip now has CC subtitles. See also the article:
Which Tribe are you? What do Tribal Names Tell us?
4. Pleased with Book.
The last book from you - "Ephraim," was very enlightening and I would like to thank you for the work and time you have invested - you have given a new direction and meaning in this dis-jointed and chaotic world.
God bless you,
5. New Article Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
What are the unique qualities of each tribe of Israel?
Each Tribe had its own individual qualities. The Tribes were and still are real entities. They also represent Characteristics found in all of us to some degree with one or the other dominating.
The following brief outlines of Israelite Individual Tribal Character is based mainly on a study of Biblical and Rabbinical Sources, supplements by historical experiences, and taking the meaning in Hebrew of the Tribal Names as initial guides.
The name Reuben literally means "See-a-Son," Reuben was the firstborn. The name assumes entitlement as something that should be obvious, "Look-at-me," automatic prerogative without earning it. Reuben believes in deference to rank. Reuben excels more in in logical deductions rather than empirical fact. He instinctively thinks there is a right way of doing things, of principles that everyone should abide by.
Simeon has a name meaning "Hear my Grievance" or "Let my Contention be Heard." Descendants of Simeon, according to Rashi, made good teachers of children. Once something is said others need to listen. Teachers of little children need to obey first, psychology is to be applied (if at all) later. Simeon together with Levi his brother also served as policemen. Here too the same principle hold: The Law needs to be obeyed first and if necessary contested later. .Some of Simeon became beggars. Here too we find the urge to redress a wrong: Those who have more money than others are asked to give some to those who lack. Simeon may be officious: he feels things should be done as they are required to be.
The name "Levi" connoted "Accompany." Levi has a need for community not only in this world but also in the next. He is inclined to search for the other side, for something beyond himself i.e. the Spiritual. Moses was from Levi. Levi seeks company and direction. Descendants of Levi make good musicians, rabbis, legislators, lawyers, teachers, policemen, politicians. The Tribe of Levi consists of Cohens (Priests), and ordinary Levites, as well as among the Ten Tribes in the West, the "Children of Moses."
"Yehudah" in Hebrew declares "Give thanks, Acknowledge." Judah is obsessed with God, or with a substitute for HIM. He seeks a higher cause. Religious Jews are capable of praying sincerely for long hours. Not everyone can do this.
Judah tends to acknowledges the truth. In case of disagreement he can usually be talked to, and reasoned with.
The name "Issachar" is derived from a root suggesting "Reward." Descendants of Issachar wants remuneration in some form or other for what they do. Commensurately they are also prepared to pay for what they receive. Issachar seeks to add value to services and objects.
The name "Zebulon" implies "Fertile Abode." Zebulon likes creature comforts. He appreciates bodily needs, and easy living BUT is prepared to make an effort and take risks. Zebulon does not like giving to others when it can be avoided but he is able to give a lot when he sees the need for it.
"Addition, increase." Joseph seeks the good of all. He believes in progress, of correcting what needs dealing with. He also looks out for himself and his own benefit. Ideally he tries to merge the need to fulfill his own needs with those of others.
Sons of Joseph:
The name "Ephraim" can indicate "Fruitful, doubling over." An individual from Ephraim in Hebrew was termed an "Ephrati" which name also connotes an aristocrat. Ephraim believes in hierarchy. He sizes others up almost automatically. He may be snobbish. If necessary Ephraim fights for his rights and for those of others..
The name suggest "Forget, add to," and also according to Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch (1808-1888) "appoint representative agent who is responsible." Manasseh is concerned with the present reality. He is quick to let bygones be bygones and make a new start. Manasseh prefers clear-cut processes agreed upon in advance that will adhered to. He likes "the Deal"!
"Machir" son of Manasseh headed a clan within the Tribe that had an identity of its own.
Machir has a name connoting "Selling." This is the principle of Capitalism. Anything can be bought. Money has value and can be used to value everything else. Manasseh may be very generous but is frequently aware of the worth of everything he deals with.
Benjamin, literally meaning "Son of my right hand." Benjamin tents to be Artistic and Emotional. Benjamin is impulsive but loyal. He does what needs to be done.
The name Dan indicates "Judgement." Dan may be legalistic, quibbling, argumentative, individualistic. Dan believes in the law and in equity. He examines the details.
This name is derived from a word root suggesting "wrestle, twine around." Naphtali struggles through life. He does not give up easily. He may also be devious, Naphtali has few companions but those he has are close ones. Individuals from Naphtali make good spouses.
The name Gad comes from "gedud" meaning "Group." Gad likes being with people. He seeks crowds, company, and prefers group decisions. Gad tries not to stand out. He seeks not to commit but to remain obscure among the group.
Asher is "Happy." Asher is smiling, friendly, healthy, often wealthy. The name "Asher" is also connected to the Hebrew "Isher" - permit. Asher may be permissive. At times Asher seems superficial but he is capable of understanding matters to their depth. "Asher" in Hebrew can also indicate "depth."
BARS-160. Brit-Am Research Sources
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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