The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
25 December 2022; 1 Tevet, 5783.
1. Brit-Am. 6 New Videos.
2. Our Recent Brit-Am Zoom Meeting.
3. David Gunn: Pleased with Talk.
4. Comments to Video Clips.
5. Interesting Article Comparing Yehudah to Yoseph.
1. Brit-Am. 6 New Videos
1, New Video.
Joseph in Egypt-1
Duration: 15.12 minutes.
Joseph was given a tartan cloak by his father. This denoted a higher rank for him. He dreamt of his brothers bowing down to them. Joseph also brought a false report against them. They judged him as a danger to themselves and their families and plotted to kill him. The principle of measure for measure is repeated several times over as a subplot of the Biblical narrative.
Joseph and his Brothers. Video.
What Really Happened? - A Few Insights
2. New Video.
Ruler of the Land. Egypt-2.
Duration: 15.47 minutes.
Joseph was sold as a slave to Egypt. The wife of his master accused him of attempted rape whereas in reality she had attempted to coerce him against his will to lie with her! Joseph was imprisoned. While in prison he correctly interpreted the dreams of two servants of Pharaoh. Consequently he was recommended to Pharaoh as being able to interpret dreams. His interpretations resonated with Pharaoh who appointed Joseph second-in command over all the Land.
Joseph and his Brothers. Video. What Really Happened? - A Few Insights
3. New Video.
Brothers at Odds. Egypt-3.
Duration: 18.15 minutes.
The Brothers of Joseph needed because of the Famine to come to Egypt to buy grain for their families.
Joseph then ruled Egypt. He recognized his brothers but they did not realize who he was.
Joseph accused them of being spies. Later he claimed that Benjamin, his own younger brother, had stolen his chalice and must remain as a slave.
Judah confronted him in an emotional remonstrance. Joseph made himself known ro them.
Joseph and his Brothers. Video. What Really Happened? - A Few Insights
4. New Video.
Brothers Reconciled. Egypt-4.
Duration: 32.04 minutes.
Joseph revealed himself to his brothers after playing a cat-and-mouse came with them. Why did he do that? Were the brothers at least partly justified in what they had done? They expressed regret on not having listened to Joseph when he pleased with them. But they never said anything about having been wrong in the first place. In principle were they in the right? What did Joseph think?
Joseph and his Brothers. Video. What Really Happened? - A Few Insights
5. New Video.
Ten Tribe Unity with Judah!
Duration: 17.01 minutes.
The Lost Ten Tribes are among Western Peoples. Brit-Am is spreading this information and proving it. Brit-Am is helping to prepare the way for the future unification of Judah (the Jews) with Joseph. Brit-Am should be helped in this endeavor.
Joseph and his Brothers. Video. What Really Happened? - A Few Insights
6. Brit-Am Meeting. Egypt-5
Duration: 51.34 minutes.
Selected Extracts from a Brit-Am Online lecture and brief discussion with audience participation concerning Joseph in Egypt and the re-union with his brothers.
Joseph and his Brothers. Video.
What Really Happened? - A Few Insights
2. Our Recent Brit-Am Zoom Meeting.
We held our recent Brit-Am Zoom Meeting,
Wednesday, December 21, 2022 11:00 PM (2300) Jerusalem,
on schedule.
Yair Davidiy was there with his friend and neighbor Yishai.
Yishai is originally from the USA but now lives in Israel with his wife and family.
Yishai is a computer specialist by profession but at present learns Torah most of the time.
Four others participated: one from Canada, one from Brazil but originally from Canada, one from Georgia, USA, and one from close to London, UK.
We made brief introductions. A longer-than-average talk was given which was successful. This was followed by interesting comments and some discussion.
Even though there were not that many people there they all gave something and it was well worthwhile. The whole atmosphere was positive and this came through in the talk we gave.
Yishai was impressed and thought we should post a full video of the whole affair just as it was without editing.
Unfortunately there had been interference in the transmission perhaps due to the weather or for some other reason.
This adversely affected the video and not all of the meeting was audible.
Consequently we were only able to post a clip comprised of suitable excerpts. This however is not bad and worth watching.
Brit-Am Meeting. Egypt-5
After that we went on a production binge and produced 5 more short regularly filmed videos on the same subject and related matters.
Here too we had trouble with the camera necessitating only short clips. Eventually we fixed the problem.
Meanwhile we had made 6 new videos altogether of reasonable quality.
See above:
Item #1
#1. Brit-Am. 6 New Videos.
As we said even if the meetings are not attracting large crowds they are worthwhile.
We will probably have another one soon.
A request has been made that we discuss Tribal Identifications.
More suggestions are welcome.
3. David Gunn: Pleased with Talk.
Thanks for your talk tonight. Look forward to next one.
4. Comments to Video Clips.
Brit-Meeting. Egypt-5
N. E. Wren
Hello kvod harav, do you have any contacts so I can make Aliyah? I am son of the Anousim, but what I've investigated traces back to 19th century. It's not common since most of Anousim are from 1492. In my particular case it seems my grandfather was born in europe and came to Argentina in the last migration wave.
Brit-Am Reply:
I have no contacts of my own on this matter BUT there are organizations that exist to help the descendants of ANUSIM ("Marranos") some of which are Kosher and recognized and have resources.
So it�s the Scottish and English in me that is the key not the German .Interesting.
Brit-Am Reply:
I would not necessarily go that far. The German side may also have Israelite ancestry it just would not apply so much to all other Germans.
Different Tribes and Varied Obligations
This may well be the end time judging from the news.
Pure fiction theologically conquering the world. Lost tribes cause they never existed
Ten Tribe Unity with Judah!
What G-d plans can't be changed not even by the great world powers.
The claim is that the "Stone of Scone" is the stone that Jacob used. It is kept in Edinburgh Castle. 12:51 Those verses remind me of the "tally sticks" that were used in Britain for at least 500 years as a record of covenant agreements. We get the word "stock" and the phrase "short end of the stick" from the use of tally sticks.
Great video, Mr Yair. You must be feeling the same urgency as I am. Chag sameach!
Sold into Slavery. Egypt-1
Shalom, Salam, Peace. Long Live Israel & Long Live Palestine, Want To Be Good Neighbours With Eternal Peace & Love. Some Extremists From Both Sides, Want To Destroy Each Other, With No Peace Insight. One Day Hopefully Isreal & Palestine Will Go Together To The World Football Competition, Hatred Must Be Put In The Dustbin.
6:13 Every day of our lives are ordained. Albeit most of us have common lives rather than royal lives.
Reuben in France
I'm R-L20 Celtic hologroup between France and Belgium
Joseph and his Brothers
The "Potiphar's wife" motif occurs in the myths of bronze age Greece. This may mean that some of the Tribe of Joseph were there at that time. The figure of Macaar [Troy and Edos Macaros in the Iliad-Lesbos] was associated with Heliopolis in Egypt. Joseph was also associated with Heliopolis.
5. Interesting Article Comparing Yehudah to Yoseph.
Hamaayan / The Torah Spring
Edited by Shlomo Katz
Vayaishev: Yehuda, Yosef and Chanukah
Volume XVII, No. 8
25 Kislev 5762
November 30, 2002
...there must be some relationship between the Chanukah story and the "rivalry" between Yosef and his brothers. ... R' Shimshon David Pinkus z"l suggests the following:
...Yosef and Yehuda represented different ways of serving Hashem, and Yosef was seeking recognition for his approach.
When Yehuda was born, his mother Leah said, "I thank Hashem." She recognized that all comes from Hashem, and she gave Yehuda a name that reflects that fact.... David took no credit for himself, for he recognized that all comes from Hashem.
In contrast, Yosef attributed to a person greater control over his own spiritual standing. And, he taught that this requires a person to be perfect....
The Greeks, too, preached self- improvement and perfection, but this ultimately leads to denying G-d. Unlike the Greeks, Yosef's focus was on spiritual improvement, but Yosef's brothers felt that any philosophy that attributes undue importance to man's accomplishments is heretical.
Ultimately, the approaches of Yehuda and Yosef will be reconciled..
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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