The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
2 January 2023; 9 Tevet, 5783.
1. Remembering who you are.
2. New Article. Where did Elijah Go?
Is Eliyahu the Prophet still with us?
3. Comments to Video Clips.
4. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions.
Was the Balfour Declaration an act of imperialistic altruism or self-interest by the British government?
5. New Zoom Meeting This Monday Night.
1. Remembering who you are.
The Bible predicted that this would take place.
The exiled Israelites were to become one of the most numerous groups of people on earth (Genesis 15:5, 22:17, 24:60, 32:12, Numbers 23:10, Deuteronomy 1:11, Isaiah 10:22, 24:16, 26:15, Hosea 1:10); to be the most powerful (Genesis 27:9, Numbers 24:7, Michah 5:7-9), to be the richest, to possess the most mineral and agricultural resources (Genesis 27:28, 49:25, Deuteronomy 33:13-16, Hosea 2:8), to live in the best places (Isaiah 41:8-9), to be in islands (Isaiah 42:4, 49:1-6 Jeremiah 31:9-10), peninsulas (Jeremiah 31:8), and at continental extremities (Deuteronomy 33:13, Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9, 49:6), to be sea-farers (Isaiah 42:6), to gain control over strategic points regarding their potential adversaries (Genesis 22:16-17, 24:60), to be like a lion, and unicorn (Numbers 24:8-9), and bald-headed eagle (Micah 1:16). They were also to be largely unaware of their Israelite identity and to practice a non--Jewish religion (Hosea 2:8, 2:13, 2:16 11:12). Judah in the End Times would not know who they were (Isaiah 49:21). Scripture gives numerous other identifying characteristics that taken as a whole can only fit THE one group of people that were to be found in Western Europe especially in Britain and its offshoots in North America, etc.
Hosea (NASB) 1:
10 Yet the number of the sons of Israel
Will be like the sand of the sea,
Which cannot be measured or numbered;
And in the place
Where it is said to them,
"You are not My people,"
It will be said to them,
"You are the sons of the living God."
11 And the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel will be gathered together,
And they will appoint for themselves one leader,
And they will go up from the land,
For great will be the day of Jezreel.
2. New Article.
Where did Elijah Go?
Is Eliyahu the Prophet still with us?
1. Did Elijah die?
2. Could Elijah be still alive?
3. Descendant or Future Embodiment?
4. Is Brit-Am an Agent of Elijah?
5. Knowing Your Ancestry. Elijah as Intellectual Intuition and Spiritual Inspiration.
3. Comments to Video Clips
Who is Elijah Today?
John J. O'Carroll "An Authentic History of Ireland from the earliest times down" vol. I p. 265 mentions Jezebel of Tyre and her marriage and her conversion of Israel to Ba'alism.King Ahab is referred to as King "Aodab" and he is the King of "Ceisrael". Jezebel is referred to as Ishbal and she is,unbelievably, referred to as a "goodly" daughter. Her father is Ithbaal,King of the Feine. They sent cromfirs [priests of ba'al] to Ireland to convert the Irish to the religion of Baal. In the Bible, Jezebel was the mortal enemy of the Prophet Elijah and tried to convert Israel to the religion of Ba'al.
The great world leaders can't see what is on the way-but we do. Elijah was taken up into the heavens in a fiery chariot.
Elijah was transformed to ionized plasma the fourth state of energy. Or perhaps that is actually the non corporeal, non material part of humans. What is usually referred to as "soul".
I think Elijah was translated and will return in the end of days. He will stand in the street with another? Thank you!
IM IN AMERICA ????. IM WHITE ,,WITH BLUE EYES ,,, WAS BORN IN DECEMBER 15, 19, 64 ,,what tribe stone am I. ..what stone. ..and?? we ??love ??you. ??
Melkezedek should also still be alive.
Thank you for your work.
You have revealed to me a way to learn where my family came from.
Our symbol is the lion rampant, same as your Jerusalem flag, only a crimson background and a silver lion. Further reading hints that it comes from Pharez.
My ancestors declared in the Declaration of Arbroath our Israelite heritage.
It seems that through history, when we sided with the king, we were blessed, including the first dukedom of Norfolk. We equally cursed ourselves rebelling against kings and found ourselves removed to far off lands, but still receiving mercy in not being executed for treason, even pardoned at length.
We cannot declare our lineage to Abraham and therefore are rightfully cut off until the Lord sees fit to call us home.
Will Moshiach be an Irish American out of the house of Judah?
Joseph and Divine Protection
When the Israelites left Egypt,the Lord's angel went before them in a pillar of fire by night and a column of smoke by day.Michael is supposed to be the archangel of Israel.
Thank you for this teaching
REPLY0 replies
A question to all?? I'm Looking forward to an intelligent reply.?? Moved by lust at the sight of her, King David called for Bathsheba to be brought to him and slept with her. David committed adultery with a married woman called Bathsheba, wife of Uriah. what's more, David murdered Uriah by proxy by ordering all of Uriah's comrades to abandon him in the midst of battle, so that he ended up getting killed by an opposing army. The Prophet Nathan was sent by God and warned King David. well, Torah verses clearly say that both URIAH and DAVID Blessed by GOD. Well, the question is, if Uriah, David and Bathsheba go to heaven. To whom will Bathsheba be given? This question is ready to test the wisdom of all of you: The Bible [ Torah ]: God promised that God had already chosen all three humans for heaven: David, Uriah and Bathsheba.
Brit-Am Reply:
Concerning David it is not as simple as you present it. Nevertheless the Bible wrote it that way for reasons of its own. We have articles on this in our web-site and a whole book dedicated to it.
4. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions.
Was the Balfour Declaration an act of imperialistic altruism or self-interest by the British government?
The Balfour Declaration is a document comparable to the American Declaration of Independence! The British believed it should be done because it was something that needed doing for its own sake. The Balfour Declaration ALSO came about as a result of Zionist pressure, political exigencies, and a long-felt need for a place of refuge for Jews following recent pogroms and persecutions in the Christian and Muslim worlds.
NEVERTHELESS, it PRIMARILY gave expression more than anything else to British Restorationist Tradition. In other words this meant giving the Jews the Holy Land as an expression of what Britain was. This was considered a National Obligation by a small number of mainly Englishmen who generation after generation kept at it. This was sensed to be an inherited duty. From the time of Oliver Cromwell, if not even before then, there had existed a felt need to re-create the Kingdom of Judah in the Holy Land. This trend of thought had been quite strong in Britain, and later was also felt in both the USA and France.
Admittedly "Imperialistic Altruism" was a factor as too was a fancied "self-interest." These however were subsidiary considerations adduced to strengthen the primary incentive.
We refer the reader to:
Franz Kobler:
"The Vision Was There. A History of the British Movement for the Restoration of the Jews to Palestine," London, 1956.
Also viewable at: Center for Jewish History. Franz Kobler Collection
The Balfour Declaration,
# Dated Foreign Office, November 2, 1917, and signed by Arthur James Balfour; the "Declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which had been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet" read:
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
The original intention of the British Government had been:
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment OF [and not "in"] Palestine AS THE [and nor "of a"] national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object.In the final Declaration however as published there followed the caveat:
# it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. #
This conditional reservation was not originally meant to be there. It was inserted as an afterthought due to Assimilationist Jewish pressure.
Kobler explains:
# In the revised governmental version, the substitution of the phrase "the establishment in Palestine of a National Home" for "the reconstitution of Palestine as the National Home of the Jewish People" was a setback suffered by the restorationist and Zionist cause.
# The representatives of the opposition raised objections even against the new formula and tried desperately to eliminate the decisive term "National". In this fateful battle of opinions the Chief Rabbi, the Rev. Dr. J. H. Hertz's inspired and well-considered endorsement of the Zionist-aspirations made the deepest impression and strengthened the Cabinet in its pro-Zionist attitude.
Why had the changes been made?
Assimilationist Jews had pressured the British Government to accept them:
# With Lloyd George and Arthur James Balfour at the head of the Government, the most auspicious moment in the history of the Restoration Movement was approaching. A grave peril arose, however, when the Zionist proposals met unexpected opposition in 1917. The opposition came from Jews. The President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews (which in 1842 had turned down the Colonel Churchill suggestion to initiate a Jewish national policy) and the Anglo-Jewish Association, David E. Alexander and Claude G. Montefiore, in an open letter to The Times of May 24, 1917, attacked the whole scheme of a national Jewish resettlement in Palestine. The anti-Zionist spokesmen found a very powerful ally in a fellow-Jew, Edwin Samuel Montagu, Secretary of State for India, who even distributed a memorandum which supported their attitude. #
# The Cabinet itself, although far from abandoning its restorationist policy, yielded to some extent to the pressure of the Jewish opposition. It modified the Zionist formula and invited representative Jewish leaders, both Zionist and non-Zionist, to present their views in writing. In the revised governmental version, the substitution of the phrase "the establishment in Palestine of a National Home" for "the reconstitution of Palestine as the National Home of the Jewish People" was a setback suffered by the restorationist and Zionist cause. As subsequent events have shown, it had even more serious consequences than was realised by the Zionist leaders who felt that they had to accept it in the then prevailing circumstances. Nevertheless, even with this modification, the basic principle of a Jewish National Home had been adopted by the Government and a victory won in the long struggle of the Restoration Movement and Zionism for its recognition.
British Restorationism helped create the State of Israel. As far as its adherents were concerned the State of Israel should be even larger than it is now. Jewish nationalist self-expression in the Holy Land should be more virulent than it now is.
The Jewish right to the Holy land derives from the Bible. The Bible is its justification. The Bible also sanctioned the creation of the United kingdom, of the United States of America, of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
The Bible gave rise to whatever is positive in Western Civilization. This includes the Balfour Declaration as it was originally intended!
Why then did Britain backtrack in 1948?
In the same way as there were Jews who did not want the Zionists to succeed so too were there Brits who felt the same way. The British in effect on the whole did interpret the Mandate they had received in favor of the Jews. There were however painful exceptions to this generality.
The British had ENABLED the infrastructure of what became the Jewish State.
The British occupied Palestine from 1917-1948. During that time there were changes in British Government in Britain itself, in the British governing personnel in Palestine, and in the world situation. The British attitude towards the Jews also varied.
The Arab Rebellion against the Jews and British lasted from 1936 to 1939. 5,000 Arabs in Palestine who were against the Zionist presence were killed by British soldiers. Another 500 Palestinians were killed by fellow Arabs because they were pro-Jewish. The Arab Rebellion ended just as the Second World War was about to begin. The British Empire still existed. It encompassed millions of Muslims especially in India which then included what is now Pakistan. The British Minister Chamberlain declared that if he had to chose between Jews and Arabs he would choose Arabs. Limitations were placed on the number of Jews allowed to enter the Land just when the Jews needed a place to go. This policy continued to some degree after the War. The Jews reacted and a modified "Jewish Rebellion" took place.
The British were partly responsible for this. For instance, there was British involvement in the blowing up by Zionist militants of a wing of the King David Hotel. Ninety-one people were killed including 41 Arabs, 28 British citizens, 17 Jews, 2 Armenians, 1 Russian, 1 Greek and 1 Egyptian. Forty-nine people were injured.
Lieutenant General Sir Evelyn Barker, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the British Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan,
#...favored the death penalty for 'Zionist guerrillas,' and applied it whenever he could. He suggested that the reason there was so much unrest was that previous administrations hadn't hanged enough Jews. After the bombing of the King David Hotel, he issued an order that read in part,
"I am determined that [the Jews] shall suffer punishment and be made aware of the contempt and loathing with which we regard their conduct. ....."
The problem is that the explosion may have been a British Provocation that backfired! There were more explosives than it was thought there would be. The Deputy Commander of the Jewish Underground squad responsible for blowing up the King David Hotel had been a British Agent!
Source: Quoted from: John Shaw General Secretary of the British Mandate 1943-1946.
It was decided to turn the Mandate over to the USA or to the UN. The British evacuated giving the Jews most of the strategic advantages.
# Pollock [a British military administrator in Palestine] and others like him wanted the state administration to continue to function properly, and so they did in fact make a great effort to transfer it to the Jews. Some functions were handed over to the municipalities, others to the Jewish Agency. In addition, the evacuation plan, from south to north, left responsibility for Jewish population centers in British hands, almost to the very last minute, thus impeding Arab war plans. # "One Palestine Complete," Tom Segev, p.513.
According to the Evacuation Plan the Jews were to receive half the Land though they comprised only one-sixth of the population. The Arabs rebelled and were joined by the forces of neighboring Arab countries. The army of one of these hostile nations, Trans-Jordan, was staffed by British officers.
On the 14th of May 1948 the State of Israel declared its Independence. Following the War of Independence in 1948 the State of Israel was recognized by a majority of member states. Britain abstained from the voting but encouraged its dominions and Commonwealth associates to vote in favor of Israel.
The British attitude was ambivalent but on the whole usually more pro-Jewish than not. It was not really altruism, nor was it entirely self-interest. It may also be considered National Self-Expression!
"Nowhere more than in Britain has the idea of the Restoration of the Jews been developed into a doctrine and become the object of a movement extending over more than three centuries. Only in Britain the leading spokesmen of many generations have been inspired by the vision of a revived Israel. Only there the creation of a Jewish National Home has been a serious and almost continuous political issue which was finally translated into reality…"
"The idea of Israel's Restoration is rooted in the fundamentals of the Commonwealth, Inseparable… from the character and history of the British nation in spite of a temporary abandonment..."
"The movement [i.e. Restoration of the Jewish Independent Kingdom] [is].. an integral part of British religious, social and political history forming a parallel, not an annex, of the histories of Jewish Messianism and Zionism
.... The recognition of Israel's Restoration as an organic part of British political ideas... a genuine religious, humanitarian and political trend within British history."
Franz Kobler, "THE VISION WAS THERE", UK 1956 pp.7-9.
5. New Zoom Meeting This Monday Night
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Yair Davidiy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Yair Davidiy's Zoom Meeting: Israelite Tribal Identifications
Time: Jan 2, 2023 11:00 PM Jerusalem
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Questions and Answers Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes (LTTs).
All Welcome.
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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Brit-Am Now no. 3368.
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
29 December 2022; 5 Tevet, 5783.
1. Remembering who you are.
2. New Article. Where did Elijah Go?
Is Eliyahu the Prophet still with us?
3. Comments to Video Clips
4. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions.
Was the Balfour Declaration an act of imperialistic altruism or self-interest by the British government?
5. New Zoom Meeting This Monday Night
1. Remembering who you are.
The Bible predicted that this would take place.
The exiled Israelites were to become one of the most numerous groups of people on earth (Genesis 15:5, 22:17, 24:60, 32:12, Numbers 23:10, Deuteronomy 1:11, Isaiah 10:22, 24:16, 26:15, Hosea 1:10); to be the most powerful (Genesis 27:9, Numbers 24:7, Michah 5:7-9), to be the richest, to possess the most mineral and agricultural resources (Genesis 27:28, 49:25, Deuteronomy 33:13-16, Hosea 2:8), to live in the best places (Isaiah 41:8-9), to be in islands (Isaiah 42:4, 49:1-6 Jeremiah 31:9-10), peninsulas (Jeremiah 31:8), and at continental extremities (Deuteronomy 33:13, Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9, 49:6), to be sea-farers (Isaiah 42:6), to gain control over strategic points regarding their potential adversaries (Genesis 22:16-17, 24:60), to be like a lion, and unicorn (Numbers 24:8-9), and bald-headed eagle (Micah 1:16). They were also to be largely unaware of their Israelite identity and to practice a non--Jewish religion (Hosea 2:8, 2:13, 2:16 11:12). Judah in the End Times would not know who they were (Isaiah 49:21). Scripture gives numerous other identifying characteristics that taken as a whole can only fit THE one group of people that were to be found in Western Europe especially in Britain and its offshoots in North America, etc.
Hosea (NASB) 1:
10 Yet the number of the sons of Israel
Will be like the sand of the sea,
Which cannot be measured or numbered;
And in the place
Where it is said to them,
"You are not My people,"
It will be said to them,
"You are the sons of the living God."
11 And the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel will be gathered together,
And they will appoint for themselves one leader,
And they will go up from the land,
For great will be the day of Jezreel.
2. New Article.
Where did Elijah Go?
Is Eliyahu the Prophet still with us?
1. Did Elijah die?
2. Could Elijah be still alive?
3. Descendant or Future Embodiment?
4. Is Brit-Am an Agent of Elijah?
5. Knowing Your Ancestry. Elijah as Intellectual Intuition and Spiritual Inspiration.
3. Comments to Video Clips
Who is Elijah Today?
John J. O'Carroll "An Authentic History of Ireland from the earliest times down" vol. I p. 265 mentions Jezebel of Tyre and her marriage and her conversion of Israel to Ba'alism.King Ahab is referred to as King "Aodab" and he is the King of "Ceisrael". Jezebel is referred to as Ishbal and she is,unbelievably, referred to as a "goodly" daughter. Her father is Ithbaal,King of the Feine. They sent cromfirs [priests of ba'al] to Ireland to convert the Irish to the religion of Baal. In the Bible, Jezebel was the mortal enemy of the Prophet Elijah and tried to convert Israel to the religion of Ba'al.
The great world leaders can't see what is on the way-but we do. Elijah was taken up into the heavens in a fiery chariot.
Elijah was transformed to ionized plasma the fourth state of energy. Or perhaps that is actually the non corporeal, non material part of humans. What is usually referred to as "soul".
I think Elijah was translated and will return in the end of days. He will stand in the street with another? Thank you!
IM IN AMERICA ????. IM WHITE ,,WITH BLUE EYES ,,, WAS BORN IN DECEMBER 15, 19, 64 ,,what tribe stone am I. ..what stone. ..and?? we ??love ??you. ??
Melkezedek should also still be alive.
Thank you for your work.
You have revealed to me a way to learn where my family came from.
Our symbol is the lion rampant, same as your Jerusalem flag, only a crimson background and a silver lion. Further reading hints that it comes from Pharez.
My ancestors declared in the Declaration of Arbroath our Israelite heritage.
It seems that through history, when we sided with the king, we were blessed, including the first dukedom of Norfolk. We equally cursed ourselves rebelling against kings and found ourselves removed to far off lands, but still receiving mercy in not being executed for treason, even pardoned at length.
We cannot declare our lineage to Abraham and therefore are rightfully cut off until the Lord sees fit to call us home.
Will Moshiach be an Irish American out of the house of Judah?
Joseph and Divine Protection
When the Israelites left Egypt,the Lord's angel went before them in a pillar of fire by night and a column of smoke by day.Michael is supposed to be the archangel of Israel.
Thank you for this teaching
4. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions.
Was the Balfour Declaration an act of imperialistic altruism or self-interest by the British government?
The Balfour Declaration is a document comparable to the American Declaration of Independence! The British believed it should be done because it was something that needed doing for its own sake. The Balfour Declaration ALSO came about as a result of Zionist pressure, political exigencies, and a long-felt need for a place of refuge for Jews following recent pogroms and persecutions in the Christian and Muslim worlds.
NEVERTHELESS, it PRIMARILY gave expression more than anything else to British Restorationist Tradition. In other words this meant giving the Jews the Holy Land as an expression of what Britain was. This was considered a National Obligation by a small number of mainly Englishmen who generation after generation kept at it. This was sensed to be an inherited duty. From the time of Oliver Cromwell, if not even before then, there had existed a felt need to re-create the Kingdom of Judah in the Holy Land. This trend of thought had been quite strong in Britain, and later was also felt in both the USA and France.
Admittedly "Imperialistic Altruism" was a factor as too was a fancied "self-interest." These however were subsidiary considerations adduced to strengthen the primary incentive.
We refer the reader to:
Franz Kobler:
"The Vision Was There. A History of the British Movement for the Restoration of the Jews to Palestine," London, 1956.
Franz Kobler Contents
Franz Kobler "The Vision Was There. A History of the British Movement for the Restoration of the Jews to Palestine" London, 1956 Also available for free download as one .pdf file Contents Britain, Zionism, and the Creation of the State of Israel A Brit-Am On-Line Re-Publication
Also viewable at: Center for Jewish History. Franz Kobler Collection
The Balfour Declaration,
# Dated Foreign Office, November 2, 1917, and signed by Arthur James Balfour; the "Declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which had been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet" read:
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country."
The original intention of the British Government had been:
"His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment OF [and not "in"] Palestine AS THE [and nor "of a"] national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object.
In the final Declaration however as published there followed the caveat:
# it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country. #
This conditional reservation was not originally meant to be there. It was inserted as an afterthought due to Assimilationist Jewish pressure.
Kobler explains:
# In the revised governmental version, the substitution of the phrase "the establishment in Palestine of a National Home" for "the reconstitution of Palestine as the National Home of the Jewish People" was a setback suffered by the restorationist and Zionist cause.
# The representatives of the opposition raised objections even against the new formula and tried desperately to eliminate the decisive term "National". In this fateful battle of opinions the Chief Rabbi, the Rev. Dr. J. H. Hertz's inspired and well-considered endorsement of the Zionist-aspirations made the deepest impression and strengthened the Cabinet in its pro-Zionist attitude.
Why had the changes been made?
Assimilationist Jews had pressured the British Government to accept them:
# With Lloyd George and Arthur James Balfour at the head of the Government, the most auspicious moment in the history of the Restoration Movement was approaching. A grave peril arose, however, when the Zionist proposals met unexpected opposition in 1917. The opposition came from Jews. The President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews (which in 1842 had turned down the Colonel Churchill suggestion to initiate a Jewish national policy) and the Anglo-Jewish Association, David E. Alexander and Claude G. Montefiore, in an open letter to The Times of May 24, 1917, attacked the whole scheme of a national Jewish resettlement in Palestine. The anti-Zionist spokesmen found a very powerful ally in a fellow-Jew, Edwin Samuel Montagu, Secretary of State for India, who even distributed a memorandum which supported their attitude. #
# The Cabinet itself, although far from abandoning its restorationist policy, yielded to some extent to the pressure of the Jewish opposition. It modified the Zionist formula and invited representative Jewish leaders, both Zionist and non-Zionist, to present their views in writing. In the revised governmental version, the substitution of the phrase "the establishment in Palestine of a National Home" for "the reconstitution of Palestine as the National Home of the Jewish People" was a setback suffered by the restorationist and Zionist cause. As subsequent events have shown, it had even more serious consequences than was realised by the Zionist leaders who felt that they had to accept it in the then prevailing circumstances. Nevertheless, even with this modification, the basic principle of a Jewish National Home had been adopted by the Government and a victory won in the long struggle of the Restoration Movement and Zionism for its recognition.
British Restorationism helped create the State of Israel. As far as its adherents were concerned the State of Israel should be even larger than it is now. Jewish nationalist self-expression in the Holy Land should be more virulent than it now is.
The Jewish right to the Holy land derives from the Bible. The Bible is its justification. The Bible also sanctioned the creation of the United kingdom, of the United States of America, of Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.
The Bible gave rise to whatever is positive in Western Civilization. This includes the Balfour declaration as it was originally intended!
Why then did Britain backtrack in 1948?
In the same way as there were Jews who did not want the Zionists to succeed so too were there Brits who felt the same way. The British in effect on the whole did interpreted the Mandate they had received in favor of the Jews. There were however painful exceptions to this generality.
The British had ENABLED the infrastructure of what became the Jewish State.
The British occupied Palestine from 1917-1948. During that time there were changes in British Government in Britain itself, in the British governing personnel in Palestine, and in the world situation. The British attitude towards the Jews also varied.
The Arab rebellion against the Jews and British lasted from 1936 to 1939. 5,000 Arabs in Palestine who were against the Zionist presence were killed by British soldiers. Another 500 Palestinians were killed by fellow Arabs because they were pro-Jewish. The Arab Rebellion ended just as the Second World War was about to begin. The British Empire still existed. It encompassed millions of Muslims especially in India which then included what is now Pakistan. The British Minister Chamberlain declared that if he had to chose between Jews and Arabs he would choose Arabs. Limitations were placed on the number of Jews allowed to enter the Land just when the Jews needed a place to go. This policy continued to some degree after the War. The Jews reacted and a modified "rebellion" took place.
The British were partly responsible for this. For instance, a wing of the King David Hotel was blown up Zionists militants. Ninety-one people were killed including 41 Arabs, 28 British citizens, 17 Jews, 2 Armenians, 1 Russian, 1 Greek and 1 Egyptian. Forty-nine people were injured.
Lieutenant General Sir Evelyn Barker, the General Officer Commanding (GOC) of the British Forces in Palestine and Trans-Jordan,
#...favored the death penalty for 'Zionist guerrillas,' and applied it whenever he could. He suggested that the reason there was so much unrest was that previous administrations hadn't hanged enough Jews. After the bombing of the King David Hotel, he issued an order that read in part,
"I am determined that [the Jews] shall suffer punishment and be made aware of the contempt and loathing with which we regard their conduct. ....."
The problem is that the explosion may have been a British Provocation that backfired! There were more explosives than it was thought there would be. The Deputy Commander of the Jewish Underground squad responsible for blowing up the King David Hotel had been a British Agent!
Source: Quoted from:
John Shaw General Secretary of the British Mandate 1943-1946.
It was decided to turn the Mandate over to the USA or to the UN. The British evacuated giving the Jews most of the strategic advantages.
# Pollock [a British military administrator in Palestine] and others like him wanted the state administration to continue to function properly, and so they did in fact make a great effort to transfer it to the Jews. Some functions were handed over to the municipalities, others to the Jewish Agency. In addition, the evacuation plan, from south to north, left responsibility for Jewish population centers in British hands, almost to the very last minute, thus impeding Arab war plans. # "One Palestine Complete," Tom Segev, p.513.
According to the Evacuation Plan the Jews were to receive half the Land though they comprised only one-sixth of the population. The Arabs rebelled and were joined by the forces of neighboring Arab countries. The army of one of these hostile nations, Trans-Jordan, was staffed by British officers.
On the 14th of May 1948 the State of Israel declared its Independence. Following the War of Independence in 1948 the State of Israel was recognized by a majority of member states. Britain abstained from the voting but encouraged its dominions and Commonwealth associates to vote in favor of Israel.
The British attitude was ambivalent but on the whole usually more pro-Jewish than not. It was not really altruism, nor was it entirely self-interest. it may also be considered National Self-Expression!
5. New Zoom Meeting This Monday Night
2300 Israel Time.
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Yair Davidiy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Yair Davidiy's Zoom Meeting: Israelite Tribal Identifications
Time: Jan 2, 2023 11:00 PM Jerusalem
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Meeting ID: 792 4848 1773
Passcode: 7h06FV
Questions and Answers Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes (LTTs).
All Welcome.