The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
4 January 2023; 11 Tevet, 5783.
1. Recent Uploads by Yair Davidiy to Hebrew Israelite on Quora.
2. New Article.
Rabbis and Tribes.
The Tribal Affiliation of Foremost Sages and Rabbis and what we can learn from them.
3. 2 New Video Clips.
(1) Tribal Identification Meeting -1. Delaware.
(2) Tribes Identified. Meeting -2.
4. Comments to Video Clips.
5. New Quora Article by Yair Davidiy
What if Britain had surrendered to the Nazis?
1. Recent Uploads by Yair Davidiy to Hebrew Israelite on Quora.
Albinoes Systematically Murdered in Africa
Rare Stories
Posted by
Chukwuebuka Sunday
"We are not animals to be hunted or sold." In more than 20 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa, people with albinism live in fear of being ritualistically murdered and dismembered by those who hold disturbing beliefs about such killings.
Body parts believed to bring good luck can sell for as much as $75,000 while so many albinos are killed that the United Nations believes that those living in Malawi are at risk of "total extinction."
Albinos Are Being Hunted And Killed For Their Body Parts In Malawi
Beni Habzay
Should women be banned from the armed forces? If so, why?
Was the Balfour Declaration an act of imperialistic altruism or self-interest by the British government?
Russian/Ukraine War
Posted by
O. Vishmidt
Werner Hermann
WW2 enthusiast
What is your most controversial opinion that is related to WW2?
That the Western Allies contributed more to defeating the Axis powers and the Soviet Union's contribution to victory is overrated.
The Muslim population in Israel is 17%. Is there any Muslim country where the population of Jews is more than 10%?
Marc Lipshitz
What are the main differences between Chinese, Korean and Japanese people? Do they dislike each other?
Nivek Krutiy
2. New Article.
Rabbis and Tribes.
The Tribal Affiliation of Foremost Sages and Rabbis and what we can learn from them
Benjamin - Hilell the Elder.
Joseph - Rabbi Yochanan.
Issachar - "Bnei Yissachar." Rabbi Zvi Elimelech Shapiro of Dinov.
3. 2 New Video Clips.
(1) Tribal Identification Meeting -1. Delaware.
Duration: 17.61 minutes.
Brit-Am held an online get-together on January 2, 2023. Topics discussed in this first section included the Tribe of Dan in Delaware, USA;
Israelite descendants who were left behind in non-Israelite nations such as Germany and Italy, etc., but later moved to the USA.
(2) Tribes Identified. Meeting -2.
Duration: 34.17 minutes
A continuation of the Brit-Am online get-together of January 2, 2023.
Nelson Thall discuses the identification of the Ukrainians today with a Tribe of Media. This ties in with the movement of the Lost Ten Tribes to Western Europe.
Yair Davidiy explains the relationship of the name Manasseh in the Hebrew language with America today. The national characteristics are discussed of Americans and Britishers; of Reuben and the French;
The Goths of Gad in Sweden and collective decision-making. Levites in Wales, Levites and the Druids of Britain, Levites and Welshmen as singers, Welsh national Anthem sang at major football matches with 1000s of people all singing in tune.
Levites among the Jews today are predominate as Religious adjudicators and Lawmakers. It was predicted in Deuteronomy ch. 17 that such would be the case. This is a proof of the Bible!
4. Comments to Video Clips.
Tribal Identification Meeting -1. Delaware.
The True Isrealites are waking and gathering and growing at such an incredible speed. God Bless you my brethren. Much love God Bless.
I am happy to hear that I am not the only one obsessed with the 10 tribes of the house of Israel...I have great grandparents from germany/Austria...They came to the United States in 1855...
Tribes Identified. Meeting -2.
J Rutt
The U.S. is very forgetful about everything! I can attest as an American, we know very little about our history or past!
The True Isrealites are waking and gathering and growing at such an incredible speed. God Bless you my brethren. Much love God Bless.
I am a gentile and very interested in the Tribe of Dan.
The Kingdom is GROWING
People file their businesses sometime in Delaware ,(esp. Corporations), because of the extra layer of privacy that Delaware gives to corporations.
Israelite lineage and Welsh descendant. DAVIS. ??
Tribes Identified. Meeting -2.
Yair your audience is growing! I will pray it continues to grow!
I am not Jewish but discovered I have alot of relatives with Jewish ethnicity and also relatives with ethnicity that is Levant, other than Jewish...I also have several relatives who are Jewish from Ukraine...Two of my sisters are left handed, they each had one son, their sons are both left handed also...
Interesting psyco-analysis of the tribe of Reuben as the first born.
Shalom from Holland (Holy land). Tribe of Ephraim. Mamedov Investment Holding B.V.
5. New Quora Article by Yair Davidiy
What if Britain had surrendered to the Nazis?
We do not know what would happened if Britain had surrendered to the Nazis. Britain did not surrender. Neither did it consider doing so. The possibility however existed of an attempted compromise peace deal leading to subjection of the British Isles. This was a reality.
On September 1, 1939, Germany had invaded Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany on September 3. Meanwhile Russia had been at war with Japan but reached a cease-fire on September 15, and on September 17 in concert with Germany invaded Poland from the east. Russia and Germany then divided Poland between them. Germany and Russia then concentrated on dividing up areas of Eastern Europe and preparing themselves for more hostilities. The British Navy blocked German ports. British and French forces went into Preparation Mode. In April 1940, Germany conquered Denmark and Norway.
In Britain disappointment with the conduct of the war led to the resignation of Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain in May 1940. There were only two Candidates for the position of PM as head of a new government, Winston Churchill and Lord Halifax. Lord (Edward Frederick Lindley Wood) Halifax had been the favorite of Chamberlain, the King of England, and others. Lord Beaverbrook later said,
"Chamberlain wanted Halifax. Labour wanted Halifax. [Liberal Party leader] Sinclair wanted Halifax. The Lords wanted Halifax. The King wanted Halifax. And Halifax wanted Halifax."
Churchill however had inspired more confidence among the general public and projected a greater determination.. Halifax withdrew his candidature. Churchill was chosen on 10 May 1940, the same day in which Germany invaded France.
It could have gone the other way.
Halifax and Chamberlain had been proponents of a less bellicose attitude. They may have contemplated some kind of accommodation with Germany.
How things would have gone no-one can tell but based on existing precedents we may suppose that:
1. Germany would have demanded a degree of disarmament from Britain and then proceeded to dismantle the country from within.
2. At some sage disturbances and insurrections would have broken out over Britain leading Germany to assert complete control if it had have been able to do so.
3. Germany would have proceeded to put into practice its Contingency Plans for Britain. These assumedly would have been similar to those we now know of that were to be drawn up later by German bureaucrats.
They included the following intentions in some detail:
All the intellectual class would have been exterminated outright. All of the male population would then be deported as slave labor to the Continent: Suitable Females would have been fertilized by SS men.
Professor Dr. Franz Six was to be in charge of Britain. [Professor Six later indoctrinated the Killing Squads (Einsatzgruppen SS) in Russia].
Ralph Giordano, "Wenn Hitler den Krieg gewonten hatte," 1988 (quotes from official Nazi German documents) Schumann/Hass); Hamburg.
Robert Payne, "The Life & Death of Adolf Hitler" U.S.A. 1973, p.400:
# Among the many plans submitted to Hitler and approved by him was a comprehensive plan for transporting the greater part of the male population to work in factories in Germany. ... all able-bodied men between the ages of seventeen and forty-five to be sent to Germany as slave-laborers. The women of England, with the help of the SS, would produce a new race of Anglo-Germans. The entire intelligentsia and all the Jews would be liquidated. SS Colonel Professor Dr. Franz Six, a former dean of the faculty of political science at the University of Berlin, was placed in charge of the liquidation and deportation of Englishmen. SS offices would be established in London, Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, and Edinburgh. Colonies of Englishmen would be established in the Baltic States. #
The above documented plan only represents part of the actual eventuality. The plan was that set out for the best of circumstances from the German point of view. It reflects German susceptibilities prior to action. Hitler considered England "the enemy above all enemies." The fate of the English in practice was liable to have been even worse than the plan indicates.
# Hitler agreed with every word [regarding the plans of Six]; his great respect for the Anglo-Saxon race had made it all the harder for him to enter this life-or-death struggle which must end with the destruction of one of them.# Peter Townsend, Duel of Eagles," 1971, p.45.
Hitler on occasion was reported to have expressed some admiration for the British people but he also considered them corrupt, Jewified, and in need of drastic rectification. Hitler was not alone. Other Nazi leaders, such as Goebels, also had a say in such matters. German hatred of Britain rand deep. Hitler was afraid of the British and thought they needed to be done away with.
# I am sure that Hitler would not have hesitated for a moment to employ atom bombs against England. I remember his reaction to the final scene of a newsreel on the bombing of Warsaw in the autumn of 1939 ...Hitler was fascinated. The film ended with a montage showing a plane diving toward the outlines of the British Isles. A burst of flames followed and the island flew into the air in tatters. Hitler's enthusiasm was unbounded. "This is what will happen to them!" he cried out, carried away. "That is how we will annihilate them!"# Albert Speer, "Inside The Third Reich", New York, 1971, p.303.
The above scenario is based on documented plans that had been drawn up. It they had ever been put into practice the actuality may have been even more horrific than the plans suggest!
By way of comparison consider Germany and the Jews.
The extermination of the Jews had been an aim expressed by German anti-Semites for more than a century. Nevertheless when Hitler came to power most Jews did not expect it to happen. They imagined that the Jews at first might be discriminated against, vilified, ostracized, etc., as indeed they were. Many Jews at the beginning thought there would be a change and a more moderate policy set in place. At the worst they would be deported to places in the east to help build up new German-speaking colonies. A few had sensed from the first that the Germans would try to kill all the Jews they could even if they lost valuable intellect, manpower, and resources because of it. Very little of what the Nazis actually did had been written down beforehand or pre-adumbrated by official planning of which we have record. By contrast, German designs against the British People were been spelled out in black and white.
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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