The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
18 January 2023; 25 Tevet, 5783.
1. 3 New Videos.
(1) New Video.
Steve Mathe. "Road to Return."
(2) New Video.
Brit-Am Identity Discussion..
(3) New Video.
Military Might of Joseph Predicted!
2. Important Point. Brit-Am is Needed! Brit-Am Proofs are Needed!
3. New Month of Shevat Comng Up.
4. Orjan Svensson: Oldest Rune Stone Linked to Area of Israel.
5. Sylvia Halpert. My Story.
1. 3 New Videos.
(1) New Video.
Steve Mathe. "Road to Return."
Duration: 15.40 minutes.
Extracts from an Online Meeting, January 16, 2023.
Steve Mathe speaks of the Ten Tribes returning and being led initially by a pioneer group who will go before them.
We all need to become more conscious of our Israelite identity and to prepare ourselves.
(2) New Video.
Brit-Am Identity Discussion.
Duration: 37.26 minutes.
Extracts from an Online Meeting, January 16, 2023.
Apart from Brit-Am, who else in Israel believes in the Ten Tribes? Gene Perter: What do Mormons believe? Messianic Jews are non-believers in the Lost Ten Tribes.
"Ephraimites" are unclear. Brit-Am concentrates on the physcal connection of the Ten Tribes with Judah and Ancient Israel. Contradiction between Brit-Am Teachings versus DNA findings and how they may be resolved according to recent scientific findings.
Evolution has NEVER been proven in the laboratory: Transference of genes from individual to individual like a virus is transferred - laterally, through water or air. Brit-Am research findings in various fields are important.
Nelson Thall: Amos 9:9 and the Sieve of Israel. Gene Porter discusses the divisive views of Obadiah and Rabbi Avraham Feld. Nelson Thall opines on the difficulty of convincing the French that they are partly of Israelite origin.
A French translation of the Brit-Am work, "Origin." Canadian interest in Brit-Am subjects. Syliva asked: When will the task of the Ten Tribes in Exile be complete? Yair replied that knowledge of Israelite Ancestry is part of completing the task of the Ten Tribes in Exile.
(3) New Video.
Military Might of Joseph Predicted!
Duration: 37.26 minutes.
Extracts from an Online Meeting, January 16, 2023. It was prophesied that Israel, especially the Tribes of Joseph, would be the most powerful peoples on earth. They would be made mighty in order to in still a degree of justice and correct behavior among the Peoples of the Earth. They would Rule Over OTHER Peoples (Genesis 27:29 48:19 "A MULTITUDE OF NATIONS" Hebrew: "Malo HaGoyim" i.e. Complete the Peoples, Onkelos: = Rule over the nations; Psalms 47:3; be the Dominant World Power (Numbers 24:7-9 Micah 5:7-9); major Military Might (Deuteronomy 33:27 33:29, Jeremiah 51:20-21); The Battle-Axe of the Almighty or "Police-Man of the Globe" (Jeremiah 51:20, Zechariah 10:7); Defeat Edom i.e. Germany and Europe (Ezekiel 25:14 Obadiah 1:18); be a Light for the Gentiles (Genesis 12:2-3, 18:18-19, 22:18 24:4 Isaiah 42:1 42:6 Amos 6:15) i. e. an uplifting and civilizing influence. See: List of 122 Biblical Proofs
Extracts from an Online Meeting, January 16, 2023. It was prophesied that Israel, especially the Tribes of Joseph, would be the most powerful peoples on earth. They would be made mighty in order to in still a degree of justice and correct behavior among the Peoples of the Earth. They would Rule Over OTHER Peoples (Genesis 27:29 48:19 "A MULTITUDE OF NATIONS" Hebrew: "Malo HaGoyim" i.e. Complete the Peoples, Onkelos: = Rule over the nations; Psalms 47:3; be the Dominant World Power (Numbers 24:7-9 Micah 5:7-9); major Military Might (Deuteronomy 33:27 33:29, Jeremiah 51:20-21); The Battle-Axe of the Almighty or "Police-Man of the Globe" (Jeremiah 51:20, Zechariah 10:7); Defeat Edom i.e. Germany and Europe (Ezekiel 25:14 Obadiah 1:18); be a Light for the Gentiles (Genesis 12:2-3, 18:18-19, 22:18 24:4 Isaiah 42:1 42:6 Amos 6:15) i. e. an uplifting and civilizing influence.
List of 122 Biblical Proofs
2. Important Point. Brit-Am is Needed! Brit-Am Proofs are Needed!
Important Point. Brit-Am Proofs Needed.
The evidence needs to be put together and presented to as many people as possible.
This is Imperative if wishing to convince others especially those outside the enclave of regular believers in the Bible.
Bible proofs are the most important. Supportive Evidence is also needed and available.
This is an an going enterprise since objections and new barriers to acceptance frequently surface.
Criticism against Judah or demands against Judah are divisive and damaging,
They sometimes mask anti-Semitic inclinations or agendas.
Brit-Am needs to be supported, enabled, and encouraged.
This is the answer at present. All other attempts are less pertinent and sometimes pernicious.
Support Brit-Am for the sake of all Israelite Tribes and for the sake of the Truth.
Brit-Am Identity Discussion.
3. New Month of Shevat Comng Up.
Early next week on the 23rd of January, is the New Month day of the Hebrew month of Shevet.
The name Shevet may also be spelt as Shebet.
The name Shevet in Hebrew can mean branch, staff, or tribe.
The Month of Shevet is that of the Tribe of Asher.
This is according to the GRA (Eliyahu of Vilna) and the Ari whose opinions are considered the most authoritative.
The Hasidic opinion (derived from the Rabad) agrees with them in this case but
Midrash Peliah say it is the month of Benjamin (Midrash Peliah).
For more sources about the month of Shevet see:
Brit-Am Now no. 2193.
#6. Welcome to Shevet, Month of the Tribe of Asher.
4. Orjan Svensson: Oldest Rune Stone Linked to Area of Israel.
World's oldest rune stone found in Norway, archaeologists believe
Quote from article: "While most of the runic letters probably derive from Latin letters, it is possible to identify at least five letters whose shape and sound is inspired by the Aramaic Semitic alphabet which was used in the Nabatean Kingdom, in present-day Sinai, Jordan and Southern Israel."
What is easiest to read on the stone is the sequence "IDIBERUG".
Preliminarily I would assume that this means IDI B ERUG = "Yadi b erugah", meaning something like "my hand at the riddle/enigma/weave". Possibly "ERUG" could otherwise mean stone in some Semitic dialect, so IDI B ERUG could in my opinion possibly means something like "my hand is behind/formed (the) stone".
5. Sylvia Halpert. My Story.
Hi All,
I was brought up in a devout Christian home. My dad was a preacher and I loved looking at his timelines and charts of Israel's history. One day at age 12 my mother sent me to fetch him from his study for supper. Instead, I sat on his lap and looked at the Timeline of the History of the Kings of Israel and Judah hanging above his desk.
I asked him why there were two Kingdoms and two timelines, and where did the Northern Kingdom go, because it was apparent that they never returned from exile. Now, my father knew "everything," but he confessed that no one knew, and so they were called the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. I was intrigued. Later, I stumbled upon the book by Batya Wooten about the two branches.
When I got older, and before he died, I asked my Dad if I might make a copy of his old tattered chart, and told him I intended to find the Lost Tribes. He smiled and said, "Then you'll have to add a section onto the timeline." Eventually I did, and illustrated it for kids. I sell it on Etsy in my store called ScrollHouse.
I started getting excited when I saw the two separate groups, Judah and Israel, as I read and studied the Tenach. It totally changed the way I read the Bible. At the suggestion of my husband's Jewish relatives, I began reading from the beginning of Genesis without presupposing anything. I saw in the Hebrew Bible an unfolding saga of the People of Israel. I saw that they were chosen to help the world using the greatest code of ethics, the Ten Commandments and its accompanying laws. I also read the history of all 12 Tribes, and how they did and did not do what they had promised God in a Covenant.
When I came across Yair's books, The Tribes and Origin, I realized I too was one of the Chosen People! What an exciting revelation. I couldn't sleep. Everything in my life began falling into place.
And here we are today. :) Now it's your turn!
I am on FaceBook
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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