The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
22 January 2023; 29 Tevet, 5783.
1. Quora. Recent Updates to Hebrew Israelite.
2. Need to Spread message of Israelite Ancestry.
3. New Article.
Mark McGee. Firstborn Tribes.
4. Israeli President, PM, Chief of Staff, etc, all Levites!
5. New Article.
A Warrior People
Ten Tribes to become the Most Powerful Nations on Earth!
1. Quora. Recent Updates to Hebrew Israelite.
Mick Bacon
How far back can British people trace their ancestry?
Christina Jensen
Can modern Danes (Danish people) trace their ancestry back to the ancient Danish Vikings?
Brent Cooper
Did Lyndon Johnson get Jews out of Europe before/during WW II?
2. Need to Spread Message of Israelite Ancestry.
The Three Rs of Brit-Am Hebrew Awareness are:
These stand for the following:
Recognition of Israelite Ancestry.
Realization of Hebrew Origins through spreading Brit-Am knowledge and supporting the State of Israel.
Repentance and using Brit-Am Teachings for increased Biblical Consciousness and awareness of Biblical Values.
Through spreading awareness of Brit-Am/Hebrew Ancestry the following ends may be achieved or at least worked towards:
Increase Biblical Consciousness and Public Probity.
Increase Patriotic self-Awareness.
Increase Inner urge for Achievement and Family. Values.
Increase Patriotism for native land and Support for Israel.
We do not mind people using the Brit-Am framework to forward other positive agendas BUT in the past similar attempt did not end well.
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3. New Article.
Mark McGee. Firstborn Tribes.
-Reuben firstborn of Leah. France
-Gad firstborn of Zilpah. Goths in general. But in this time period, the Visigoth Spanish/Portuguese empire was at it's apogee.
-Dan firstborn of Bilhah. Denmark/Norway
-Joseph firstborn of Rachel. England in general at this time period can be associated with all of Joseph.
-Later Manasseh the firstborn of Asenath (Son of Joseph and Grandson of Rachel). The United States of America formed around 1776-1789.
I observe that the firstborn sons take the lead when it comes to territorial claims.
4. Israeli President, PM, Chief of Staff, etc, all Levites!
Addition to Article:
Levis as Living Proof of the Bible!
Biblical Tribal Prophecy in Action
PM Binyamin Netanyahu is a Levite.
Yariv Gideon Levin, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Justice, is a Levite.
The President of Israel Isaac Herzog, is a Levite.
The Chief of General Staff of the Israel Defense Forces, Herzl "Herzi" Halevi, is a Levite.
Israel Katz, minister of National Infrastructure, Energy, and Water, is a Levite.
5. New Article.
A Warrior People
Ten Tribes to become the Most Powerful Nations on Earth!
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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