The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
31 January 2023; 9 Shevet, 5783.
1. Recent Comments to Video Clips.
2. New Article.
Brit-Am What For?
Why is Brit-Am Needed?
3. Recent Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy.
(a) What am I if my maternal grandmother's third grandmother was an emigre Spanish Jew and the female line is unbroken since then?
(b) What is the evidence for biological evolution and what is the evidence supporting creationism?
4. New Video. Need to Believe.
5. New Video. Joseph Supports Israel!
6. New Video. Be Yourself - Be Hebrew.
7. New Video. Inherited Hebrew Duties.
8. Sylvia Halpert: Stone of Scone and Tea Tephi, etc.
9. Damon Casale: Pagan Mythology and the Stone of Scone?
1. Recent Comments to Video Clips.
R&B. Ten Tribes Lecture-2.
Thanks for posting on Asher.
R&B. Ten Tribes Lecture-1.
N. E. Wren
So rich, the info within here..... watching it over and over to absorb it all.
2. New Article.
Brit-Am What For?
Why is Brit-Am Needed?
The Time may be Close?
1. Belief in the Bible.
2. Belief in Britain and America and their Belief in themselves.
3. Belief in the State of Israel.
4. Belief in Oneself.
5. Knowing the Truth.
6. Understanding History.
7. Understanding the Present.
8. Fulfilling National Obligations.
9. Spreading the Message.
10. The Task of Joseph - The Lost Ten Tribes.
11. Joseph Helps Others.
12. Joseph will Repent.
13, The Ten Tribes will Return.
3. Recent Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy.
(a) What am I if my maternal grandmother's third grandmother was an emigre Spanish Jew and the female line is unbroken since then?
The de facto ruling in these cases as far as the Rabbinical Law is concerned depends on religious practise. If one of the maternal antecedents more than two generations ago had changed their religion there would be a doubt.
To eliminate the doubt conversion back to Judaism would probably be required.
Not every cases is necessarily the same.
A recognized Orthodox Rabbi with experience in such cases would need to be consulted.
(b) What is the evidence for biological evolution and what is the evidence supporting creationism?
Evolution at the Popular level is assumed to mean an ongoing series of incremental changes resulting in Natural Selection of specimens more fit to survive.
This has NEVER been observed in the laboratories.
What has been recorded is Horizontal Gene Transposon with certain attributes moving via from one organism to another according to needs of the recipient.
All changes otherwise ascribed by evolution can be attributed to this and this has been recorded as happening! Evolution has not.
4. New Video.
Need to Believe
Duration: 14.53 minutes.
We need to believe in God and the Bible. Understanding Brit-Am proofs that the Ten Tribes are now in Western Nations helps strengthen belief in the Bible. It provides evidence for it. This is an effective way to counter that wicked attacks of Atheistic Denial! The Bible says, " For you, O House of Jacob, have abandoned Your people." The Ten Tribes especially Manasseh. have refused to acknowledge their own Israelite origin. We are commanded to search these matters out and prove them. Deuteronomy 4: 39 THEREFORE KNOW TODAY, AND TAKE IT TO YOUR HEART, THAT THE LORD, HE IS GOD IN HEAVEN ABOVE AND ON THE EARTH BELOW; THERE IS NO OTHER. Excerpt from a Brit-Am Meeting 1/4 (31 January, 2023).
Brit-Am What For? Why is Brit-Am Needed?
5. New Video.
Joseph Supports Israel!
Duration: 13.55 minutes.
Every year the majority of UN decisions consist of condemnations of Israel. The State of Israel is criticized more than all nations of the world put together! The Heathen cannot restrain themselves! Nations that may identified as containing a significant proportion of Israelite Descendants, especially from the Tribe of Joseph, are the only ones that often stand uop for the State of Israel. These are the countries of the USA, UK, Canada, and Australia. The USA is especially important as a friend and ally of Israel. The USA is dominated by the Tribe of Manasseh son of Joseph. Countries that in the past helped the State of Israel though they may not do so at present are nearly always those of the other Israelite Tribes. This is a proof of Prophecy and of Hebrew descent. Excerpt from a Brit-Am Meeting 2/4 (31 January, 2023).
Brit-Am What For? Why is Brit-Am Needed?
6. New Video.
Be Yourself - Be Hebrew
Duration: 13.55 minutes.
The Ten Tribes (especially Joseph) need to help Judah and the State of Israel. This is what being Chosen means. The blessings were given to them as part of a promise but they are also were intended to help them do what they had to do.
Knowing that we are part of Israel and that the Bible is a message to us can be a source of strength.
It is good to know what the reality really is. Who our ancestors were - what we may yet become.
Gaining a perspective as to what happened in the past is of value. This helps us understand where we now are.
The Lost Ten Tribes had an obligation to do justice and judgment, to bring a blessing to mankind, and to reform the world. This is still valid. It is not yet complete.
Excerpt from a Brit-Am Meeting 3/4 (31 January, 2023).
Brit-Am What For? Why is Brit-Am Needed?
7. New Video.
Inherited Hebrew Duties.
Duration: 41.54 minutes.
Brit-Am has a task to help the Israelite Peoples and to reveal the Truth about the Lost Ten Tribes. Brit-Am, like every other organization, needs help and depends on it. The Pledge of Jacob the Forefather indicates that the giving of tithes helps bring forward the Redemption (Genesis 28:20-22) . Joseph has a task to help others and to upgrade humanity. We all need to pray. Prayer helps. The GREEN REVOLUTION in the 1950s and 1960s was an American initiative. This resulted in the saving of millions of lives and their significant improvement in the lives of millions more. This is an example of something that Joseph had done. It is what Joseph was supposed to do and did do. It is Joseph in action, part of the Task of Joseph. Dialogue concerning the Stone of Scone, etc. Excerpt from a Brit-Am meeting, 4/4 (31 January, 2023).
Brit-Am What For? Why is Brit-Am Needed?
8. Sylvia Halpert: Stone of Scone and Tea Tephi, etc.
Points raised by the Dialogue in
Inherited Hebrew Duties.
From Sylvia Halpert on 2023-02-01 08:14
Hello Dear Tribers,
It was so great seeing you again today. Hello to Yishai (does that translate as Jesse?) and thank you a LOT for your help! ... It was nice hearing a few words from another real live Jew who understands the Tribes!
I was going over my notes from Yair's talk, and one of the points that stayed with me was his interesting comment about Tea Tephi and the Stone of Scone. He implied that the Tea Tephi story was important to help folks learn about the saga of our people, and could provide a powerful message, even if it may be mostly myth.
I would like to see the "myth" written and illustrated for children. I think it would make a wonderful story of the princess who marries the prince from, I think, the line of Zarah, son of Tamar and Judah (with the red thread around his wrist.) I have heard that Jeremiah was with the princesses - daughters of Zedekiah the last king of Judah - and was a guardian to them in Egypt and then came to Ireland with Tea. In Ireland Tea and the prince are married? and go on to produce all the kings and queens of Great Britain. Do we have a volunteer to write that up for the young Tribers that are coming along? Let's not let the story be lost....if it has not already been written. I do recall something in the Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright book by Allen. (Yair, I too heard that I am related to Neils of the seven hostages, so we must be cousins.)
If you are interested in the movie I mentioned, "The Stone of Destiny", here is a trailer for it.
I really liked it and have found it is a nice way of introducing the topic of the Tribes to family and friends. It certainly piques curiosity.
Yair, at one point mentioned the End Times events. He can check me on this, but I heard the following:
1. The Ten Tribes return (all at once, unlike the Jews in 1948, who have been returning for 70 plus years since 1948)
2. The Tribes and Judah are reunited.
3. The Temple is built
4. the true religion will be understood and accepted
5. Gog and Magog war will occur
6. The rule by the Davidic messiah
7. Torah based directions and advice will go forth from Jerusalem to the rest of the world
8. the world will become a better place with less oppression and avariciousness.
9. the dead will be resurrected
10. the Final Judgment
We are to give no dates for the prophecies
Love to all,
Replies by Yair:
(a) Yes. Yishai is Jesse.
(b) Yes. That is the story overall.
Some add that Irish Prince was also of Jewish stock but from the Line of Zerach, twin-brother of Perets, in the story of Judah and Tamar.
(3) A potion of the Ten Tribes return whereas others remain where they are but the places they are in are transformed to part of the Land of Israel.
It is important to realize that according to Academic Research the story of Tea Tephi may be the equivalent of a recent jumbling together of unrelated legends.
It may border on a forgery yet still has significance. We are preparing an article on this matter.
Legends concerning the Stone of Scone may have a similar origin though here there may be something more substantial.
9. Damon Casale: Pagan Mythology and the Stone of Scone?
Points raised by the Dialogue in
Inherited Hebrew Duties.
Shalom Yair,
Since Nelson commented on the Stone of Scone, I thought it might be helpful to give more details on its symbolism. In order to do that however, we need to go back before Genesis 28.
In Genesis 28, the stone is referred to as the 'gate of heaven' and the 'house of God.' But what does this mean?
In Sumer, they would build ziggurats representing a 'world-mountain' that symbolized the king's rulership over the entire earth. These ziggurats were known as 'Bab-ilu' in Akkadian, meaning 'gate of god.' According to Sumerian mythology, 'when the kingship was first lowered from heaven, the kingship was in Eridu' 'the first city in Sumer' and later a ziggurat was built in Eridu to memorialize this ancient kingship. Interestingly enough, this ziggurat **was never completed** (compare the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11).
Now, according to legend, Nimrod was the builder of the Tower of Babel. Nimrod was called the 'mighty hunter' ' because Nimrod was styling himself after the constellation of Orion, the 'mighty hunter.' Orion has one arm lifted up, with a club or mace, prepared to defend himself against Taurus the bull. This uplifted arm was believed to represent KINGSHIP. But Orion was also seen as a divine 'shepherd.'
In Genesis 1, God commanded Adam and Eve to 'take dominion' over the earth. Nimrod took dominion in an unrighteous way, but the idea of 'taking dominion' **as a righteous king** came from God.
When Jacob dreamed his dream of a stairway to heaven (not a ladder!),... The whole point of Jacob's dream was **the true and righteous kingship coming down from heaven** to man, hence God's command to Adam to take dominion **as a king**.
Adam simply didn't have the manpower to take dominion, however. But King David *did*.
In any case, Jacob's pillar stone **represents God's portable throne/kingship over the earth**. And imho, that tends to reinforce the identity of the Stone of Scone as the actual stone from Jacob.
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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