The Truth Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
8 March 2023; 15 Adar, 5783.
1. Three New Videos.
(a) New Video.
Tribal Identity Questions
(b) New Video.
Ezekiel and the Ten Tribes.
(c) New Video.
Why did Britain Give Palestine to the Jews?
2. Comments to:
Why did Britain support Zionism as early as 1917 (Balfour Declaration)? What would the British gain from the establishment of the State of Israel?
3. Comments to Video Clips.
4. Brit-Am Needs More Researchers! re Herbert W. Armstrong.
5. Politics in Israel.
Posted on Quora: Why do the Israelis protest against Netanyahu?
6. Does Judah Need Ephraim to Return?.
7. Nachmanides: The Connection Between The Law and the Land:
1. Three New Videos.
(a) New Video.
Tribal Identity Questions
Duration: 29.04 minutes.
Answers to Questions concerning how the Tribal Identity of returning Israelites will be made known and related matters.
Were the Celts Druids? Levites? Are there sources regarding a future Renewal of the Covenant for the Ten Tribes?
Is Yair Davidiy really a "One Man Band" or do others, such as his sons, help him?
Extracts from a Brit-Am Zoom Meeting of March 5th, 2023. Participant Discussion.
(b) New Video.
Ezekiel and the Ten Tribes.
Duration: 14.33 minutes.
Ezekiel was more orientated towards Judah. He often referred to Judah on its own as "Israel" which is different from how the other Prophets used the term.
Strangers (non-Israelites) who attach them selves to Israel will be identified with whatsoever Tribe they attach themselves to.
The Holy Land will be divided among the Tribes each one receiving its own portion. The complete return of Judah (the Jews) depends upon the return of the Ten Tribes. This applies especially to "Samaria" meaning Manasseh, i.e. the USA.
The Tribes will return as a group, altogether. This will happen when they have completed their task. Individuals who wish to return before then need to convert and attach themselves to Judah. On the whole this is not recommended but there are exceptions.
The Ten Tribes will be purified of idolatry AFTER returning to the Land!
We, i.e. Followers of Brit-Am, are Forerunners going before the rest of Israel.
Extracts from a Brit-Am Zoom Meeting of March 5th, 2023.
Ezekiel and the Ten Tribes
(c) New Video.
Why did Britain Give Palestine to the Jews?
Duration: 25.16 minutes.
The Balfour Declaration of 1917 laid the foundations for the British Mandate over Palestine. This led to the State of Israel. Why did the British do this? Many explanations have been given. The Jews were considered important. The USA was in favor. There were strategic considerations, etc. Altruistic motivations also existed. The Jews needed a place of refuge against persecutions, etc. In addition to all this there was also the Bible. The British read the Bible. Many grew up in a Bible-loving environment. The Bible said the Land of Canaan should belong to the Hebrews. It inculcated the feeling that Jews living in the Holy Land was what God wanted. Who ever would help the Jews in this, as King Cyrus of Persia had once done, would be doing a good thing. Alongside this understanding many of the British of that time also believed they were descended from Israel. Usually "British Israel" type beliefs and support for Israel went hand in hand. [Later it changed to some degree.] As an example there were three important British war-heroes who did much for the Allies and who also helped the Jews and supported Zionism. These were Colonel Richard Meinertzhagen (1878 - 1967), Lieutenant-Colonel John Henry Patterson (1867 - 1947), and Orde Charles Wingate (1903- 1944). Each one of these also believed in British Israel.
Why did Britain support Zionism as early as 1917 (Balfour Declaration)? What would the British gain from the establishment of the State of Israel?
Bird Watcher. Gentile Heroes of Israel
2. Comments to:
Why did Britain support Zionism as early as 1917 (Balfour Declaration)? What would the British gain from the establishment of the State of Israel?
Eliyahu Skoczylas
As usual, important background information that most of us missed. Thanks, Yair!
Tony Horne
Balfour specifically said what Britain would gain from the Zionist state - a belligerent little Ulster in a strategically important location.
In others words a warlike ally to defend western interests
3. Comments to Video Clips
Why did Britain Give Palestine to the Jews?
Ephraim helping Judah.
4. Brit-Am Needs More Researchers! re Herbert W. Armstrong.
Yair, you have a wealth of knowledge, but growth of the Brit-Am movement seems slow.
It was necessary that you shoulder the burden of research for this to begin, however it might help to allow others to take on more of this burden, perhaps with you coordinating the research.
This would increase participation and make the movement more appealing as people could more easily see how they can contribute to the work, perhaps in ways not yet considered.
Brit-Am Reply.
I agree. The more researchers the better. We could use help, and the input of others.
Yaiir lacks the time and resources and in some cases even the background to research several fields that could be very important.
TubalCain (Eric) often gives us valuable information.
Mark Williams frequently points out to us potential sources of value.
Rabbi David also helps us with Rabbinical Sources.
There are and were others.
This however is only a drop in a bucket, or even less, compared to what is needed.
Anyone who has anything they think may help should contact us.
All sources are acknowledged UNLESS the person concerned expressly requested that they not be.
We seldom pay anything for all this. Sometimes we are struggling to get by ourselves BUT but if the information is worth it and we have money at the time we might do so.
We need help on:
and much more.
We are especially interested in informed alternate explanations that might have something to them.
We could also use more articles, and even YouTube speakers, and production advice in general.
A few days ago we met up with two veteran followers of Herbert W. Armstrong -( Worldwide Church of God). One was from Britain, the other from the USA.
It was an interesting and fruitful discussion.
Herbert W. Armstrong may well have done more than anyone else in our time to spread knowledge of Israelite Ancestry. Different offshoots from his Church and former followers are still working at this.
It was a different case for them. They had a whole Church behind them, with funding, full-time assistants, and some good researchers such as Armstrong himself, Herman L. Hoeh, Raymond F. McNair, Arpatian, and several others.
The book The United States and Britain in Prophecy was published in 1954. It became the most well-known and requested church publication, with over six million copies distributed. In this book, Armstrong makes the claim that the peoples of the United States, the British Commonwealth nations, and the nations of Northwestern Europe are descendants of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel. This belief, called British Israelism, formed the central basis of the theology of the Worldwide Church of God.
Brit-Am is NOT a religion. Yair Davidiy himself believes in Orthodox Judaism. Most others are Christians. We get along.
5. Politics in Israel.
Posted on Quora:
Why do the Israelis protest against Netanyahu?
The 'Israelis' are NOT protesting against Netanyahu. A minority of left-wingers are creating an illusion of widespread public protest. The majority of Israelis do not agree with this. The Secular self-hating pro-Arab mainly-Ashkenazi sector had taken control of the judiciary, the bureaucracy, the army, and the Media. They had done this from before the foundations of the State of Israel. No-one voted them into power. They simply arrogated to themselves the right of control. Now after a democratic election the ruling parties have received an overwhelming majority of the total vote. This is even more apparent if only the Jewish (as distinct from Jew and Arab) voice is considered. The government coalition now wants to restore power to the people. They emphasize Jewish values and Jewish self-preservation. The secular minority is against this and so are the present regimes of the USA and the German-controlled EU in Europe. The protestors in Israel are funded by a group of rich capitalists and NGOs with some EU backing. The Jewish People however should have the right to govern themselves.
6. Does Judah Need Ephraim to Return?.
Shalom Yair,
I believe I understood you to say that Judah needs for Ephraim to return. If this is correct, do any of your videos or articles go into the details this need. Please forward any info or links you might have.
Praise the Most High.
Guy Smith
Brit-Am Reply:
Ezekiel ch. 16 is addressing Judah. He says that Judah needs the Ten Tribes. There are spiritual, metaphysical, and pragmatic reasons why Judah needs the Ten Tribes. The Pophets are full of this.
Ezekiel 16:
53 I will restore their fortunes, the fortunes of Sodom and her daughters and the fortunes of Samaria and her daughters, and I will restore your own fortunes along with theirs, 54 in order that you may bear your disgrace and be ashamed of all that you have done, becoming a consolation to them. 55 As for your sisters, Sodom and her daughters shall return to their former state, Samaria and her daughters shall return to their former state, and you and your daughters shall return to your former state.
Judah also needs to bring the Ten Tribes back.
The Sages said:
# ... These are the 'Ten Tribes.' They are those who were exiled beyond the Sambation River. The exiles of Judah and Benyamin [i.e. the present-day 'Jews'] are destined to go unto them and bring them back in order to merit with them the Messianic Era and life in the World-To-Come. This is as it says, "In those days the house of Judah shall go unto the house of Israel and they shall come together out of the land of the north unto the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers" (Jeremiah 3:18).
Midrash, Yalkut Shimeoni, Song of Solomon 905.
Note the expression above, "to bring them back in order to merit with them the Messianic Era and life in the World-To-Come." Judah and the Ten Tribes need each other!
7. Nachmanides: The Connection Between The Law and the Land:
The connection between the Law and the Land is best summed up by Nachmanides (1194-1270). Not everybody would necessarily agree with Nachmanides on every point but what he says does appear to fit all relevant Biblical passages. The extact below is a free translation:
"AND THE LAND IS DEFILED: THEREFORE I DO VISIT THE INIQUITY THEREOF UPON IT, AND THE LAND ITSELF VOMITETH OUT HER INHABITANTS" [Leviticus 18:25]. Scripture is especially strict concerning sexual offences that if transgressed cause the Land to be polluted and vomit the offenders out of it. Are not sexual offences pertinent to the physical body rather than to the land" The secret of the matter, however, is contained in the verse, "WHEN THE MOST HIGH DIVIDED TO THE NATIONS THEIR INHERITANCE, WHEN HE SEPARATED THE SONS OF ADAM, HE SET THE BOUNDS OF THE PEOPLE ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL"; "FOR THE LORD'S PORTION IS HIS PEOPLE" [Deuteronomy 32:8-9]. The Almighty God created everything and made the power of [physical] things below dependent on [spiritual] things above".He distributed to every people and country its own angel, as it says, "BUT THE PRINCE OF THE KINGDOM OF PERSIA WITHSTOOD ME" [Daniel 10:13] and "LO, THE PRINCE OF GREECE SHALL COME" [Daniel 10:20]. [Nachmanides here understands the reference to "Princes" to mean guardian angels of the nation]"The Land of Israel, however, is the inheritance of God and unique to Him. God did not appoint over it any angel or other spiritual ruling power. God gave the Land of Israel to His special people, the seed of His beloved ones, as it says, "YE SHALL BE A PECULIAR TREASURE UNTO ME ABOVE ALL PEOPLE: FOR ALL THE EARTH IS MINE" [Exodus 19:5], and it says, "SO SHALL YE BE MY PEOPLE, AND I WILL BE YOUR GOD" [Jeremiah 11:4]. You shall not have any other higher spiritual beings [apart from God] over you, whatsoever. God sanctified the people who dwell in His land with the sanctity of sexual prohibitions and numerous commandments to be dedicated to His Name. It therefore says, "YE SHALL THEREFORE KEEP ALL MY STATUTES, AND ALL MY JUDGMENTS, AND DO THEM: THAT THE LAND, WHITHER I BRING YOU TO DWELL THEREIN, SPUE YOU NOT OUT" [Leviticus 20:22]. And it says, "YE SHALL INHERIT THEIR LAND, AND I WILL GIVE IT UNTO YOU TO POSSESS IT, A LAND THAT FLOWETH WITH MILK AND HONEY: I AM THE LORD YOUR GOD, WHICH HAVE SEPARATED YOU FROM OTHER PEOPLE" [Leviticus 20:24]. God separated us from all other peoples who have guardian angels over them. God separated us by giving us His land and He being the only spiritual entity in charge of us [without any intermediary]. The Land of Israel, which is the inheritance of Almighty God, will vomit out those who pollute it. The Land will not tolerate the worshippers of idols, or they who commit sexual offences".
[Nachmanides goes on bringing verses to prove that God has a special relationship with the Land of Israel and there it is especially important to worship ONLY HIM and keep His commandments].
Numerous other verses confirm and expsand on the points raised by Nachmanides, e.g.
"SO THAT I COME AGAIN TO MY FATHER'S HOUSE IN PEACE; THEN SHALL THE LORD BE MY GOD" [Genesis 28:21] Brit-Am explanation: The Lost Ten Tribes were destined to be exiled and forget the correct worship of God. In the future they will return, acknowledge the Almighty, and re-settle the Land. Jacob represents his descendants. When He returns to his spiritual and physical inheritance ("MY FATHER'S HOUSE IN PEACE") then He will once again return to the God of Israel.
Belief in God, Circumcision, and Keeping the Law. These were linked with inheriting the Land. \\\
Time to Repent. articles/tribes/hebrewamerica/repent.html
The New World, Nachmanides, and Other Matters.
#4. Nachmanides and Dwelling in the Land of Israel.
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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