Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
23 March 2023; 1 Nissan, 5783.
1. Website.Alterations.
2. King Alfred of England and Hebrew Ancestry.
3. New Article.
The Biblical Messiah.
4. New Video.
The Coming Messiah.
5. Linguistics.
John Hemingway: Aramaic-Gothic Connections.
1. Website.Alterations.
The Brit-Am Website
changed Servers.
In response Changes needed to be made at our end.
The site was temporarily down.
My son, Itamar Davidy, has now got the site up and running.
Some improvements have been made.
On the other hand it may be that some features may temporarily not be working as they were before.
It could take a few days to get everything back on track.
More improvements will be introduced.
Meanwhile we may put more emphasis on our other sites and possibly upgrade them.
Due to this and other matters the pace of Brit-Am activity may be moderately lessened over the next few days.
Some people who have helped us with our web-sites and Internet activity in the past include:
Israel Feld helped us purchase our first computer.
Shmuel Ben-Yaacov enabled us to get active on the Internet and start our e-mail list and also later assisted us with our computer operation and everything connected with it.
Betty Rhodes purchased our first web-site (britam.org) for us, urged us to learn .html while advising us about it, helped increase the initial traffic to the site by placing her popular genealogical files on it for a time, and eventually turned ownership of the site over to us.
Gedaliah helped us with computer problems, etc.
Oriel Davidy helped us with computer problems, etc. and also with making YouTube clips and setting up the Yair Davidiy YouTube Station.
Eliyahu helped us with computer problems, etc.
Itamar Davidy solved computer problems, upgraded our programs, and computer hardware, etc.
There were others.
The above list concentrates on Computer and Internet specific matters.
In hindsight one realizes that Brit-Am has been a group effort from the beginning.
People from different countries and background believe in us, help us in many ways, and enable us to keep going.
Divine Providence is always with us but often keeps us on our toes.
By helping Brit-Am you become part of a group effort of possible historical significance and benefit to others.
2. King Alfred of England and Hebrew Ancestry.
The idea that the English may be descended from Israelites permeates English Historical Literature but it does so in an implied manner.
It is something that seems to be taken as a self-evident possibility or as a spiritual equivalent that may well have had physical parallels.
The Doom Book of King Alfred (c. 893 CE) describes the Anglo-Saxons as having been once 'strangers in Egypt',
This indicates a possible belief in Hebrew ancestry. Other expressions of King Alfred strengthen this possibility.
3. New Article.
The Coming Messiah.
The future Messiah will be a descendant of David.
4. New Video.
The Coming Messiah.
Duration: 34.58 minutes
The term "Messiah" (Hebrew : "Mashiach") means "Anointed." A person or thing set aside for a sacred task was often anointed. The Messiah will come in the End Times. He will be descended from Solomon son of David. The Messiah will be preceded and accompanied by other "anointed" leaders who will prepare the way for, and then work alongside of, him. These include the Messiah son of Joseph. The Messiah will enable all Hebrews to know which Israelite Tribe they pertain to. The Messiah will govern over the Israelite Tribes in the Land of Israel and also overseas. He will be a righteous leader. All peoples of the earth will be guided by him. The Messiah will be a human being but have supernatural abilities to know the Truth and do what is needed. The Bible (especially the Prophet Isaiah) speaks at length on this matter.
The Coming Messiah.
The future Messiah will be a descendant of David.
5. Linguistics.
John Hemingway: Aramaic-Gothic Connections
The Presence of Aramaic Verb-Stem Distinctions in Gothic Verbs
Note by Yair Davidiy
This article is somewhat technical.
Nevertheless it is potentially very important.
Archaeology findings such as the "Netser Inscription" indicate that some Israelite Tribes, e.g. the Tribe of Gad, even before their Exile spoke a mixed Hebrew-Aramaic dialect.
The Tribe of Gad helped give rise to the Goths and peoples in Scandinavia especially the Swedes. The language of Sweden has some similarities with Hebrew and Aramaic.
The work of John Hemingway proves at an academic level proves there is an affinity between Aramaic and Swedish.
Brit-Am helps publish these findings and makes them more available than they probably otherwise would be.
This is a beginning.
It is small things like this that sometimes lead to important breakthroughs in research and public awareness.
In the article below Hmingway suggest the presenceo f Goths in Ireland. In another articles he discusses the Vandals:
John Hemingway: Vandals in Ireland
The Vandals and Goths were related peoples often associated with each other. Hemingway has found elements from both peoples in Ancient Ireland. We identify the Goths primarily with the Tribe of Gad and the Vandals with the Tribe of Asher.
We also find a portion of the Vandals to have moved to Ireland there linked up with others some of whom were also from the Tribe of Asher.
Extracts from the article by John Hemningway:
One of the early peoples who inhabited Ireland was called Gaedel or Gaedhil (also called Gaedheal or Gaidil or Goidil). From these ethnonyms, we get the term Gael as the aspirated consonant dh disappears before l, n and r in Old Irish [33]. Lebor Gabala Irenn, :The Book of Invasions," attributes the origin of Gaedil to Gaedel when it states, "Now that is the time when Gaedel Glas was born, of Scota d. Pharao. From her are the Scots named", followed by a poetical line, "Gaedil from comely Gaedel Glas" [34]. Lebor Gabala Irenn is an antiquated collection of medieval Irish poetry and prose. It is perhaps the only piece of European medieval literature that makes a connection to the Middle East.
Given the geographical origin of Gaedel, this name may ring a bell for those who recognize the theophoric ending of Hebrew el in many Biblical names. In fact, the closest possible resemblance to Gaedel is Biblical Hebrew Gaddiel "El is my fortune" [35]. This name originates from Gad, one of Jacob's twelve sons.
These compelling vestiges, it is suggested, present a unique snapshot in time of the almost complete disintegration of a Semitic language within the Gothic language. The delinking from a Semitic language must have been well under way before Gothic texts first surfaced in the fourth century. In this historical context there is much exploration to be done, but despite the ravages of time, Gothic verbs and their prefixed forms remain almost unbowed, defying explanation, as they appear to reflect lexical ghost images of Semitic verb-stems.
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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