Dan’s symbol was the snake, and Ireland of course has a particular relationship with snakes (their absence from the island; itself not so remarkable, of course, as many islands lack snakes). The De Danann Kings were, in Irish lore, responsible for bringing music to Ireland (the Tuatha De Danann occupy a place in Ireland’s mythology faintly analogous to the inhabitants of the Dreamtime in Indigenous Australian culture). Dan also means “judge,” and in the urban United States, Irish immigrants for a time became famous as conquerors of the judiciary, law enforcement, and political office. There is a Rabbinic opinion that there is not just one but four “river(s) Sambatyon” beyond which the northern tribes were exiled. All of this is interesting, but of course proves and indeed even points to absolutely nothing that is solid or reliable.
We will only learn something solid about those scattered by Assyria when Mashiach arrives. As the Sages say, “Elijah the Prophet will resolve difficulties and questions.”
Yair queried:
Do you have a source that there are four Sambation Rivers?
Yehoshua Feigon:
I will, without promising, track it down. I know whom to ask.
2. Comments to Video Clips.
Hebrew Redheads
My mum is Jewish and father British. I have red hair. My daughter has reddish hair. My granddaughter has red hair. I married a goy. My daughter married a goy. My Jewish grandfather said the Brits and Europeans were our long lost cousins, ten tribes of Israel (not lost). My mum looks mediterranean: black hair, dark skin and brown eyes. My mother's mother had auburn hair but mother's father was mediterranean. I look more like my father but inherited the family balding gene.
Joseph and Judah: Parallel Destinies
The 10 tribes of Israel are not "among" the nations you mentioned......they ARE those nations today .
And the United States of America is the leader of them, we are Ephraim, the receiver of the birthright blessing
and double portion of inheritance . ( Genesis chapter 48 )
And it is from here that the Messiah will come . ( Genesis 49:24 )
Enjoy Yair and your articles/teaching. But the more I study I see America being Efrayim and the British isles and NATO west Europe as the “company of nations.’ Gen 48…but Manasseh is Russia. The shadow of where they are today is how they settled in the promised land. A huge mass of people. Russia has always been a kinsman. In Isaiah Efrayim and Manasseh will fight and both be against Judah but then later, Isaiah, they will all come together and fight the ‘men of the east’, Asia.
The USA is Ephraim and Great Britain is our older brother Manasseh .
Manassas, Virginia was named after King Manasseh of Judah[Wikipedia]. Manassas was the site of two major battles in the US Civil War which could have split the US into two countries.Prophecy said "ONE great nation" for Manasseh's descendants. A strange coincidence.
4.08K (Subscribers tot he Yair Davidiy YouTube Channel
reKing David & the Stone of Scone
Tara Co.Meath Ireland was always a place for the Cornation of Kings and Queens
Princess Tea Tephi
Seems to me that the Medes were not a people who could be trusted. First they betrayed the Scythians in league with Babylon, and then they stabbed Babylon in the back in league with Persia..
The Coming Messiah.
Ive heard of the Four Craftsmen but 8 Messiahs- were can I read about this, any sources much appreciated, sounds super interesting, just that tidbit about David's brother one of them fascinating.
Bless you Yair
Isaiah 41-45: Israel Rules Africa and India!
Much appreciated thank you. . Just I am amazed of the lack of comments of engagement of discussion to this information documentation. Why?
I am not a woman but I came out of one, and have lived and/or associated with them most of my life in one way or other. I do not however take much interest in womens rights, etc. My impression is that most women do not either. I live in a mixed hareidi-hasidic community. On most issues there does not seem to be much difference between hareidi and hasidi. They are all basically just hareidi i.e. Ultra-Orthodox. It would seem that women who have a husband and children feel much more complete than those who do not. Hareidi women who want a career can usually make one. A higher proportion of hareidi women work than secular or non-hariedi. In Hareidi society money is important as it is everywhere else BUT it matters less than elsewhere. Priorities are different. Hareidi women who want to involve themselves socially have numerous opportunities to do so. Reports of non-Hareidi women who became hareidi speak of them feeling relatively liberated from the presence and demands of male society that exist in the specular world.
I saw an interesting article relevant to the case in a secular Israeli newspaper (“Yediot Acharonot”) about 30 or more years ago. I could not find anything more up-to-date. It spoke of a sociological report concerning the self-image women had of themselves. Hareidi women ranked the highest. That is hareidi women felt more fulfilled and had a greater self-respect than other women. The lowest on the ranks were secular women from secular kibbutzes who are supposed to believe in gender equality. The question is what is more important? What do women really want? What do they feel better with? That which pleases and fulfils them more? OR, what the media and the feminist-orientated powers-that-be tell them they should want?
Moses was the Creator of the Israelite Nation as we know it. He led the Hebrews out of Egyptian Bondage and through him they received the Torah at Mount Sinai. Moses was succeeded by Joshua son of Nun. The life and exploits of Joshua parallel those of Moses. Moses and Joshua are prototypes of the future Messiah son of David and Messiah son of Joseph. The order of their appearance however is reversed. In the End Times Messiah son of Joseph will appear before Messiah son of David. Joshua from the Tribe of Ephraim was a descendant of Joseph.
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28: 18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it. 19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz. 20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear 21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God 22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3: 10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, That there may be food in My house, And try Me now in this, Says the LORD of hosts, 'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven And pour out for you such blessing That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3: 9 Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the first of all your produce, 10 so your barns will be filled with abundance, and your vats will burst open with new wine.
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