Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
19 April 2023; 28 Nissan, 5783.
1. New Video Clip.
"Ephraim in Manasseh of the USA."
2. New Article.
Who is Who? Ephraim and Manasseh.
3. Queries on DNA? Punished 7 Times over? an integral part of my life.
4. Comments to Video Clips.
5. New Month of Iyyar. Tribe of Issachar.
6. Answer to Quora Question Upgraded.
Is it true that Sweden is dangerous for Jewish people nowadays?
7. CC Subtitles added to Popular Brit-Am Video Clip.
Dan & Judah in Ireland.
1. New Video Clip.
"Ephraim in Manasseh of the USA."
Duration 19.27 minutes
The Lost Ten Tribes are among Western nations. Joseph is prominent in the English-speaking peoples. Ephraim dominates Britain and its offshoots whereas Manasseh is dominant in the USA. There are also many from Ephraim in the USA. It is indicated in the Bible that physically there are more from Ephraim than from Manasseh in America. Nevertheless the Tribe of Manasseh sets the tone in America and through the USA Manasseh fulfills his national purpose.
See also:
Who is Who? Ephraim and Manasseh.
CC Subtitles.
^2. New Article.
Who is Who?
Ephraim and Manasseh.
2. New Article.
Who is Who?
Ephraim and Manasseh.
Transcript of the Video Clip,
"Ephraim in Manasseh of the USA."
1. All the 70 Nations to be Ruled by 70 Israelite Tribal Clans!
2. The Descendants of Abraham.
3. Ephraim and Manasseh.
4. The Celts were named Hebrews!
5. New Month of Iyyar. Tribe of Issachar,.
6. The 10 Tribes technically were to be considered non-Jewish!
7. CC Subtitles added to Popular Brit-Am Video Clip.
Dan & Judah in Ireland.
3. Queries on DNA? Punished 7 Times over? an integral part of my life.
"Ephraim in Manasseh of the USA."
Since the Jews and descendants of Yoseph have the same father, Yakkov, should not their paternal DNA characteristics be similar? I am maternally of both Welsh and Upper Highland Scottish descent, as well as a significant portion of Scandanavian descent. Paternally, German and British.
As for the punishment of the ten tribes, the fullness of the exile occurred after 7 sevens expired from the time of the destruction of Samaria, the Capitol of the ancient Northern Kingdom of Israel. Over 2,700 years have expired since the Samarian Diaspora. Moshe stated that Ha Shem would punish Israel seven times over. This brings us to around 2008 or 2009 since Samaria fell over 2,700 years. The fullness of the seven times has expired. This is why many of Celtic and other descent within Messianic/ Hebrew roots/ lTorah -observant Christian circles are now beginning to keep Torah to the best of their ability.
For instance, my spiritual eyes were opened fully to Shabbat observance around 2008. Then, clean and unclean foods the same year. Afterward, by increment, the Moadim and other aspects of Torah became clearer to me. It is now an intregal part of my life.
I am not alone. There are thousands, perhaps tens of thousands now, like myself, who have had, or are having similar experiences. This is because the punishment of the ten tribes has now culminated. The Most High is taking off the spiritual scales of paganism, which had clouded the vision of His ancient people. All one may rightfully respond to this is " HalleluYah!" All glory, praise, and honor to the Most High Elohim of Israel, Creator of Heaven and Earth!
Brit-Am Reply:
Yes and No on both points. DNA has changed. Every now and again, i.e. every several centuries or more, in some cases DNA changes spread among whole populations like a virus. If this sounds preposterous and too fantastic to you look up HGT (horizontal gene transpon) on the Internet. That does not mean DNA is unreliable only that certain limitations need to be considered. The Scientists keep telling us we need to keep an open mind. That works both ways including their own findings and "Laws" they assume to be immutable.
As for the Seven Times Seven Doctrine there may be something to it BUT we need to look at the source again. Also the Chronology we now use may (or may not) be mistaken by a few hundred years.
4. Comments to Video Clips.
The Celts Called Themselves Hebrews!
The Dutch are Zebulon!
"Ephraim in Manasseh of the USA."
J Rutt
You got to remember the 12 tribes role was the initial role GOD had for Adam. To cross pollinate your seed into the other family's of the earth. So the tribes would put their DNA into other nation's and they themselves would also inherit some of their DNA. The bible never says Adam was the first person on earth. Adam was the first man GOD created to give eternal life. The ten tribes would be the fulfillment of GOD'S overall prophecy. Judah would be the lawgiver and law preserver. Joseph's descendants would be the blessings of the earth. Judah Mosaic covenant, Joseph Abrahamic covenant. That being said Joseph's descendants would keep the closest DNA of Israel throughout the aged. They were exiled first and would have the numbers. Judah was the tribe who mixed the most as even the Kings of Judah did so very openly. Joseph's descendants would keep the pretty features of the Israelites while Judah would keep the Spiritual beauty of Israel. Everything is dualistic in GOD'S kingdom. Each house had a different role to play. Judah's was Spiritual while Joseph's was physical!
The study of the Massagete tribe we see very similar parallels between them and Mannaseh. I am almost certain they were the tribe of Mannaseh. Even the time frame of them is on point with the expulsion of the northern kingdom.
I am Torah observing as well ,after doing my tree I am related to Benjamin tribe and Judah on my mother's line . On my father's line Judah. I have only come to this knowledge a few years ago . I don't think Israel know how many their are of us .I have come out of pagan Christianity too.
Peadar Sheilds
There was ancient remains found of a woman in Ballynahatty, Co. Down, she seems to have been from the time of the stone age, she was the most ancient person discovered yet in Ireland, her DNA (mtDNA) was found to be from the Levant region, in other words around Israel.
5. New Month of Iyyar. Tribe of Issachar.
The 20th of April, 2023, Thursday Sundown beging the Hebrew nonth of Iyyar.
The New Month Day lasts for 2 days and goes through all of Friday into the Shabat where it ends at sundown with the Sabbath,
Iyyar according to mainstream opinion (HaGra, Ha-Arizal) is associated with the Tribe of Issachar. Other opinions say Reuben (Midrash Peliyah), or Simeon (Rabad).
6. Answer to Quora Question Upgraded.
Is it true that Sweden is dangerous for Jewish people nowadays?
Sweden has about 10 million inhabitants of whom ca. one million are Muslim.
A government study in 2006 estimated that 15% of Swedes agree with the statement: "The Jews have too much influence in the world today". 5% of the total adult population and 39% of adult Muslims "harbour systematic antisemitic views."
Antisemitism in Sweden
Jews are often attacked and insulted in the streets of the city of Malmo.
The culprits are nearly always Muslims.
The native Swedish people personally have nothing against Jews.
The impression though is that they ascribe blame to the alleged crimes of Israel as portrayed by the Media or as described by Swedish politicians. The reality of such alleged crimes is even frequently spoken of as if it was a known factor that nobody contests!
They also opine that it would be better for all if Jews kept a lower profile.
In other words there seems to be a tendency to blame the victim.
[Jews are not the only ones to suffer in this way. Swedish women are also victimized and silenced. ]
There is a tendency in Sweden to blame the Jews for wrongs supposedly carried out by the State of Israel. The Swedes seem to think that the Jews should be punished for the deeds in question. Not long ago their forefathers were blaming the Jews for having executed a god-man they believed in.
Addenda: We received a reply from someone from Sweden denying the degree of anti-Jewish prejudice among his fellow citizens. The terminology used however illustrates just how prejudiced the other Swedes may really be, without necessarily being prepared to admit to it. Anti-Israeli rhetoric and mendacious pro-Palestinian propaganda was employed as if it was self-evident and taken for granted as true. The impression is that Jews may be tolerated in Sweden by native Swedes as long as they admit to falsehoods concerning their fellow Jews trying to survive in the Holy Land.
7. CC Subtitles added to Popular Brit-Am Video Clip.
Dan & Judah in Ireland.
Biblical and Archaeological sources show that in the area of Israelite Tribes east of the Jordan (Gilead and Bashan) once existed Hebrew ethnic groups and polities. These groupings re-appear in similar alignments amongst the settlers of Ireland. They were from the Lost Ten Tribes. See: Judah and Dan in Ireland. The Identity of Iar (Yair) Clarified.
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, 'If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth.'
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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