Brit-Am Now no. 3403.
1. New Video Clip.
The Greatness of Joseph.
2. New Video Clip.
Why is Hebrew Identification Uncertain? How Many Messiahs will there be?
3. New Video Clip.
The Goodness of Ephraim and Manasseh.
4. New Article.
Propagation. Spreading the Truth.
5. New Video Clip.
Spreading Hebrew Consciousness
6. New Video.
Strategic Passes and Israelite Origins.
7. New Video.
"I Vow to Thee, My Country."
8. Newly Available Old Ancient Sources Coming Your Way?
A New Appeal.
Brit-Am Now no. 3402.
1. New Video Clip.
"Ephraim in Manasseh of the USA."
2. New Article.
Who is Who? Ephraim and Manasseh.
3. Queries on DNA? Punished 7 Times over? an integral part of my life.
4. Comments to Video Clips.
5. New Month of Iyyar. Tribe of Issachar,.
6. Answer to Quora Question Upgraded.
Is it true that Sweden is dangerous for Jewish people nowadays?
7. CC Subtitles added to Popular Brit-Am Video Clip.
Dan & Judah in Ireland.
Brit-Am Now no. 3401
1. Orjan Svensson:
Swedish village (in Ukraine) Gammalsvenskby - in the Ukrainian war.
2. New Article.
Gog: Readers Comments.
Queries and Comments concerning Gog and Magog.
3. Answer to Quora Question:
Do Orthodox Jews contribute to Israel in any way?
4. Yair Davidiy tp Speak at R&B Zoom Meeting. Monday. All Welcome.
5. Bible and Midrash. Ten Tribes to Return.
Brit-Am Now no. 3400
1. Jan: Good Wishes.
2. Brit-Am Recommended.
3. Significance of Descent from Tea Tephi.
4. Descendants of David in Ireland?
5. What can we do if we know who we are but cannot prove it?
Brit-Am Now no. 3399
1. Query about Elijah.
2. The Name Atkinson and Yachin of Simeon?
3. Minor Problems with Web-Site.
Extract from BAMAD-168.
Brit-Am Now no. 3398
1. New Video.
7 Shepherds and 8 Princes of Israel.
2. Query on Family Name.
3. New Video.
Gog and Magog on the Way?
4. Answer to Quora Question.
Why would anyone want to live in settlements on the West Bank? With all the horrible stories, bad publicity, and violence in that area, I don't see how.
5. Answer to Quora Question.
Will Israel ever give the Golan Heights back to Syria?
6. Comment on Gog and Magog by Robert Smith and Reply by Brit-Am.
7. Feast of Passover Message and Appeal.
Brit-Am Now no. 3397
1. Were there Four Rivers of the Sambation?
2. Comments to Video Clips.
3. New Article. Moses and Joshua.
MBJ and MBD?
4. Answer to Quora Question.
What is life like for a woman in a hasidic community?
5. New Video.
Joshua and Moses Parallel End-Time Messiahs.
Brit-Am Now no. 3396
1. New Article,
Gog and Magog? articles/peoples/gog.html
Are the End-TIme Wars Already Here or Just on the Horizon?
2. New Video Clip..
Joseph and Judah: Parallel Destinies.
3. Addition to:Article and Video Clip..
4. Jews and Being Jewish in the Land of Israel.
5. Passover (Pesach) coming up.
Brit-Am Now no. 3395.
1. Website.Alterations.
2. King Alfred of England and Hebrew Ancestry.
3. New Article.
The Biblical Messiah.
4. New Video.
The Coming Messiah.
5. Linguistics.
John Hemingway: Aramaic-Gothic Connections.
Brit-Am Now no. 3393
1. Query on Lemba (South Africa) and other claimants to be descended from Israel. 7 Israelite- Ephraimite Identification Markers.
2. New Article.
Destined Greatness. The US was made to fulfill the Promises!
3. New Month of Nissan Coming up. Pesach - Passover. Tribe of Yehudah.
Brit-Am Now no. 3392
1. New Article:
Impediment Removed!.
An Explanation of Zechariah describes how a Previous Barrier to Unification will be Nullified.
2. Very Important New Video.
Unification Predicted! Judah and Joseph to Come Together.
3. New Video.
Sticks and Prophecy.
4. New Video.
Who are the ANGELS?
5. New Video.
Preparing for Messiah.
6. Appreciation.
7. Rabbi Avraham Feld: Compliment.
Brit-Am Now no. 3391
1. Two New Videos.
Gene Porter Interviews Yair Davidiy.
2. Comments to Video Clips.
3. More Quotes on Re-Unification.
Brit-Am Now no. 3390
1. New Video Clip.
Hebrew Military Might Predicted!
2. New Article,
Military Might. articles/biblical-proof/blessings/rule/hosearule.html
The Ten Tribes (especially Joseph) will be Warrior Nations.
3. Brit-Am has worked with others in the past!
4. Time for a League of Positive "Brit-Am-British Israel" Type Advocates.
5. Quotes. Re-Unification.
Biblical Sources. The Future Re-Union between the Ten Tribes and Judah.
Brit-Am Now no. 3389
1. Three New Videos.
(a) New Video.
Tribal Identity Questions
(b) New Video.
Ezekiel and the Ten Tribes.
(c) New Video.
Why did Britain Give Palestine to the Jews?
2. Comments to:
Why did Britain support Zionism as early as 1917 (Balfour Declaration)? What would the British gain from the establishment of the State of Israel?
3. Comments to Video Clips.
4. Brit-Am Needs More Researchers! re Herbert W. Armstrong.
5. Politics in Israel.
Posted on Quora: Why do the Israelis protest against Netanyahu?
6. Does Judah Need Ephraim to Return?.
7. Nachmanides: The Connection Between The Law and the Land:
Brit-Am Now no. 3388
1. Article Updated.
Yair Davidiy.
A Brief Introduction to the Founder of Brit-Am and a History of Brit-Am.
2. List of Most Popular Brit-Am Video Clips.
3. The name "Brit-Am."
Brit-Am Now no. 3387
1. New Article.
Verification (Part One).
Biblical Understandings Concerning the Ten Tribes and their Future
2. Feast of Purim Coming Up! Brit-Am Articles and Videos relevant to Purim..
3. Recent Comments to Video Clips
4. Some Biblical Quotes about the Land of Israel.
5. Brit-Am Books Available.
Brit-Am Now no. 3386.
1. #5. The Real Stone?
2. New Video Clip.
Princess Tea Tephi.
3. New Video Clip.
King David & the Stone of Scone.
4. Note Concerning book by Raymond F. McNair
5. New Article.
British Israel Persecuted by Nazis
Historical Interest from WW2 by Craig White.
Brit-Am Now no. 3385.
1. 5 New Video Clips.
2. Brit-Am Adar Appeal.
3. Brit-Am Knowledge. A Matter of Priorities.
4. Biblical (NKJV) verses about Edom.
5. Prophecy: Ten Tribes will Fly to the Holy Land!
1. Recent Article Improved and References Given.
2. Amnon Goldberg: Earthquakes as a Warning from Heaven!
3. New Month of Adar (2 days: Purim, Esther, Naphtali, Joseph),
1. New Video. Modern British Hebrews.
2. New Article.
Clans of Ephraim.
Tribal Family Names of Ephraim traced to the British Isles.
3. New Video.
End-Time Beliefs .
4. Quora Question.
What about the Jewish race did Hitler hate so much?
5.Comments to Video Clips.
1. New Video.
President Reagan was a Hebrew!
2. New Video.
God Wants you close to HIM!
3. New Video.
Early British Hebrews.
4. New Article.
Brit-Am World View.
What Does Brit-Am Believe? Why the Confusion?
5. Zoom Meeting Tuesday Today! Agenda.
1. Contributions Needed.
2. New Video.
Isaiah: The Ten Tribes, Destruction and Alleviation.
3. New Article.
Tea Tephi Remarks.
Who Was Tea Tephi according to British Israel?
4. Chuck Perschbacher: Israelite Family Characteristics.
5. Question: As a member of the Lost Ten Tribes and descendant of Israel can I come to Israel and live there now?
1. New Article.
Early Reports. British Belief in Israelite Origin - 1.
2. New Article. Modern Era. British Belief in Israelite Origin - 2.
3. New Article.
Tea Tephi Remarks.
Who Was Tea Tephi according to British Israel?
1. Amnon Goldberg: LTTs in the West.
2. Comments to Brit-Am Video Clips.
3. Elamites Today? Poles? Correspondence.
1. Recent Comments to Video Clips.
2. New Article.
Brit-Am What For?
Why is Brit-Am Needed?
3. Recent Answers to Quora Questions by Yair Davidiy.
(a) What am I if my maternal grandmother's third grandmother was an emigre Spanish Jew and the female line is unbroken since then?
(b) What is the evidence for biological evolution and what is the evidence supporting creationism?
4. New Video. Need to Believe.
5. New Video. Joseph Supports Israel!
6. New Video. Be Yourself - Be Hebrew.
7. New Video. Inherited Hebrew Duties.
8. Sylvia Halpert: Stone of Scone and Tea Tephi, etc.
9. Damon Casale: Pagan Mythology and the Stone of Scone?
1. New Quora Answers Posted by Yair Davidiy to Hebrew Israelite.
What are the guidelines for becoming a Hassidic Rebbe? What must one be prepared to give up in order to become such?
2. New Video.
Isaiah. Americans Obliged to Recognize their Hebrew Ancestry!
3. New Article. Animals and Tribes.
Israelite Tribes and their Animate Symbols.
4. Letter of Appreciation.
5. New Article.
The Tribe of Asher and the Raven.
1. New Video:
The Ten Tribes Lion.
2. New Video:
R&B. Ten Tribes Lecture-1.
3. New Video:
R&B. Ten Tribes Lecture-2.
4. Comment by TubalCain. Link Between Scandinavia, Cyprus (Tribe of Dan) , and Ancient Greece.
5. New Comments to Video Clips.
1. Quora. Recent Updates to Hebrew Israelite.
2. Need to Spread message of Israelite Ancestry.
3. New Article.
Mark McGee. Firstborn Tribes articles/guest/mcgee1.html
4. Israeli President, PM, Chief of Staff, etc, all Levites!
5. New Article.
A Warrior People
Ten Tribes to become the Most Powerful Nations on Earth!
1. 3 New Videos.
(1) New Video.
Steve Mathe. "Road to Return."
(2) New Video.
Brit-Am Identity Discussion..
(3) New Video.
Military Might of Joseph Predicted!
2. Important Point. Brit-Am is Needed! Brit-Am Proofs are Needed!
3. New Month of Shevat Comng Up.
4. Orjan Svensson: Oldest Rune Stone Linked to Area of Israel.
5. Sylvia Halpert. My Story.
Brit-Am Now no. 3373.
1. Addition to Article. Scientific Validity of Brit-Am Query.
2. 2. What is Quora? What is "Hebrew Israelite"?
3. Dan in Illinois?
4. John Mckenzie:
The Trail of Dan
Danville in the USA and World.
5. Brit-Am is on your side!
1. Proof of the Blessings to Israel in Sweden. "iron and bronze."
2. Kitty Corbett: England is Manasseh, USA not Manasseh but rather Ephraim!
3. What Tribes are the States of Illinois and Minnesota from?
4. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy Posted to Quora.
(a) Why is St Patrick.s Day celebrated by the non-Irish?
(b) Can Young Earth creationists explain why the 5,000-year-old Egyptian pyramids weren't destroyed by Noah's flood 4300 years ago?
(c) What is the evidence for biological evolution and what is the evidence supporting creationism?
[Is evolution a scientific fact?].
5. Recent Posts to Quora on Hebrew-Israelite:
Biblical Israelite and Jewish Identity Matters in History and Today.
6. Query by Yair Davidiy Posted to Quora.
Could horizontal gene transfer (instead of evolution) account for changes in Y-DNA haplogoups?
7. Zoom Meeting Monday.
1. 3 New Videos.
(1) New Video.
Ten Tribes Location.
(2) New Video.
Hebrew States USA.
(3) New Video..
US Eye Above of Joseph.
2. Recent Comments to Video Clips.
3. 2 New Videos. Nelson Thall and Yair Davidiy
(a) New Video.
Nelson Thall & Yair Davidiy, Ten Tribes Located-1.
(b) New Video.
Nelson Thall & Yair Davidiy, Ten Tribes Located-2.
4. Mini-Article. The Eye Above. USA and Colorado as Manasseh.
5. New Article. Brit-Am is Right Again!
DNA by Lateral (Horizontal, heritable but not - inherited) Transference.
Brit-Am Now no. 3370.
1. New Video Clip.
Isaiah-11. Rule of the Messiah
2. The Heart of ASSYRIA is to Destroy!
Addition to article.
3. Are Ukrainians Israelites?
4. Tubalcain on France. Rouen and Reuben?
5. Zoom Meeting on Wednesday.
1. Recent Uploads by Yair Davidiy to Hebrew Israelite on Quora.
2. New Article.
Rabbis and Tribes.
The Tribal Affiliation of Foremost Sages and Rabbis and what we can learn from them.
3. 2 New Video Clips.
(1) Tribal Identification Meeting -1. Delaware.
(2) Tribes Identified. Meeting -2.
4. Comments to Video Clips.
5. New Quora Article by Yair Davidiy
What if Britain had surrendered to the Nazis?
1. Remembering who you are.
2. New Article. Where did Elijah Go?
Is Eliyahu the Prophet still with us?
3. Comments to Video Clips
4. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions.
Was the Balfour Declaration an act of imperialistic altruism or self-interest by the British government?
5. New Zoom Meeting This Monday Night
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
1. Additions and Improvements to Article
S. R. Hirsch on Joseph.
2. New Video.
Joseph and Divine Protection.
3. Authors and Researchers: Do you need an Index for your work?
1. Brit-Am. 6 New Videos.
2. Our Recent Brit-Am Zoom Meeting.
3. David Gunn: Pleased with Talk.
4. Comments to Video Clips.
5. Interesting Article Comparing Yehudah to Yoseph.
1. New Article and Video Clip..
(a) New Article.
Joseph vrs Judah.
Different Tasks Need Different Blessings
(b) New Video Clip (Long):
Different Tribes and Varied Obligations.
2. New Hebrew Month of Tevet. Tribe of Dan.
3. Appeal (Kislev 5783 - December, 2022).
1. New Article.
Amnon Goldberg, "GOLD AWAITING."
Natural Treasures of the Land of Israel
2. New Article.
Mineral Resources.
Prophecy in Action. Blessings of the Deep.
3. Biblical Prophecy. Ten Tribes to return from America by Aeroplane.
4. Channukhah (sometimes spelt "Chanuka" or "Hanucca)" is Here!
5. New Article.
MBJ by Modern Jews.
Brief Extracts from Recent Orthodox Jewish Articles on MBY (Messiah son of Joseph).
1. 4 New Brit-Am Videos - all derived from the filming of Brit-Am Zoom Meeting no.5 (13 December, 2022).
2. Mormons Borrowed Recent Jewish Sources to teach about MBJ?
3. MBJ from Judah and MBD from Joseph?
4. Sundry Recent Comments to Brit-Am Video Clips.
5. New Brit-Am ZOOM Meeting.
Wednesday, Dec. 21. 2300 Israel (Jerusalem) Time.
1. New Article. Rabbis on MBJ.
Rabbinical Commentary on the Messiah son of Joseph.
2. Dolmens (Outlines of a future article).
3. DNA Obstacles.
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
1. New Article. Who is MBJ?
What is the Task of MBJ and Who May he Be? articles/bible/mbjtoday/mbywho.html
2. Americans descended from Israelites! A Quora Answer.
3. New Notes by TubalCain..
Mineral Blessings.
Mycenaeans and Dan.
Camden (d. 1623) Saxons from Sacae in Media.
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
1. Comments to Video Clips.
2. Rabbinical Sage, Hillel, from the Tribe of Benjamin.
3. What Does the Arbroath Declaration of Scotland Really Say?
4. New Article and Video. The Rape of Dinah.
5. Scot from Scotland named Manasseh!
1. Prophecy: TTs will Fly to the Holy Land!
2. New Article and Video. Tribal Names of Israelite Groups,
(a) New Article .
Naming the Tribes. How the Tribes got their Names and what do their names mean? articles/tribes/naming.html
(b) New Video. Names of Israelite Tribes.
3. Brit-Am Zoom Forum Meetings in the Near Future.
4. Reconciliation - Biblical Sources,
5. Questions from Michael Greenwood:
(a) The Darkness of Egypt. Do any old writings tell or speculate the days of darkness that fell on Egypt. The darkness that could be felt!!!
(b) Question on Saul and His Consorts.
Who do they say took Saul during the festival wife raid? Which tribes were Sauls wives and or concubines from ??
1. New Video Clip.
Abraham and Hebrew Tribes.
2. New Video Clip.
Discussion. Your Personal Israelite Tribe.
3. Comments to Video Clips.
4. New Article. Different MBY?
Varying understandings as to who the Messiah ben Yosef really is.
5. Brit-Am Message and Appeal Again
1. Three New Videos.
2. Comments to Video Clips.
3. Sub-titles added to Video Clips.
4. New Article. Linguistics.
John Hemingway: K and C Sounds.
Traces of Semitic qoph in English Words.
1. Hebrew New Month of Kislev Appeal
2. New Article. Hebrew America -2 .
Menasseh ben Israel and America Today.
3. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions to be Viewed on the Quora Site
Does Trump have Jewish blood?
1. New Article.
Anglians in America?
Were the founders of Massachusetts and New England from Manasseh or Ephraim?
2. Rabbi S.R. Hirsch (1808-1888): The Ten Tribes and Messiah ben Yosef.
3. Selected Sources Concerning the Netherlands, Sand, and the Sea.
4. New Article Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Why is it that the Jewish status only passes through the mother and not the father?
5. Comments to Video Clips
1. New Article. MBI on MBJ.
Rabbi Manasseh ben Israel writes about the Messiah son of Joseph.
2. New Article. MBJ. Sources.
Other Peoples Work on the Messiah son of Joseph.
3. New Article. Two Messiahs?
Messiah son of David, Messiah son of Joseph, and the Ten Tribes.
4. 4 New Videos.
(a) Two Messiahs- 1. Overview.
(b) Two Messiah-2. Messiah ben David.
(c) Two Messiahs - 3. Messiah ben Yosef
(d) Steve Mathe: Ten Tribes Awakening!
5. Comments to Video Clips.
6. Tubalcain: Saxons from Sacesinians of Media
7. God's Providence and the United States.
A Thanksgiving Reader on Judaism and the American Idea
by Rabbi Dr. Meir Soloveichik.
1. New Article.
Hebrew America -1. Manasseh ben Israel and the Ten Tribes.
2. New Comments to Video Clips
3. New Month of Kislev Coming Up.
4. End Time Predictions.
5. Israelite Goyim.
Ephrayim is a Plurality of Peoples by John Thornton.
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
1. 3 New Video Clips.
2. Letter to a Jew. The ALMIGHTY wants you to be and act like a Jew!
3. New Article. A Messiah from Edom?
Messiah son of Joseph and Messiah son of David.
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
1. The Messiah has to come from Judah.
2. Comments to Video Clips.
3. New Video.
Messiah is a Jew!
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
1. New Video.
Reuben in France
2. New Video.
Joseph in Britain & America
3. Sol Levi. Online Jewish Translations of the Bible.
4. New Video.
Is BIBI Netanyahu the Messiah?
1. New Video.
Jewish Tribes and Simeon.
2. New Video.
Rabbi Avraham Feld: Ephraim Awakens!
3. Brit-Am Understandings of the Situation.
Obstacles and Aims.
4. Brit-Am Answer re Hair color of the 13 patriarchs at birth.
5. How Many are needed to make an Israelite Tribe?
1. Message from Avigdor. "Babylon Today."
2. Message from Art Leerskov in Texas:
3. New Article.Twelve Tribes Identified.
Equation of Hebrew Groups with Modern Peoples
1. Kitty Corbett. The Land was given to the Ten Tribes as well as the Jews! and Brit-Am Answer.
2. The Return of the Ten Tribes. More Sources.
3. New Article.
Quotes. Kitty (Marylou) Corbett - Returning.
Prophecies Pointing to the Return of the Ten Lost Tribes of Israel.
1. Comments to Video Clips
2. New Article Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Question: If the entire world made peace with Israel, would the Palestinians still want to have their own independent state?
3. New Video Clip.
Celtic-Hebrew Tribes.
4. How to Make Payments or Offerings to Brit-Am Directly in the USA.
5. New Article. Points of Interest-9.
Proofs and Observations by Eric (TubalCain)
1. New Article Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Where did the Romans originate from?
2. New Article and Video Clip.
(a) New Article.
Esau and Rome. The Edomite Origins of the Ancient Roman Empire
(b) New Video Clip.
Esau and Rome
3. New Guest Article (Historical Extract):
Heinrich Graetz, "Readmission."
How the Jews in Recent Times were allowed back into England.
4. Explaining the Division, Exile, and Loss of Identity
The Task of the Ten Tribes.
5. New Article.
Early English Jews. An Historical Outline.
1. Iron and Copper Ore Production as Prophesied!
2. Ireland and the Irish are to be respected!
3. American State of New Jersey and Benjamin?
1, New Entry Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Who is the highest ranking rabbi?
Time to do what should have been done.
3. New Article and Video Clip. Rhode Island
(a) New Article.
Rhode Island. The Tribe of Asher in the USA, one of several states
(b) New Video.
Rhode Island - Tribe of Asher [US6].
4. Comments to Video Clips.
5. Feast of Succoth Coming Up.
1. New Entry Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Why has Scotland been - and continues to be - less anti-Semitic than England?
2. Yom Kippur (The Day of Atonement) Coming Up!
3. Books Acquired.
Brit-Am Now no. 3338
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
1. New Article.
Bert Otten: Levi in Wales
2. Comments to Brit-Am Videos.
3. New Articles Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Doesn't the Bible err (according to a genetics course I took) when it fails to acknowledge that all Jews would have been of the house and lineage of David, a king who lived a thousand years earlier and had many children?
1. Comments to Video Clips.
2. New Article.
Massachusetts and Manasseh.
America as a Center in our Time of Israelite Tribes.
3. Linguistics.
John Hemingway: The word ROLL
The Word Root Meaning of Roll, Rolling or Roundness by John Hemingway
4. New Video.
US of Manasseh [US2].
5. New Video.
Massachusetts and Manasseh [US3].
1. New Video.
U.S. of Israelite Tribes.
2. Comments to Video Clips.
3. Ephraim Repents
Extract from:
"Hebrew Salvation. Hosea-4," by Yair Davidiy,
4. New Articles Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Was Maimonides's (1138-1204) wife Jewish?
5. Orjan Svensson: Gd, Pennsylvannia, and New Sweden
1. New Article.
US States and Tribes.
Identifying Israelite Tribes within America.
2. Comments to Video Clips.
3. New Video.
Rabbi Avraham Feld, "Valley of Dry Bones. Ephraim Revived."
1. End of Year (5782) Appeal
2. Comments to Brit-Am Video Clips
3. New Entries from TubalCain (Eric)
4. New Developments. ZOOM Conferences. Suggestions Requested.
5. Coming Soon. The USA and Israel.
13 Original Colonies and 13 Israelite Tribes!
1. Answers to 3 Questions:
(1. Where does the Bible say the 10 Tribes are lost?
(2. Ethnic DNA tests, are they pertinent to Brit-Am beliefs?
(3.Psalm 110 and the Messiah.
2. New Article Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Do ultra-Orthodox Jews want all Jews to become ultra-Orthodox Jews?
3. Addition to Article.
Hareidi Jews descended from King David?
1. New Article and Video Clip.
(a) New Article.
Abraham is the Key. The First Hebrew received Promises identifying all the rest!
(b) New Video,
Abraham as Evidence
2. New Article.
LTTs in the Bible. Scriptural Descriptions of the Lost Ten Tribes.
3. New Article Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Do Orthodox Jews work?
1. New Article and Video. Esau, Europe, China.
2. New Article and Video. Be Faithful
3. New Article and Video. Messiah son of Joseph. The Benefits of Tithing and the Need for it.
4. Recent Answers to Quora Questions
Why is red hair so commonly associated with European Jews?
5. Comments to Video Clips
2. New Article and Video-Clip.
(a) New Article
The Death of Darwin. The Theory of Evolution is now Redundant!
(b) New Video.
Darwin is Dead!
3. Comments to Video Clips.
4. New Month of Elul Approaching.
5. A Tool Box of Spare Genetical Parts as Part of Creation
1. Answer to Question on Isaiah 49:21 "And thou shalt say in thine heart, Who engendered these sons to me?"
2. Talk by Steve Mathe in Its Entirety Now Available.
3. Joseph (Aryeh) Lowell Gallin. Root & Branch Programs Now Available.
1. New Video.
Evolution Refuted! DNA Changed
2. Comments to Video Clips.
3. New Article and Video Clip.
(a) New Article.
Obadiah and the TTs. The Lost Ten Tribes in France, the North, and England
(b) New Video Clip.
Lost Ten Tribes in France says RASHI!
4. Question on Germany and Assyria.
5. 2 New Videos.
(a) New Video.
R & B. Prophecy and the Ten Tribes in the End Times
(a) New Video.
R & B. Steve Mathe, "Rising from the Dead and the Redemption of Israel."
1. Visitor from Finland.
2. Books Acquired.
3. New Articles Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Which states in Germany have the highest number of anti-Semitism and attacks on Jews?
4. Mark Williams.
Brit-Am and DNA.
5. New Article. Gene Transfer.
Evolution Refuted. DNA Changes Explained.
6. New Video.
End Times. Men becoming like Women!
7. Comments to Video Clips
1. New Articles Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
(A1) Who was the king of Judah when Israel fell to Assyria?
(A2) Do Israelis want Greater Israel?
(A3) Why was the sling used so extensively and for so long in warfare when the bow was probably far more effective?
(A4) If Palestine belongs to the Jews because they lived there 2,000 years ago, then why doesn't Istanbul belong to the Greeks because they lived there 700 years ago?
2. Comments to Video Vlips
3. Summer Months Appeal
1. New Article.
Why? What Different Should Membership of the Tribes of Israel Make?
2. New Video Clip.
Why? What Difference do the Lost 10 Tribes Make?
3. New Articles Posted to Quora by Yair Davidiy.
Can one honestly say that the United States war against Nazi Germany was a fight for the 'Free World'? Whereas, African Americans were still treated as second class citizens and Britain, France etc had colonies that they exploited?
4. Comments to Video Clips.
5. Book Review. Nechamia Prince, "Tribal Blueprints," adapted, continued.
Brit-Am Vindicated.
Evolution Theory no longer Accepted.
DNA Ethnic Determinations (Yhaplogroups etc.) though still useful are of Limited Applicability
Horizontal gene transfer
Details will follow.
1. Book Review. Nechamia Prince, "Tribal Blueprints," adapted, continued. Judah.
2. Timothy Murray
Re: Video. Doomsday Conspiracy
3. New Video Clip.
Doomsday Conspiracy
1. New Month of Av. Simeon and Issachar. Month of Mourning.
2. New Article and Video Clip. The Eye of Joseph above the Pyramid
3. Steve Collins: Lack of Will in Western Civilization also felt in America.
4. Book Review. Nechamia Prince, "Tribal Blueprints," continued.
Simeon and Levi
5. Comments to Brit-Am Video Clips.
1. New Video.
Rabbi Avraham Feld: Ephraim Return!
2. Comments to Brit-Am Video Clips
3. "The EYE above."
Question on the Blessing to Joseph:
1. New Article. Linguistics.
John Hemingway: Vandals in Ireland.
Semitic-Hebraic Influences on Celtic and Germanic Tongues.
2. New Video Clip.
Gentile Heathens versus Jerusalem
3. New Video Clip.
R&B. Israelite Tribes Identified
4. New Article.
Where was Afriki?
Point of Interest. Africa, Afriki, and the Lost Ten Tribes
5. New Article.
Asher: Vandals in Ireland
Migrations via Spain and North Africa?
1. Brit-Am Appeal.
Buy a book, send an offering.
2. New Video Clip.
Rabbi Avraham Feld: The USA is Joseph!
3. New Video Clip.
Rabbi Abraham Feld. A Covenant with God.
4. Comments to Video Clips.
5. New Article.
Ancient Hebrew Redheads -2.
1. New Article.
Ancient Hebrew Redheads
Biblical and Historical Sources.
2. New Video Clip.
Hebrew Redheads-1.
3. Comments to Brit-Am Video Clips
1. New Video Clip and Addition to Article.
The Two Sticks of ZECHARIAH. "Pleasant" and "Bruiser"
2. New Article. Destined to Rule.
The Future Tasks of Ephraim.
3. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions to be Viewed on the Quora Site.
Would the Nazis have killed disabled veterans?
4. New Video Clip.
Ephraim to Rule Humanity!
5. Comments to Brit-Am Video Clips.
6. Question on Matrilineal Descent vrs Tribal Descent among Jews.
7. DNA, Brit-Am, Dr. Jeanson, Dr. Dan, and David P. Neff.
1. Quora Question:
Is the Midrash the oral Torah?
2. New Month of Tammuz. Month of Reuben.
3. Important Commentary concerning the future unification of Judah and the Ten Tribes.
4. Comments to Video Clips.
5. Brit-Am is the Most Consistent with the Bible!
1. Comments to Video Clips.
2. Reminiscences and Brit-Am Appeal - Repeated.
3. Video You Might have Missed. Isaiah Overview: Israel in Prophecy (2017)
1. New Video Clip.
R&B. Ezekiel Discussion.
2. Recent Comments to Video Clips.
3. Yair Davidiy: Answer to Question on Quora.
Who is physically stronger and healthier? The average Israeli/jew or the average Arab.
4. New Video Clip.
The Return of Israel.
5. Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness is Independent!
More Hands on Board Could be Useful.
1. Comments to Video Clips.
2. New Video Clip.
Judah Redeemed.
3. New Video Clip.
Ezekiel:: Sticks of Identification.
1. Brit-Am Appeal - Truth that Needs to be Made Known!
2. New Article. Syria is Israelite? articles/bible-codes/ca/syriabashan.html
Free the Bashan and Gilead!
Judah of Israel and Anglo-Joseph Need to Conquer Syria and Iran!
3. New Video. Syria is Israelite-1.
4. New Video. Syria is Israelite-2.
5. Comments to Video Clips.
6. New Article. Two Houses Today!
The Separate Tasks of Judah and Joseph.
7. New Video Clip. Two Houses Today .'
8. Reply to Quora Question.
As a Jew, how can a non-Jew be respectful while still renouncing the actions of Israel and the occupation of the West Bank?
9. Book Review.
Nechama Price-1. Reuben.
1. New Video.
Yair Davidiy: Creationism and DNA
2. Odin and Mose.
Guest Articles by Orjan Svennsson.
3. Comments to Video Clips
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
1. New Article.
The Bible and Creationism.
Orthodox Jewish Rabbis and the Subject of Evolution
2. New Article.
Dr. Nathaniel T. Jeanson
Findings of a Creationist Scientist on Race and Brit-Am DNA Understanding.
3. Comments to Video Clips.
1. New Article.
Tamar Weissman-3.
Geography and Geology and Tribal Character, Asher; Joseph; Manasseh, Ephraim; Benjamin.
2. New Article.
Joseph - Britain and America-1. (6612)
3. New Video Clip
Joseph - USA and UK
1. "I believe you are on to something!"
2. Comments to Video Clips.
3. New Article.
Tamar Weissman-2.
Geography and Geology and Tribal Character, Issachar, Zebulon, Dan, Naftali, Gad.
Book Review.
1. New Article.
Finland as Issachar
Identifications in a Few Minutes.
2. New Video.
Yair Davidiy: Issachar-Finland.
3. Elements from Joseph also in Finland!
4. Orjan Svensson
Stockholm = Sukkot-holm?
5. New Month of Sivan, Feast of Shevuoth. Ruth.
1. Answer to Query on Genealogy.
2. Comments to Video Clip.
3. Finnish Parliament has 200 Members Just Like Issachar!
4. New Video Clip.
Rabbi Avraham Feld: Tribal Unity
5. New Video.
Rabbi Avraham Feld: Love of Torah, Torah of Love
1. New Video.
Yair Davidiy: Ephraim NOT to Convert!
2. New Article.
Ephraimites NOT to Convert! Become Yourselves!
3. Comments to Video Clips.
4. Question on Becoming Jewish and Belonging to Judah
5. New Article.
Two Houses or More?
What is the Difference?
1. Rein van Ekeren: Brit-Am Really is Bigger than it Seems!
2. New Article. Rabbi Feld & Brit-Am.
Description of an Ally.
3. New Video
Yair Davidiy on Reunion and the Temple
4. New Video
Interview with Yair Davidiy. Ten Tribes and Converts.
5, New Article. Book Review. Tamar Weissman-1.
Geography and Geology and Tribal Character, Reuben, Gad, Simeon, Levi, Yehudah
1. Query on the Tribal Surname "Asher."
2. New Article. Linguistics.
The Word "Brit" by Orjan Svensson.
3. How Big is Brit-Am?
4. Brit-Am Polemics.
Answers to a Critic of the "Brit-Am" Etymology.
5. New Video Clip.
Rabbi Avraham Feld: Ephraimites to Convert!
1. New Postal Address for Yair Davidiy.
2. New Article. Three Brit-Am Points.
What do we believe in? What are our aims?
3. Three New Books Received.
(a) Jonathan Emmanuel, "Britain, the Bible, and Balfour. Mandate for a Jewish state, 1530- 1917."
(b) Tamar Weissman, "Tribal Lands. The Twelve Tribes of Israel in their Ancestral Territories."
(c) Nechama Price, "Tribal Blueprints. Twelve Brothers and the Destiny of Israel."
4. Brit-Am Needs Support.
5. The Return of the Ten Tribes.
1. Brit-Am National Criteria.
2 New Video Clips.
Was Hitler Jewish?-1
Was Hitler Jewish-2
3. Comments to Video Clips'.
4. Message of Zechariah 7:10 was Needed!
5. Brit-Am Use of Different Biblical Translations.
6. Mark Williams. "the powerful [TTs] Israelite nations envisaged by Josephus" and company.
7. New Article. Israelite Family Names.
Testifying to Hebrew Origins! by Jack Hertzog
1. Google Analytics for Brit-Am Web-Site
For Month of May 2022.
2. Points to Notice.
The World NEEDS the unification of Judah and Joseph!
The Israelites were to be identified with Gomer i.e. with the Celts and Company!
Aircraft-Carriers in the World. Who Owns them?
3. Episode 7: Root and Branch Zoom Talk by Yair Davidiy. Biblical Truths for Locating the Lost Ten Tribes Among Israelite Nations.
4. New Article. Zechariah-6. Rebuilding the Temple and the Future Messiah.
5. New Article. Was Hitler Jewish? Jacob Frank and the Nazis.
1. New Month of Iyar
2. New Article.
Zechariah-5. Samaritans, Palestinians and Prototypical Prophecy
3. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions to be Viewed on the Quora Site.
Which tribes stayed with Rehoboam?
1. New Article from Don Davis.
2. The Welsh are Nick-Named after David!
3. Sub-titles for Video Clips.
4. re Homosexuality is Forbidden!
A THANK YOU from Norway.
5. Saint David in Wales.
6. How Many Tribes were there? Brit-Am Reply.
7. Message from a Veteran Supporter of Brit-Am.
1. New Article.
Brit-Am and World Redemption.
by Leah Altmann, Comments to
Rabbi Avraham Feld: "Is Redemption Here?"
2. Comments to Video Clips.
3. 2 New Video Clips. Hebrews in Wales.
4. Homosexuality is Forbidden!
5. Abortion Forbidden by the Torah!
1. Appreciation: "May the Almighty bless you!"
2. Steven Collins:
Modern Jews are the Biblical Tribe of Judah!
3. Comments to Video Clips.
4. New Article. Hebrews in Wales
More Notes concerning Wales and the Tribe of Asher.
5. Video. Rabbi Avraham Feld: Is Redemption Here?
1. New Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Queries
Why were only the tribes of Benjamin and Judah allowed to return to Israel after the Exile? What happened to the other tribes?
2. New Video Clip.
Rabbi Avraham Feld: Ten Tribes PASSOVER
3. Recent Comments to Video Clips.
4. Message from Steven Collins
5. Mark McGee: Hebraic Arousal in Southern USA
6. New Book.
"The Swedish Baal Zephon" subtitled "The Case for the Ark of the Covenant Residing in Sweden or Unlocking the Code of the Ark",
by Orjan Svensson.
7. Quotes. Abraham
Biblical Sources. Blessings and Prophecies
Brit-Am Now no. 3294
1. New Video Clip. [Interesting]
R & B. Divine Design [Designed Division]
2. R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Lost Tribes Fellowship (Episode #6 -- Monday, April 4th, 2022)
3. Coming Up. A Serious Brit-Am Study on the USA.
4. Pesach (Passover) Coming Up (6 April, 2022; 5 Nissan, 5782).
5. Mark Williams.
Russia IS Asshur (sp?)
1. Comments to Video Clips
2. New Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Queries
Given the long history of Jews in Germany, did a lot of Germans convert to Judaism in the past hundreds of years?
3. New Article
Chiastic Ezekiel by Damon Casale
Indications of Prophecy for the End Times
Brit-Am Now no. 3292
1. New Introductory Video Clip.
What is Brit-Am, Movement of the Lost Ten Tribes?
2. Comments to Video Clips.
3. New Article. Time to Repent.
The New World, Nachmanides, and Other Matters.
4. New Answers by Yair to Quora Questions
Why did King David have Uriah murdered?\
5. New Video Clip.
Ten Tribes in America.
1. M. Williams and Yair.
Dialogue on the Messiah son of Joseph and Russia.
2. New Month of Nissan.
The name "Nissan" in Hebrew connotes "nes" i.e. miracle.
(a) New Hebrew Month of Nissan Coming up.
(b) Rabbi Yisroel Alter ("Bais Yisroel"): The Month of Nissan and the Return of the Ten Tribes.
3. New Article.
Daniel-10c: The Russian Bear?
The Book of Daniel with BAC (Brit-Am Commentary) to ch. 10.
Brit-Am Now no. 3289
1. Comments to Video Clips.
2. Answer to Query Concerning Different Biblical Translations and the Book of Daniel.
3. Thanks - and Appeal
4. Reactions to "Thanks - and Appeal."
(a) Timothy Murray
(b) Cherie Koch.
5. Gad was Very White in Appearance!
Brit-Am Now no. 3288
1. Comments to Video Clips.
2. Question on Satan and Lucifer.
3. N. Chance Cunningham: Remnants of the Tribe of Asher in Lowland Scotland.
Brit-Am Now no. 3287
1. New Article.
Most Happy Nations
Israelite Nations and Statistics by Country of Relative Happiness 2022.
2. Free .pdf magazine, Tribesman {1998] no.3.
3. New Article. Gad and Sweden.
Notes on White Complexions and the Tribal Name
Brit-Am Now no. 3286
1. New Video Clip.
Why Were the Tribes Lost?
2. New Guest Article. Amnon Goldberg, Ukrainians are "Philistinians!"
Putin and Torah.
3. What is the Lion Symbol used by Brit-Am?
Brit-Am Now no. 3285
1. New Article.
Matter of Return.
How will the Lost Ten Tribes known who they are? Who will Judah recognize them?
2. Comments to Video Clips
Extract from a message sent to a Rabbi in Israel explaining Brit-Am.
3. Summary of Overall Understanding.
Brit-Am Now no. 3284
1. From Orjan Svensson:
The Swedish village in Ukraine
2. Two Rivers in Northern Norway named "Border of Jacob"
3. New Video Clip.
Who Qualifies to be from the Ten Tribes?
4. Comments to Video Clip on "Who Qualifies...?"
5. Answers to Queries on the Video Clip.