Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
Brit-Am Now no. 3431.
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness.
9 July 2023; 20 Tammuz, 5783.
1. Timothy Murray: "-a fine capsulized treatment of the whole thesis."
2. Mark McGee: "Outstanding Articles on MBJ."..unique to Brit am.
3. Answer to Quora Query:
Can Ashkenazi Jews trace their ancestry back to the Israelites, and if so, how?
1. Timothy Murray: "-a fine capsulized treatment of the whole thesis."
re: .pdf attachment.
From Timothy Murray:
Thank you, Yair--a fine capsulized treatment of the whole thesis. I've printed it off and expect to use it in teaching.
Tim Murray
2. Mark McGee: "Outstanding Articles on MBJ.".. unique to Brit am
Shalom Yair,
Thank you for the outstanding articles on MBJ. Inquiry into matters such as this are unique to Brit am....
Blessings to you,
Mark McGee
3. Answer to Quora Query:
Can Ashkenazi Jews trace their ancestry back to the Israelites, and if so, how?
Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews are not that different from each other. Both Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews believe they are direct descendants of the Ancient Jews. Throughout the centuries their neighbors and enemies have accepted this and have persecuted them for it. They are not nicknamed 'Christ-killers" for nothing! The Pope and major Christian theologians also accept it. Why else do they now turn somersaults saying that even through some of the Ancient Jews killed JC their descendants are no longer to be blame for it?
If the Jews did not kill JC who did? (The historical existence of JC may be up to debate but the presence of Jews is not!) If the Jews are not descended from the Ancient Jews who is? In all research matters the accepted and most straightforward explanation is accepted as the right one until proven otherwise.
There is No credible alternative! Where there interlopers? Granted, Jews throughout the Ages accepted converts just as every other people received newcomers. Nevertheless the basic stock remained as it was. Nowadays not much credence is given to the Khazars. I personally have written two books on the subject and believe the Khazars existed and were historically significant. Nevertheless, they too were of Israelite origin. At all events they did not affect the basic ethnicity of the Jewish People.
Anyway there were originally 13 Israelite Tribes (when Joseph is counted as two separate Tribes, Ephraim and Manasseh) but the Bible maintains a quorum of 12 for its own reasons. After the death of King Solomon, ten of these tribes went north and created a separate kingdom of their own.
In the south two tribes remained, Judah and Benjamin. They were joined by the Tribe of Levi who left the north after being replaced as priests in the northern Kingdom (1-Kings 12:31, 2-Chronicles 11:14).
More than 150 years later all the Northern Kingdom was exiled by Assyria. A few refugees reached the south. From the southern Kingdom of Judah emerged the core element around from which the present-day Jewish People came into existence. They mostly comprise descendants of the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, with minority representatives of the other Tribes. The Tribe of Levi consists of Cohens and Levis. More than 10 per cent of the present-day Jews are either Cohens or Levis. They have traditions of their ancestry going back to the end of time and are accepted as such by all their neighbors. Jews with the family name �Cohen� believe they descend from the ancient Priests (Cohens). Jews with the surname Levi among the Jews say they descend from the Levites. BOTH COHERNS AND LEVI PERTAIN TO LEVI. There are also other family names that traditionally belong to the Tribe of Levi.
Is it possible that they all just invented it?
The most likely scenario is that these family traditions are genuine.
If one accepts the Cohens and Levi then by extrapolation the traditions of all other Jews also deserve acceptance. We also have other family Traditions. Numerous Jewish families can trace themselves way back to Biblical times. The Bible describes the Jews during their Time of Exile. These descriptions fit the Jews as we know them throughout history and they pertain to no other entity.
Scripture tells us that:
The Jews will have been persecuted (Zechariah 1:15, Zechariah 8:13, Isaiah ch.53, Isaiah 42:10, Psalm 44:22).
The Jews will have kept the Law (Psalms 60:9, 108:90; Genesis 49:10; Zechariah 8:23).
The Jews will have kept the Four Fasts lamenting the Destruction of the Temple in the 4th, 5th, 7th, and 10th months (Zechariah 8:19).
Judah will always be recognized as Judah (Genesis 49:10).
In their Places of Exile Judah will have been defenseless (Hosea 1:7, Psalm 44:22).
And much more.
It could be claimed that the Bible was written after the Jews were exiled and therefore it could have been made to suit the Jews as they then were.
The problem with this however is that we have proof that all the Bible existed beforehand, e.g. the Greek Septuagint.
We also have Family Traditions. Numerous Jewish families can trace themselves way back to Biblical times.
Getting back to the Cohens: In addition to Cohens several other family names traditionally also indicate descent from the Tribe of Levi. An example such a family name is "Katz" short for "Cohen Tsedek" (Righteous Cohen).
What has four legs and chases after Kats?
Mrs. Katz and her lawyer!)
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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