Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
16 July 2023; 27 Tammuz, 5783.
1. New Month of Av.
2. The Work of Others.
Interesting Video.
The Lost 10 Tribes & WHY the US & GB Dominated the World! It's all explained in Bible Prophecy.
3. Recent Comments to Video Clips.
1. New Month of Av.
On sunset Tuesday, July 18, 2023, begins the Hebrew month of Av.
Mainstream Opinion (HaGra and Arizal) associate the Month of Av with the Tribe of Simeon.
The Rabad (preferred by many of the Hasidim) associate it with the Tribe of Issachar.
This is the fifth month on in which there is a day on which Jews were prophesied to be mourning over the Temple.
Zechariah (NKJV) 8:
The Jews keep the four fasts of mourning over the Destruction of the Second Temple as prophesied by Zechariah 8:19, i.e.
the fast of the fourth month, -17th Tammuz
the fast of the fifth, - 9th of Av
and the fast of the seventh, - 3rd of Tishrei (Gedaliah)
and the fast of the tenth, - 10th Tebeth (Tevet).
Zechariah says that these Fast Days after the Redemption will become Feast Days.
Chabad tells us:
# The name of the fifth month on the Jewish calendar (counting from Nisan), Av, literally means 'father.' It is customary to add the name 'Menachem,' which means 'comforter' or 'consoler'so Menachem Av.
In this month, both Temples were destroyed and many other tragedies occurred. ..... Av includes a 'low point' on the Jewish calendar, the Ninth of Av, the day of the sin of the spies, and the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. But it also incorporates a 'high point': the 15th of Av, a day designated for finding one's predestined soulmate, and one of the happiest days on the Jewish calendar. #
2. The Work of Others.
Interesting Video.
The Lost 10 Tribes & WHY the US & GB Dominated the World! It's all explained in Bible Prophecy
This video is a quality production using animation etc,. produced by a Christian group. It has a simple straight-forward message.
Most of what they say overlaps with Brit-Am understanding.
If we had the funds and manpower we probably could have done just as well.
Nevertheless, what we do do at present has a value of its own.
3. Recent Comments to Video Clips.
End-Time Prophecies-2.
Danes descended from the northern Teutons of Tacitus? Viktor Rydberg identified the Ingevones with the northern Teutons,allies of the Cimbri (Cimmerians?). Ingevones acquire their name from Ingi,also known as Svipdag or Hermod (V. Rydberg). Danaans of Ireland known as "sons of Kermad". Irish "Kermad" is often identified with the Danish and English "Hermod", a mythical early king .This would link the Danaans with the northern Teutons mentioned by Tacitus. Dagda in Irish myth appears to be Dag or Dagr,the son of Dan of Denmark. There has been historical and scholarly confusion as to whether the Teutons were Celtic or Germanic;they have characteristics from both groups. Pliny the Elder listed the Teutons and Cimbri among the Ingaevones.
Ten Tribes in Outline
Thanks for researching the Lost tribes.
Manifest Destiny conjures up many dark thoughts for some. The Americans came up with the term, Manifest Destiny, to describe how God was leading them, no, pushing them west, to the very 'ends of the earth'. The same applies to Australia when our forefathers also were pushed to the 'ends of the earth'. Man's law system is corrupt and will be replaced when this is all sorted. So I'm not concerned. We have all the authority we need to be here but God is waiting for us to have remorse, repentance, remembrance, reformation and then He will redeem us and turn this whole thing around. That's called revolution. But it will be His act and not ours. Providence has pushed our forefathers to 'ends of the earth'. At least many, the long dearly departed, would agree with me.
Thank you for this..
Thank you so much for your video. Your YouTube channel has quickly become a favorite of mine. I do appreciate your zeal for God and all of your hard work. What a great idea to print your Hebrew Awareness page and distribute it. I would also like to print it and distribute it, with your permission. I live in St Louis, Missouri. It is really a mixed bag of Jews, Protestant Christians and many, many Roman Catholics.
I pray for the day that all people in my country takes special interest in blessing Israel and seek thy face oh Jacob.
Thank you, Yair. The Tribes would be unknown to Judah until the end times. Here we are.
Esau and Rome
So as a law abiding Italian American I am to assume that any goodness I have exists in spite of my evil 'nature'. Got it.
Brit-Am Reply:
Take it easy. We do not identify most Italians as Edomites though the original Romans may have been such.
TWO MESSIAHS. All the way with MBJ - 1/3
Naphtali and Dan: Tribal Names
Thank you for your video. I was wondering- do you think the inheritance that the Tribe of Dan will get according to Ezekiel chapter 48 is the same as is promised by God to Moses? In Deuteronomy 3:25 I noticed that Moses seemed intent on seeing Lebanon and that 'goodly mountain'. Blessings to you for all of your hard work.
Balak-3. Sons of Jethro in Ireland.
They were in Georgia near the Rion River;anciently,the Phas-is River."Phaz" is Hebrew for a type of gold. The Phasis River may be the Pishon River of Havilah where the "gold of that land is good" Gen. 2:11. The Rioni River [ancient: Phasis River] was rich in gold in very ancient times. The Scythians used gold in their detailed artisanship. There is speculation that Havilah is the ancient land of Cholcis.
It's interesting to hear about the Benjamin/Norman link. I had heard this many years ago, but more recently, I got the impression that scholars considered them to be some other tribe (though I forget which). Although my ancestors came to Australia from northern Ireland, and my form of Barrett seems to have come from the English-originated Barretts (as opposed to the French/Norman-originated Barratts of southern Ireland), there seems to be quite a strong left-handed trait in my family. My eldest brother bats left-handed in cricket (though he can also bat right-handed). My elder brother writes and eats left-handed. Although I'm probably the most right-handed of my two siblings and me, if it comes to a fist fight, I'm a south-paw (left-handed), but I can switch to north-paw (right-handed) at will, without any disadvantage, and when I did judo, I was mainly right-handed, but more than happy to swap over to left-handed to confuse my opponent and get an advantage over him, which many people found very difficult, but I found wasn't all that hard, even though I never ever practiced left-handed. Really weirdly, if I've been driving a left-hand drive car for a couple of hours, I automatically go to pick up a pen to write with my left hand, but the mental block that I get when I go to write left-handed reminds me that I'm right-handed (when this first happened about 15 years ago it was a real eye-opener). My 8YO daughter is definitely left-handed (her mother is absolutely right-handed). My 2YO son is showing very strong signs of being left-handed. Now, my 6 month old son is showing a distinct preference for using his left hand to put his dummy back into his mouth (I've never ever seen him with his dummy in his right hand - always the left hand). My sons' mother is absolutely right-handed. The left-handed trait seems to have come through me to all three of my children. Could this be an indication of some genes from Benjamin in my family?
Balak-1. Female Donkeys and UFOs.
Thanks for sharing your story of directing the donkeys. That is amazing.
TWO MESSIAHS. All the Way with MBJ - 3/3.
Similarities of dining customs of Hebrews, Celts, Achaians (Bronze age Greece) were similar:1 Sam. 9:22-24; Deut. 33:21
Irish gold beads,dating from 15th c. bce,were found at Gaza by Sir Flinders Petrie. The Tribe of Dan must have been familiar with this city,e.g.,Judges 16:1 tells us that Samson of the Tribe of Dan went to Gaza.
one Messiah.
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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