Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
19 July 2023; 1 Av, 5783.
1. Comments to Video Clips.
2. New Article.
Why You Should Know!
Are you descended from Israel. Should you care one way or other?
3. New Video.
Noachide or Israelite?
4. New Video.
Why Does Ten Tribes Descent Matter?
5. New Video.
Judah and Joseph in the End Times.
6. New Comments to Video Clips.
7. New Article
A Call to Judah. "Time to Tell the World,"
by Alexander Zephyr articles/guest/zephyr/judah.html
1. Comments to Video Clips.
Esau and Rome
So as a law abiding Italian American I am to assume that any goodness I have exists in spite of my evil 'nature'. Got it.
Brit-Am Reply:
2. New Article.
Why You Should Know!
Are you descended from Israel. Should you care one way or other?
1. The Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness Movement. "Covenant of the Peoples."
2. Why do people have to know about Brit-Am? What difference does it make?
3. Historical Alternatives. Plan A and Plan B.
4. Ephraim. Time of Return and Unficiation.
5. The Return of Judah.
6. Rabbi Chaim Chanon: Judah and Joseph in the Book of Zechariah.
7. A Future Division of the Promised Land According to Tribal Divisions.
8. Two Messaihs? MBJ and MBD.
9. Western Europe and North America will become part of the Land of Israel! New Revelations!
10. Rabbi of Chabad. The Three Remaining Lands will be restrored in the Time of MBD!
1. The Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness Movement. "Covenant of the Peoples."
2. Why do people have to know about Brit-Am? What difference does it make?
3. Historical Alternatives. Plan A and Plan B.
4. Ephraim. Time of Return and Unficiation.
5. The Return of Judah.
6. Rabbi Chaim Chanon: Judah and Joseph in the Book of Zechariah.
7. A Future Division of the Promised Land According to Tribal Divisions.
8. Two Messaihs? MBJ and MBD.
9. Western Europe and North America will become part of the Land of Israel! New Revelations!
10. Rabbi of Chabad. The Three Remaining Lands will be restored in the Time of MBD!
11. MBJ as a Role Model.
12. Brit-Am Activities and Research Efforts: Your Participation is also Needed!
3. New Video.
Noachide or Israelite?
Duration: 7.40 minutes.
The Bible is an Israelite Book for Israelites. It also has a Universal Message. Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness understands that the Lost Ten Tribes are now among Western Peoples. They do not have to convert to Judaism unless they are exceptional cases. They also do not necessarily have to become Noachides. They are in a category of their own. They have obligations and inherited imperatives as Hebrews and should be aware of them.
4. New Video.
Why Does Ten Tribes Descent Matter?
Duration: 19.32 minutes.
The Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness Movement spreads knowledge as to where and who the Lost Ten Tribes are. "Brit-Am" means "Covenant of the Peoples" and appears in the Hebrew Bible twice in connection to the Lost Ten Tribes. Why do people have to know whether they belong to the Lost Ten Tribes or not? What difference does it make? The Israelites are the Chosen People of the Almighty. It is worth knowing that you are part of them if such you are. The Israelites consist of both the Jews of Judah and the Ten Tribes of Israel. The Forefathers of Israel were Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Jacob was re-named Israel. The Israelites were Chosen by the Almighty to worship Him, Keep the Laws, settle the Land of Canaan, and also to civilize humanity. That was Plan A. The world was not ready for them and they were not able to do it as they then were. An ALTERNATIVE was needed, i.e. Plan B. The Israelites separated into two halves. The first half was headed by Joseph: They would go down to the level of the heathen masses. After that they would evolve upwards and drag the rest of the Gentiles upwards with them. These were the Lost Ten Tribes headed by the Tribes of Joseph,
Why You Should Know! Are you descended from Israel. Should you care one way or other?
5. New Video.
Judah and Joseph in the End Times.
Duration: 19.26 minutes.
Yair Davidiy on behalf of Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness explains crucial Biblical Passages.
Towards the End Times the Messiah son of Joseph shall appear and initiate a union of the Ten Tribes with Judah.
They shall help Judah. Part of what was prophesied has already happened and is still happening.
Is this a sign of the End Times or simple a rehearsal for something bigger still to come? The union of the two sticks in Ezekiel 37 symbolizes the eventual reunification.
Judah and Joseph had separate tasks. Towards the end each party will take on some aspects of the other one>
Why You Should Know!
Are you descended from Israel. Should you care one way or other?
6. New Comments to Video Clips.
Judah and Joseph in the End Times.
Excellent video sir. Thank you so much. I am going to try and broadcast your work in the United States on Christian channels. There seems to be a small but growing interest in the Torah and in the Lost Tribes. One site mentioned the Tribe of Issachar and knowing the signs of the Times. May the God of Israel bless you and make your efforts prosper. I pray always for the peace of Jerusalem and the salvation of Israel. Shalom to you.
Lord what a job though Elijah and Enoch .
Noachide or Israelite?
Why Does Ten Tribes Descent Matter?
I believe my husband and I are descendants, just a little bit before finding this video I had decided to look further into it for confirmation. Baruch Hashem. I take this as to confirm my thoughts.
Thank you so much for your video and all of your hard work for the God of Israel.
I was wondering - Do you think that God might have a 2nd Exodus back to Israel for the Lost 10 Tribes of Israel?
Many blessings to you. I pray that God Almighty strengthens your arm in all your efforts for reuniting all of Israel. Shalom,
End-Time Prophecies-2.
Henry Bessemer who was of Huguenot background but born in London first solved the problem of the cheap mass production of steel with the Bessemer converter in 1855. It remained in use between 1856-1950 and made Sheffield England a steel production center. The mass production of steel revolutionized the world. The French Revolution drove Bessemer's family to England. Bessemer was buried in Denmark Hill,London. He was knighted by Queen Victoria. Harry Brearley (1871-1948) was born in Sheffield,England. Brearley invented "stainless steel".
Danes descended from the northern Teutons of Tacitus? Viktor Rydberg identified the Ingevones with the northern Teutons,allies of the Cimbri (Cimmerians?). Ingevones acquire their name from Ingi,also known as Svipdag or Hermod (V. Rydberg). Danaans of Ireland known as "sons of Kermad". Irish "Kermad" is often identified with the Danish and English "Hermod", a mythical early king .This would link the Danaans with the northern Teutons mentioned by Tacitus. Dagda in Irish myth appears to be Dag or Dagr,the son of Dan of Denmark. There has been historical and scholarly confusion as to whether the Teutons were Celtic or Germanic;they have characteristics from both groups. Pliny the Elder listed the Teutons and Cimbri among the Ingaevones.
7. New Article
A Call to Judah. "Time to Tell the World,"
by Alexander Zephyr
In the Hebrew Bible there are so many prophecies for the latter years, pertaining to Judah and Israel separately, that our conclusion cannot be wrong, Judah and Israel are not synonymous! The Ten Tribes of Israel are not Jews!
Good to know that there are many people, Jews and Gentiles alike, who have understood prophecies of the End of Days; who find the Ten Tribes and rightfully identify the countries of Israelite origin. They are feverishly working towards the awakening and reunification of all the families of Israel in order to fulfill the prophecies of final Redemption and the Messianic Age.
The Jewish people depend on their Israelite brothers and sisters. Judah cannot fight God's wars alone. Judah and Joseph must reunite in order to face enormous challenges in these troublesome times of the end of our age (Isaiah 11:12-14)./
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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