Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
25 July 2023; 6 Av, 5783.
1. Yair Davidiy Answer to Quora Question:
Are Anglo Saxons descendants of Israelites?
2. Yair Davidiy Answer to Quora Question:
What would have happened if Erwin Rommel won at El Alamein?
3. Clarification.
Declaration of Yair Davidiy on behalf of Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness.
1. Yair Davidiy Answer to Quora Question:
Are Anglo Saxons descendants of Israelites?
This notion became popular in the 1900s but as early as the 500s the historian Gildas had already mentioned a similar understanding concerning the Native British. The doctrine has lost much of its previous popularity but it was quite developed in its time. It delineated how descendants of the Tribes of Israel as described in the Old Testament populated the British isles and adjoining areas. Recently research in Israel, using Jewish sources, alongside more conventional efforts in the the USA and other places has reinforced the perceived veracity of this doctrine.
One source of proof is the Language. Modern English has a vocabulary in which about 15 % has Hebrew origin. Many of the said words however are recent acquirements from other languages. It just so happens however that the use they have been put to in English is closer to the Hebrew original than that in their intermediate transitional form. Anglo-Saxon dialects as far as we understand them also had some Hebrew words in their vocabulary. The grammar of Modern English in some ways is consistent with a Hebrew origin.
For example:
In English we have the Present Continuous Tense, e.g. "I am doing." The present continuous verb tense indicates that an action or condition is happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future. The present continuous is often followed by a gerund, "-ing" word, a form that is derived from a verb but that functions as a noun. The form "I am doing" literally means "I be with the doing.” The English word "am" is derived from the Hebrew "im" meaning "with," or “be with.” In English we could also say, "I be doing." This is the indicative mood. It is similar to the Present Comtinuous and means the same, i.e. “I am with the doing." In Hebrew we have prefix "be" pronounced as "bi" or "be" and meaning "in,' just like in English with the “be” verb.
The Hebrew “be” also gives us the English adverb "by," meaning "aside of."
The Hebrew word "od" means "up to,” or “additional". This gives us the English words “odd,” and “add.”
In Hebrew the word “od” could also be pronounced as “ond.” It can also mean “and” in Hebrew and gives us the English word “and.”
There is much more like this which taken as a whole indicates a strong link at some time in the past between Hebrew and English.
How did they get where they are if they came from Israel?
There are some legends and other indications of Hebrew origins but before we get into that let us ask, Where else could they have come from?
Aspects of their language and known geographical provenance indicate having lived for a while alongside Germanic groups but this proves very little and where did these come from anyway?
The Anglo-Saxons together with the British Celts and related peoples in Europe helped give rise to the Americans:
In geo-political terms we may consider the British-peoples and the Americans as one entity.
Their historical record fits the Prophesied Profile of the Lost Ten Tribes as given in Scripture:
The exiled Israelites were to become one of the most numerous groups of people on earth (Genesis 15:5, 22:17, 24:60, 32:12, Numbers 23:10, Deuteronomy 1:11, Isaiah 10:22, 24:16, 26:15, Hosea 1:10); to be the most powerful (Genesis 27:9, Numbers 24:7, Michah 5:7-9), to be the richest, to possess the most mineral and agricultural resources (Genesis 27:28, 49:25, Deuteronomy 33:13-16, Hosea 2:8), to live in the best places (Isaiah 41:8-9), to be in islands (Isaiah 42:4, 49:1-6 Jeremiah 31:9-10), peninsulas (Jeremiah 31:8), and at continental extremities (Deuteronomy 33:13, Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9, 49:6), to be sea-farers (Isaiah 42:6), to gain control over strategic points regarding their potential adversaries (Genesis 22:16-17, 24:60), to be like a lion, and unicorn (Numbers 24:8-9), and bald-headed eagle (Micah 1:16). They were also to be largely unaware of their Israelite identity and to practice a non--Jewish religion (Hosea 2:8, 2:13, 2:16 11:12).
2. Yair Davidiy Answer to Quora Question:
What would have happened if Erwin Rommel won at El Alamein?
We do not know what would have happened. We can guess which of the possibilities might have eventuated.
1. Best and Mostly Likely Scenario.
The Egyptians might have revolted along with the Arabs in Palestine. Turkey may have entered the war on the side of the Axis.
The defeated Allies may have been expatriated to the UK. It is more likely however that whatever was left of them would have been regrouped and reinforced by Jewish Hagana troops from Palestine.
This force up until then had been deliberately kept back for political reasons. Once the urgency overrode the real politic the story mig have been different.
Rommel would have been defeated since his already depleted forces would not have been able to maintain their momentum.
Admittedly, the Germans would have been unable to resist sending Rommell significant reinforcements and supplies. Nevertheless it would not have been enough and it would have been at the expense of the Russian Front that would consequently have caved in earlier than it did.
2. Least Likely but Possibly Eventuality.
The Germans win. British army collapse and/or is entirely evacuated. Egypt and Arabs in Palestine rebel and overthrow the British Administration. Jews in Palestine killed.
Turkey joins Germans. Axis move through Iran into India linking up with Japanese advancing from the east.
Churchill unleashes poison gas all over Germany.
End of story.
3. Clarification.
Declaration of Yair Davidiy on behalf of Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness.
The Jewish people are "Judah" according to the Bible and no-one can dispute it.
In addition to that there are "hundreds" of millions of others who are identified as non-Jews but who physically are descended from Israelites. They are the Lost Ten Tribes. They, or a large proportion of them, will eventually return to the Promised Land of Greater Israel and inherit their own territories alongside those of the Jews. The areas they presently live in (British Isles, parts of Western Europe, North America, etc.) will also in many cases be considered part of the Land of Israel.
Just for the record the Jews are dominated by the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, with representative minorities of all the other Tribes.
The Ten Tribes comprise the Tribes of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh), Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, along with some descendants of "Judah" and attached groups descended from Jethro and Moses. The Ten Tribes at the moment cannot prove on an individual basis to the satisfaction of themselves or of others who they are. In addition to that, Their membership in the Hebrew Family was temporarily suspended. For these reason they cannot return as individual Israelites but must wait to be led home as a group by an appointed leader such as the future Messiah son of Joseph descendant of Ephraim.
To our mind this is all quite simple and there is no reason why anybody should be mistaken about it.
An important aspect of knowing who the Ten Tribes and being able to prove it at some level is what Brit-Am has begun to provide.
That is not enough but it is a beginning. It is needed.
Like it or not, Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness, is the MAJOR active body working in the right direction that has opened the doors, or had them opened, at least, for the present.
Brit-Am needs funds to function, to meet obligations for our own sakes and for that of Brit-Am, to do research, buy books, etc., when necessary, and so on.
Some people help us with money, others with information, research, others with well-wishes and expressions of identification, etc. It is all needed and it all helps.
The God of Israel be with you all,
Yair Davidiy.
See Also:
Brit-Am Research Sources
1. Important and Very Interesting Article.
"Was Shakespeare a Believing Jew?"
by Yehezkel Laing
2. English Words from Jewish Origins in Recent Times by Dr. Yvette Alt Miller.
3. What are the advantages of the British colonisation?
by Edwyn Nicholson
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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Brit-Am Now no. 3438.
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness.
24 July 2023; 6 Av, 5783.
1. Yair Davidiy Answer to Quora Question:
Are Anglo Saxons descendants of Israelites?
2. Yair Davidiy Answer to Quora Question:
What would have happened if Erwin Rommel won at El Alamein?
3. Clarification.
Declaration of Yair Davidiy on behalf of Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness.
1. Yair Davidiy Answer to Quora Question:
Are Anglo Saxons descendants of Israelites?
This notion became popular in the 1900s but as early as the 500s the historian Gildas had already mentioned a similar understanding concerning the Native British. The doctrine has lost much of its previous popularity but it was quite developed in its time. It delineated how descendants of the Tribes of Israel as described in the Old Testament populated the British isles and adjoining areas. Recently research in Israel, using Jewish sources, alongside more conventional efforts in the the USA and other places has reinforced the perceived veracity of this doctrine.
One source of proof is the Language. Modern English has a vocabulary in which about 15 % has Hebrew origin. Many of the said words however are recent acquirements from other languages. It just so happens however that the use they have been put to in English is closer to the Hebrew original than that in their intermediate transitional form. Anglo-Saxon dialects as far as we understand them also had some Hebrew words in their vocabulary. The grammar of Modern English in some ways is consistent with a Hebrew origin.
For example:
In English we have the Present Continuous Tense, e.g. "I am doing." The present continuous verb tense indicates that an action or condition is happening now, frequently, and may continue into the future. The present continuous is often followed by a gerund, "-ing" word, a form that is derived from a verb but that functions as a noun. The form "I am doing" literally means "I be with the doing.” The English word "am" is derived from the Hebrew "im" meaning "with," or “be with.” In English we could also say, "I be doing." This is the indicative mood. It is similar to the Present Comtinuous and means the same, i.e. “I am with the doing." In Hebrew we have prefix "be" pronounced as "bi" or "be" and meaning "in,' just like in English with the “be” verb.
The Hebrew “be” also gives us the English adverb "by," meaning "aside of."
The Hebrew word "od" means "up to,” or “additional". This gives us the English words “odd,” and “add.”
In Hebrew the word “od” could also be pronounced as “ond.” It can also mean “and” in Hebrew and gives us the English word “and.”
There is much more like this which taken as a whole indicates a strong link at some time in the past between Hebrew and English.
How did they get where they are if they came from Israel?
There are some legends and other indications of Hebrew origins but before we get into that let us ask, Where else could they have come from?
Aspects of their language and known geographical provenance indicate having lived for a while alongside Germanic groups but this proves very little and where did these come from anyway?
The Anglo-Saxons together with the British Celts and related peoples in Europe helped give rise to the Americans:
In geo-political terms we may consider the British-peoples and the Americans as one entity.
Their historical record fits the Prophesied Profile of the Lost Ten Tribes as given in Scripture:
The exiled Israelites were to become one of the most numerous groups of people on earth (Genesis 15:5, 22:17, 24:60, 32:12, Numbers 23:10, Deuteronomy 1:11, Isaiah 10:22, 24:16, 26:15, Hosea 1:10); to be the most powerful (Genesis 27:9, Numbers 24:7, Michah 5:7-9), to be the richest, to possess the most mineral and agricultural resources (Genesis 27:28, 49:25, Deuteronomy 33:13-16, Hosea 2:8), to live in the best places (Isaiah 41:8-9), to be in islands (Isaiah 42:4, 49:1-6 Jeremiah 31:9-10), peninsulas (Jeremiah 31:8), and at continental extremities (Deuteronomy 33:13, Isaiah 24:16, 26:15, 41:8-9, 49:6), to be sea-farers (Isaiah 42:6), to gain control over strategic points regarding their potential adversaries (Genesis 22:16-17, 24:60), to be like a lion, and unicorn (Numbers 24:8-9), and bald-headed eagle (Micah 1:16). They were also to be largely unaware of their Israelite identity and to practice a non--Jewish religion (Hosea 2:8, 2:13, 2:16 11:12).
2. Yair Davidiy Answer to Quora Question:
What would have happened if Erwin Rommel won at El Alamein?
We do not know what would have happened. We can guess which of the possibilities might have eventuated.
1. Best and Mostly Likely Scenario.
The Egyptians might have revolted along with the Arabs in Palestine. Turkey may have entered the war on the side of the Axis.
The defeated Allies may have been expatriated to the UK. It is more likely however that whatever was left of them would have been regrouped and reinforced by Jewish Hagana troops from Palestine.
This force up until then had been deliberately kept back for political reasons. Once the urgency overrode the real politic the story mig have been different.
Rommel would have been defeated since his already depleted forces would not have been able to maintain their momentum.
Admittedly, the Germans would have been unable to resist sending Rommell significant reinforcements and supplies. Nevertheless it would not have been enough and it would have been at the expense of the Russian Front that would consequently have caved in earlier than it did.
2. Least Likely but Possibly Eventuality.
The Germans win. British army collapse and/or is entirely evacuated. Egypt and Arabs in Palestine rebel and overthrow the British Administration. Jews in Palestine killed.
Turkey joins Germans. Axis move through Iran into India linking up with Japanese advancing from the east.
Churchill unleashes poison gas all over Germany.
End of story.
3. Clarification.
Declaration of Yair Davidiy on behalf of Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness.
The Jewish people are "Judah" according to the Bible and no-one can dispute it.
In addition to that there are "hundreds" of millions of others who are identified as non-Jews but who physically are descended from Israelites. They are the Lost Ten Tribes. They, or a large proportion of them, will eventually return to the Promised Land of Greater Israel and inherit their own territories alongside those of the Jews. The areas they presently live in (British Isles, parts of Western Europe, North America, etc.) will also in many cases be considered part of the Land of Israel.
Just for the record the Jews are dominated by the Tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, with representative minorities of all the other Tribes.
The Ten Tribes comprise the Tribes of Joseph (Ephraim and Manasseh), Reuben, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, along with some descendants of "Judah" and attached groups descended from Jethro and Moses. The Ten Tribes at the moment cannot prove on an individual basis to the satisfaction of themselves or of others who they are. In addition to that, Their membership in the Hebrew Family was temporarily suspended. For these reason they cannot return as individual Israelites but must wait to be led home as a group by an appointed leader such as the future Messiah son of Joseph descendant of Ephraim.
To our mind this is all quite simple and there is no reason why anybody should be mistaken about it.
An important aspect of knowing who the Ten Tribes and being able to prove it at some level is what Brit-Am has begun to provide.
That is not enough but it is a beginning. It is needed.
Like it or not, Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness, is the MAJOR active body working in the right direction that has opened the doors, or had them opened, at least, for the present.
Brit-Am needs funds to function, to meet obligations for our own sakes and for that of Brit-Am, to do research, buy books, etc., when necessary, and so on.
Some people help us with money, others with information, research, others with well-wishes and expressions of identification, etc. It is all needed and it all helps.
The God of Israel be with you all,
Yair Davidiy.