Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
16 May 2023; 25 Iyar, 5783.
1. Problem with Search Engine for Website.
2. Sylvia. Pastor Shane Vaughn quotes from a Brit-Am Book!
3. Note on CC Subtitles.
4. New Video.
Malachi. Introduction - Do Your Duty!
5. New Video.
Malachi-1. Building the Temple!
6. New Video.
Malachi-2. Be Faithful to God!
7. New Video.
Malachi-3. Messiah son of Joseph.
8. New Video. Malachi-4. Know Your Hebrew Ancestors.
9. New Video.
Lowell Joseph Gallin. Malachi and the US Today! Removed by YouTube.
1. Problem with Search Engine for Website.
Shalom Yair
I have been looking for pictures of megalithic monuments on hebrewnations.com and I used several different words: set up way marks, Cairns, megaliths, Jeremiah way marks, sign posts, etc, but nothing comes up in the search.
Might it be a good idea to help folks find those distinctly Israelite signs throughout Europe and The Isles, by improving the Search?
Thanks for considering it.
Brit-Am Reply:
Sylvia Shalom,
There is a problem with the WEB Site.
The Search Engine does not work.
My son says that it is because of a lack of applicable memory.
Recently we changed servers and may have to do it again.
Anyway the Sites Search Engine does not work for us.
We will try to find a workable solution ASAP.
2nd answer. Sylvia, try posting on Google Seaarch, Hebrew Nations dolmens, Hebrew Nations megalith, etc.
I tried it and it does give some useful answers.
Meanwhile we will try and get a reliable comprehensive on-site Search Engine up and running.
HaShem be with you
Yair Davidiy
2. Sylvia. Pastor Shane Vaughn quotes from a Brit-Am Book!
I recently listened to a Southern preacher who loves the Ten Tribes and holds regular Zoom meetings about the migrations etc. It is Pastor Shane Vaughn at First Harvest Ministries. He showed one of your books during a class. He has been exhorting other preachers to teach the truth about the Tribes, and telling his people to quit thinking about going to heaven and instead step up and save your country, America. That this may be the Tribes' Promised land, the place where no man dwelt, set aside for the Tribes. Very interesting and encouraging.
3. Note on CC Subtitles.
The CC television symbol consists of two letters "C" on white background.
It is found on the control panel of nearly all YouTube clips.
The Closed Captioning (CC) is automatically provided by YouTube on all new clips BUT it is based on phonetic principles, The words are written according to how they sound.
Left to themselves the text may have long segments that ARE UNDERSTANDABLE INTERSPERSED WITH OTHERS that are not intelligible or which give different equivalents for those that were said and intended.
The CC text therefore needs to be edited. YouTube has a feature that lets us do this.
Some of our clips have edited CC subtitles.
Why do we not edit all of them?
Even though the initial text given by YouTube as CC helps a lot it is not enough. It needs to be edited. Typically a 30 minute clip requires 3 to 6 hours of intensive concentrated editorial work.
That is why we only supply CC edited subtitles in exceptional cases.
4. New Video.
Malachi. Introduction - Do Your Duty!
Duration: 18.54 minutes.
The Book of Malachi has an important message for the End Times. This clip is derived from a talk given by Yair Davidiy for a Root and Branch production directed by Mr. Joseph Lowell Gallin. The talk covers all the four chapters of Malachi and begins here with an Introduction and Overall Summary. Both Judah (the Jews) and the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel among Western Peoples are warned to mend their ways. The Ten Tribes are called upon to become aware of their Hebrew origins. The opening segment is a Wartime speech by Winston Churchill.
Esau in Europe and China. Malachi 1.
5. New Video.
Malachi-1. Building the Temple!
Duration: 9.24 minutes.
Malachi chapter 1 speaks of Wars with the Children of Esau many of whom are to be found amongst the leadership of Germany, Russia, Japan, and China. Supporters of the Palestinians against the Jews consciously or subconsciously probably represent elements from Esau. Both the Palestinians and they who support them have extermination intentions against the Jewish People.
Judah (i.e. the Jewish People) needs to come together with the Lost Ten Tribes who are among Western Nations. Both parties need to repent and together rebuild the Temple. According to Prophecies they will do so, possibly sooner than we could imagine.
In the End Times all peoples of the Earth will worship the One True God of Israel.
Esau in Europe and China. Malachi 1.
6. New Video.
Malachi-2. Be Faithful to God!
Duration: 9.55 minutes.
Descendants of Jews from the Tribe of Levi include the Cohens who were traditional priests.
A husband should be faithful to his wife. Jews should be loyal to their people.
Malachi excoriates intellectuals who betray their Israelite heritage.
If something is bad do not condone it. None of us know how much time we still have in this world. We all need to do the best we can with what we have. At the least to do good when we can do it and to refrain from evil. There are no hard and fast rules. A good attitude will usually have positive results so that is what we should try for.
Be Faithful. Malachi 2
7. New Video.
Malachi-3. Messiah son of Joseph.
Duration: 15.37 minutes.
The Messiah son of Joseph will be the future head of the Lost Ten Tribes when they return to re-unite with Judah.
The giving of tithes is one of the secrets of redemption. We all need to do this for our own sakes.
Messiah son of Joseph. Malachi 3
8. New Video.
Malachi-4. Know Your Hebrew Ancestors.
Duration: 4.41 minutes.
Malachi ch. 4 says that at some stage in the End Times the Ten Tribies will have to renew the Covenant and live by the Law of God. The time for this has not yet arrived but it is coming. It is connected with the Prophet Elijah who will TURN
THE HEARTS OF THE FATHERS TO THE CHILDREN, AND THE HEARTS OF THE CHILDREN TO THEIR FATHERS. It will be made known to them with greater certainty who their Hebrew Ancestors were. We have to prepare ourselves for this and INCREASE our knowledge concerning our Hebrew ANCESTRY.
Know Your Forefathers! Malachi 4
9. New Video.
Lowell Joseph Gallin. Malachi and the US Today!
Removed by YouTube.
Duration: 10.52 minutes.
Removed by YouTube. Mr. Lowell ("Aryeh") Joseph Gallin of the Root & Branch Association compares the present situation with descriptions in the Book of Malachi. These were outlined in recent talks given by Yair Davidiy of Brit-Am/Hebrew Awareness. The World of our father is under siege! Left-wing New Age anti-American, anti-Bible, anti-Jewish elements are taking control of our Media and Public Life. They are trying to destroy all we have that is of value!
Know Your Forefathers! Malachi 4
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth."
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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