Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
7 June 2023; 18 Sivan, 5783.
1. St George and the Dragon and the Tribe of Dan?
2. Nelson Thall. President Truman as Cyrus in the Bible.
3. History of Sport. Famous Boxer entered ring wearing Talit Katin (Jewish Ritual Garment)!
4. New Article.
Druids, Dan, and Levi.
5. ZOOM Meeting Tomorrow Thursday.
1. St George and the Dragon and the Tribe of Dan?
Re: Ireland's hostility of Israel fulfillment of Zechariah 11:14?
Also, I have attached an image of a sovereign coin of Britain which depicts a rider on a horse (St. George) fighting against a dragon which is very closely linked to the situation in Genesis 49:17 with Dan as a serpent biting at a horse with a rider on it. So I think Dan does relate to Ireland and it's battles against British rule as Britain very much is associated with a rider on a horse fighting against a dragon or serpent.
Regards Peadar
2. Nelson Thall. President Truman as Cyrus in the Bible.
re Jjewishfactsdaily
Harry Truman
Before there was an official U.S. ambassador to Israel, every bit of business between Israel and America went through Eddie Jacobson. Shortly after retiring from the presidency in 1953, Truman spoke to a Jewish audience in New York, and as Jacobson introduced him as the man who helped bring the state of Israel into being, Truman quickly responded, "I am Cyrus!" in reference to Persian King Cyrus the Great, who thousands of years earlier allowed the Jews in exile to return to the land of Israel and rebuild life as an independent Jewish state.
Brit-Am Note:
Harry Truman saw himself as Cyrus not only because of his help to the Jews.
Cyrus king of Persia was known for ruling over other peoples with justice and brining disparate entities together.
President Truman for years had chosen Cyrus as a political role model he strived to emulate.
3. History of Sport. Famous Boxer entered ring wearing Talit Katin (Jewish Ritual Garment)!
Was Francois Botha, the South African boxer, who once fought Mike Tyson, Jewish? Pictures show him entering the ring wearing a Jewish ritual grament (Talit Katan).
4. New Article.
Druids, Dan, and Levi.
1. DRUIDS and TREES and Hebraic Terms.
2. Druids and Levites, and Danites from the Dananu.
3. More concerning the "Druids." Sources.
The term 'Druid' originates from 'dru,' a Celtic word meaning 'oak,' and 'wid,' an Indo-European word meaning 'to know.' A druid, therefore, is a 'knower of the oak,' also known as a forest sage.
The term "Druid" is cognate with Old Irish dru.. 'druid, sorcerer', Old Cornish druw, Middle Welsh dryw 'seer; wren'....a hypothetical word from pre-Celtic times is often given as *dru-wid-s (pl. *druwides) meaning "oak-knower".
Druid (n.)... literally, perhaps, "they who know the oak" (perhaps in allusion to divination from mistletoe). Anglo-Saxon, too, used identical words to mean "tree" and "truth" (treow).
The article below indicates a possible Hebrew connection to the Druids. It follows on two previous articles giving more information.
Etymologically we have the Hebrew word "DAAT" meaning "Knowledge." The Hebrew word when pronounced in a European setting could sound like "DAR."
We have the Tree of Knowledge. i..e. "Aets (Tree)- HaDaat (of Knowledge)"
Genesis (NASB) 2:
9 Out of the ground the LORD God caused every tree to grow that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Just like Celtic and Anglo-Saxon usage the word for tree, "aets" also connotes "advice, consideration."
Concerning the word root Rabbi Shimshon Rafael Hirsch as explained in the "Etymological Dictionary of Biblical Hebrew" by "Matityahu Clark," made the following notes:
# OOTS (i.e. aets).
1. advising, developing p[alns....
2. tree developing upwards.
.. concentrate, force upward, deliberate, penetrate.
We see that in Hebrew the word for tree is associated with knowledge and knowing like as in Celtic and Anglo-Saxon!
5. ZOOM Meeting Tomorrow Thursday
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Yair Davidiy is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Druids
Time: Jun 8, 2023 11:30 (2330) PM Jerusalem Time
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Jerusalem News no. 1254..
Jacob (aka Israel) Kept the Law of Tithing: Jacob linked his tithing to a Return to the House of his Father. We can do the same.
Genesis (NIV) 28:
18 Early the next morning Jacob took the stone he had placed under his head and set it up as a pillar and poured oil on top of it.
19 He called that place Bethel, though the city used to be called Luz.
20 Then Jacob made a vow, saying, "If God will be with me and will watch over me on this journey I am taking and will give me food to eat and clothes to wear
21 so that I return safely to my father's household, then the LORD will be my God
22 and this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God's House, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth."
Malachi 3:
10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse,
That there may be food in My house,
And try Me now in this,
Says the LORD of hosts,
'If I will not open for you the windows of heaven
And pour out for you such blessing
That there will not be room enough to receive it.
Proverbs 3:
9 Honor the LORD with your wealth
and with the first of all your produce,
10 so your barns will be filled with abundance,
and your vats will burst open with new wine.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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