Ten Tribes Studies
1. New Article and YouTube Clip. Dan and the Messiah.
2. Reply to Someone who Complained and threatened to stop support of Brit-Am due to us not supporting a return to Israel at present.
3. Biblical and Judaic Curiosities
(a) Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
(b) Should Israeli Officers Lead the Way?
1. New Article and YouTube Clip. Dan and the Messiah.
(a) New Article.
Dan and the Messiah
Notes from the Commentary of RAMADO (Rabbi Moshe David Walli , 1697-1777 Padua, Italy) on Genesis 48 and Deuteronomy 33.
(b) New YouTube Clip.
Dan and Messiah
Dan in some ways was the least of the Tribes. Nevertheless Dan is destined to help inaugurate the reign of the Messiah. See:
Duration 24 Minutes.
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2. Replies to Someone who Complained and threatened to stop support of Brit-Am due to us not supporting a return to Israel at present.
(a) If we cannot return with you I may find no further reason for supporting you.
Brit-Am Reply:
The point must be made.
It is irrelevant to speak of descendants of the Lost Ten Tribe returning to Israel at this stage.
It is in fact counter-productive.
First the message of Israelite origin must be spread to both the Jews and the Gentile Descendants of Israel.
They should know of this message and have discussed it. Academics should have considered it. Even if it is not accepted it must at least be known about.
After that questions such as your own may, or may not, be considered.
Spreading the knowledge should be the first step for anything.
Brit-Am is attempting to take the first step.
Without a first step there will not be a second.
If you really want to go to the second stage first help Brit-Am take you to the first one.
The situation is similar to that of a match-maker who suggests a prospective bride to an eligible bachelor.
The young man then waxes enthusiastic but instead of doing something positive about it he begins arguing with the matchmaker about what kind of life he wants to live with the maiden.
The matchmaker is forced to argue back. In the process they both forget that the girl in question has not yet been consulted.
The matchmaker obviously should not be a party to the points being argued about.
The matchmaker may suddenly realize that the argument itself is liable jeopardize the match altogether.
I feel like the matchmaker.
People seem to be raising irrelevant issues as an excuse not to face the main ones:
Are you really descended from ancient Israelites? If so, do something about it - such as supporting Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations.
Why is more not being done to spread this knowledge?
Why is there a lack of sufficient support for Brit-Am-Hebrew Nations?
(b) Your point was well made. The Bible says all of Israel will be regathered. You are taking the first step. If one converts to Judaism, does he become a Jew? Can that Jew come home?
Brit-Am Reply:
Yes. A convert to Judaism becomes as much a Jew as any other with all the rights, privileges, and obligations that go with it. We are dealing with whole Tribal Entities. For the present Judah is preparing the way for the other Tribes. Judah has begun the liberation of part of the Promised Land. Judah has its task as a complete body, as a family. Judah decides what should be done in its own realm. Someone who converts in our time in effect becomes part of Judah or at least under the jurisdiction of Judah.
It should also be noted that a good portion of converts to Judaism are in effect descended from Judah or from the Lost Tribes.
It should also be noted that ALL the Tribes will return together with strangers who have attached themselves to them. These shall be counted as part of the Tribe in question.
Ezekiel 47:
21 'Thus you shall divide this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel. 22 It shall be that you will divide it by lot as an inheritance for yourselves, and for the strangers who dwell among you and who bear children among you. They shall be to you as native-born among the children of Israel; they shall have an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel. 23 And it shall be that in whatever tribe the stranger dwells, there you shall give him his inheritance,' says the Lord God.
It should also be noticed that all these questions and discussions are important and of interest. Nevertheless, the main point should not be forgotten.
We need to see this information concerning the Ten Lost Israelite Tribes being mainly amongst certain Gentile Western peoples made known and generally recognized.
It does not have to be universally accepted BUT it should be known about, seriously considered, and strongly in the public attention.
3. Biblical and Judaic Curiosities
(a) Where is the Ark of the Covenant?
The Sacred Ark of the Covenant with the original tablets of the Ten Commandments, as well as the jar of manna, the rod of Aharon, and other treasures were probably buried in a cave or tunnel under the Temple Mount. One opinion however say that the Ark of the Covenant was taken to Babylon by Nebuchadnessar (Tamud Arakin 13 Tosefot).
(b) Should Israeli Officers Lead the Way?
In the weekly Hebrew-Language publication, "Berosh Yehudi" no.298 p.12 there is a question and answer feature concenring military matters.
Rabbi Shlomoh Aviner replies to a question:
# Is there a source in the Torah for the IDF slogan, "Follow Me!" i.e. that the leading officer should go first?#
Numbers 26:
16 'Let the Lord, the God of the spirits of all flesh, set a man over the congregation, 17 who may go out before them and go in before them, who may lead them out and bring them in, that the congregation of the Lord may not be like sheep which have no shepherd.'
The Sages said,
# "who may go out before them", that they should NOT do as others do when they send their legionnaires before them while they themselves stay at home. Rather the leaders should "go out before them". So too we find by David, # But all Israel and Judah loved David, because he went out and came in before them # (1-Samuel 18:16, Yalkut Shimeoni Pinchas 676).
Likewise with Gideon, #And he said to them, 'Look at me and do likewise; watch, and when I come to the edge of the camp you shall do as I do # (Judges 7:17).