Ten Tribes Studies. (28 October, 2012. 12 Cheshvan, 5773)
1. Interesting Letter Concerning the International Situation.
2. New Article and YouTube Clip. Arkansas and Israel
3. Three Answers Already Received from Survey
Hebrew Nations Survey October 2012 (Cheshvan, 5773)
1. Interesting Letter Concerning the International Situation.
Dear Yair,
The following is something I wrote.. if you want to change and use parts and not give my name that will be fine....Thanks.
Dear B,
...What you sent this week with Glen Beck showing what is happening in the world was very well put.
Glenn Beck expresses fear of new caliphate
I couldn't have done it better....
King Cyrus was one of the first kings after Persia (Iran) conquered Babylon. Usually things are cyclical in that as time goes by something similar happens again. Everyone likes to call America the Great Babylon or the Great Satan etc. And sometimes it looks like it because certainly almost 50% of the people are becoming inclined that way in their decisions.
But America took down Iraq (Babylon) not Persia (Iran).
It was America that was instrumental in Judah becoming the nation of Israel; all though other nations had a part. For a long time I had trouble seeing how Yair Davidiy could keep seeing America as Joseph who would help win wars with Judah. I believed that Joseph resided in America, but I had not gone so far as to say America is the Joseph.
Then I got to thinking. The northern kingdom called Israel that broke from Judah got scattered all over the earth. Initially, though the bigger part of them were in groups out on the fringes of Assyria. Some historians say it was these people that helped the Medes and the Persians win over Babylon. They had become part of the Medes and the Persians... there was Parthia [which was] a part of the [Persian] kingdom [and they] also were from the northern kingdom [of Israel]. ...
Cyrus actually was a son of a Persian who had married a Mede.
Anyway, what I realized is that Joseph/America was having a part in sending the Jews back to establish land and temple. So now I can see that history is being repeated. We overcame Babylon and we will be the ones that will help the Jews establish their state into one state and start the temple.
How could I see it from what I saw in Glen Beck's video?
He showed how the lands around the Mediterranean controlled by Muslims are their way to conquer the world.
It controls the oil. This is where the power is. The only entity in that region to keep that from happening is Israel. They have oil now and so it is imperative that the Muslim lands include Israel. This is also why America must become energy independent. All presidents have talked about it but none have done it. I believe Romney has the guts to do it.
Where does America come in on this? If you read the prophecies Jacob gave over his son Joseph and the ones that Moses gave about Joseph, there is no other nation in the entire world that can fulfill it better than America. We have been too negative about our country. One reason is because of the spiritual decline that we see.
God is calling us to put on the eyes of Faith and believe that he can awaken us to our rightful position. Another reason to believe that we are not only spiritual Joseph but physical Joseph is this: eventually those tribes of the northern kingdom ... eventually migrated through Turkey... They went into Russia and migrated from there, west into Europe. ... As well as that, we all know from Europe first the US became the melting pot of the nations. Literally, Joseph moved out of the rest of the world and became America. Of course leaving traces behind to become other nations with marks of the other sons of Jacob. Prophecies of the other sons give us some of the clues.
The prophecies of Jacob/Israel were for the end of days. So now I am drawing more faith to believe not only does God want to end the days of being stymied by the enemy but to once again revive Joseph so that he can finish his work.
Romney is from a church that believes some of what I have reiterated here. Is it any wonder then that God should pick him to lead the pack? Take off your judgmental glasses and go with God because there is not going to be any perfection in the spiritual realm until he gets Joseph and Judah on the same page accepting one another and cooperating with one another in spite of our differences and in spite of all our spiritual flaws.
This also reflects what happened. Judah did not go back to the land in top spiritual condition. Certainly the northern tribes were really out of it spiritually. Cyrus didn't believe anything about God, but God found in him a kind, generous spirit who wanted people to have freedom. He didn't get what he wanted... because Judah had enemies in the land that found a way to get the work of God stopped. But someone found the letter Cyrus had written and decreed that Jerusalem and the Temple were to be built. Based on that decree the work was begun again.
We are now at that stage. Jews have gone back into the records and found that they have a legal right to build in their land. This has been being batted around in their parliament and with the prime minister. But America has tried to stop them by encouraging the Palestinians in their endeavors.
With the right person in the presidency who understands these things God's will shall be done in the world. And may he also prepare our hearts spiritually to be ready to meet his true Messiah when he arrives.
2. New Article and YouTube Clip. Arkansas and Israel
(a) New Article. Arkansas and Israel
Biblical Place-Names in Arkansas, USA.
Arkansas has many place-names of Biblical significance. Nearly every county has several settlements with Biblical names.
Most of the Tribes were mentioned e.g. Naphtali, Zebulon, and Issachar, Gad, Judah, Asher, Dan, Ephraim, Manasseh, Benjamin,
We would say Asher and Manasseh were predominant with Dan and Ephraim as close runners-up.
(b) New YouTube Clip: Arkansas and Israel
Duration ca. 28 minutes.
3. Three Answers Already Received from Survey
Hebrew Nations Survey October 2012 (Cheshvan, 5773)
1. Extracts from Peamble.
2. Response from Christian Sildan.
3. Response From David Bell
4. Response from Charlene Mathe