Ten Tribes Studies. (11 December, 2012. 27 Kislev, 5773)
1. New Article and YouTube Clip. Hebrew Nations Teachings in Brief.
2. Reactions to YouTube Clips.
3. Question on Esau and the End Times.
1. New Article and YouTube Clip. Hebrew Nations Teachings in Brief.
 (a) New Article. Brief Explanation. The Whole Torah on One Foot.
Lost Tribes in the West Proven in Summarized Form from Biblical and other Sources
Abraham Isaac and Jacob (who was renamed Israel) were promised that their seed would be extremely numerous, possess on the national level great wealth, mineral resources, and agricultural plenty. They would become the most powerful nations on earth, dwell in several oceans, rule the seas, dictate their will to the peoples of the world, bring other nations into being and have other nations dependent on them for their very existence. They would possess the strategic thoroughfares of the world i.e. the gates of their enemies i.e. strategic points giving them an advantage over other nations potential antagonistic to themselves. These blessings were to receive their expression primarily through Joseph. These blessings were unconditional.
All of the above has been fulfilled by the English-speaking Peoples whom we identify with Joseph.
(b) New YouTube Clip.
Brief Summary of Evidence
Duration: 19:51
The story of Hillel and explaining the Torah while standing on one foot. The occasional need for short succinct presentations. The Lost Ten Tribes are amongst Western Peoples. The English-Speaking Peoples represent the Tribes of Joseph, Biblical Rabbinical and Historical Proofs are Briefly Summarized. See: Brief Explanation. The Whole Torah on One Foot.
Lost Tribes in the West Proven in Summarized Form from Biblical and other Sources
2. Reactions to YouTube Clips.
7Barukh has made a comment on Edom the Warrior
Keep sharing Yair, appreciate your points of consideration. Shalom.
lmaoyourekiddingme 1 day ago
There is an old Paiute Indian legend that when they first migrated to what is now Nevada, there were red-haired giants living there that they eventually wiped out by allying with other Indian tribes to exterminate. Halpogroup X originates from Europe and the Near East, and it has existed in "native" Americans for thousands of years.
3. Question on Esau and the End Times.
Fredrick Murphy
"Todah Yair. I have a question, after watching your latest series on Esav. Many scriptures speak about Esav's or Edom's complete destruction, I'm sure you're aware of those from the Tanakh. How do we fit those primary statements of prophecy? In the literal it appears HaShem saying He will completely dissolve Esav in the End of Days. How does your teaching fit within these thoughts?
Maybe this is just like the statements against the seed of Amalek too?
Trying to sort this out....todah again. Shalom brother."
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