Ten Tribes Studies (30 December, 2012, Tevet 17, 5773)
1. Alan Youngman: The Brit-Am Agenda
2. Calling for other groups to join Hebrew Nations in Confederation.
3. Request for Financial Support
1. Alan Youngman: The Brit-Am Agenda:
#... the Tribes identity, a separation of "religion", and concentration on history, archaeology, anthropology and commonality of the Tanach as a divine historical document. Furthermore suggest that the word "Lost" be taken out of the equation, and that a concentrated [effort] be made to mainstream the idea. #
2. Calling for other groups to join Hebrew Nations in Confederation.
Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations says that the Lost Ten Tribes are amongst Western Nations.
There are other groups who believe along the same lines.
This is distinct from those who speak about the Ten Tribes in general terms etc.
We want other groups who believe the Ten Tribes are now mainly in western nations to unite with us for a concerted effort to bring this belief and knowledge of it to the attention of the general public.
We also want such groups to link up with us and to make a contribution to the functioning of Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations.
We make no apologies for this. We do the work and have bills to pay the same as any other group.
Those groups who join in with us in this endeavor will get out of it the achievement of seeing this belief promoted and their names associated with it.
3. Request for Financial Support
Brit-Am Publications Still Available
Request for Financial Support from Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations
Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations locates the Ten Tribes amongst Western Peoples. We work to confirm (through research) their location, to spread knowledge of our findings to others, and to bring together the interests and understandings of both Judah (the Jews) and the Ten Tribes.
This present appeal is in imitation/adaptation of a Request for Financial Support sent out by [a certain] Forum. This is a News Service and Information Center that encourages research and sends out news briefs concerning the subjects they specialize in.
Just like us.
Only we possibly may do a little more (in our own field) with less.
They do good work and so do we.
 If it is good for them, so it should be for us.
No person or organization can function without funding. Funding is acquired through sales or contributions or subsidies from external forces.
In Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations, we work full-time (and sometimes much more than that) because we believe in it and consider it of benefit and need to others.
This uses up resources and requires funding to function.
If you value what we do and it means something to you, please send a contribution, if you can do so.
Follow the Hebrew Nations Forum
Dear Reader:
I thank those readers who donated recently (and in the past) to Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations, the think tank, research center, and common-interest Biblical Ideological Movement we founded and head. We write here to invite those who have not sent in a contribution-offering recently to do so if possible ASAP.
 Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations is intensely engaged with a range of Biblical and Israelite Identity issues: Biblical Research and Proof, Rabbinical and Secular Sources, Tribal Identifications, Historical Research, and keeping abreast with every field of research that may have some pertinence to the issue.
We also put out frequent articles, updates, and publications of value, and provide a forum for others to send in their observations, remarks, and queries.
We also actively oppose forces inimical to Biblical Culture and Western and Israelite/Jewish interests.
Your support enables Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations to advance its work on these critical issues. We provide below payment options and hope to hear from you.
May God bless you all,
Yair Davidiy
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