Ten Tribes Studies
(10 July, 2018, 27 Tammuz, 5778)
1. New Article and Video Clip. Hebrew English Preamble
2. Answers to Quora Queries
(1) If Abraham was so old when he first had a son, why did he remarry after his wife Sarah die, and subsequently have six more kids?
(2) What is the probability that Turkey will try to liberate Gaza Strip declaring war on Israel and sending its powerful Navy to do it?
(3) As a Jew, what's your message for Arabs and Muslims?
(4) How was foreign intelligence unable to detect Hitler's amassed military forces before WWII erupted in Europe?
(5) How do you tell if someone is Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or any other religion just be looking at them?
QLost Ten Tribes
(6) Is there a concept called 'Germanic or Celtic Arabism', in which the Germanic or Celtic peoples descended from the Semitic tribes of Arabia?
(7) Are Gypsies Descendants Of The Lost Israelite Tribe Of Simeon?
3. Facebook Comments
4. Month of Av. Tribe of Simeon
5. Comments to Video Clips
1. New Article and Video Clip. Hebrew English Preamble
New Article.
Hebrew English Preamble
The Israelite Input into the Modern Anglo-Saxon Language. Extracts from "Preamble."
New Video Clip.
Hebrew Origins of English
Duration: 11.13Â minutes
The English Language encompasses numerous words from Hebrew and Hebrew thought pasterns. This is an additional proof of Hebrew ancestry.
Hebrew English Preamble
The Israelite Input into the Modern Anglo-Saxon Language. Extracts from "Preamble."
2. Answers to Quora Queries
(1) If Abraham was so old when he first had a son, why did he remarry after his wife Sarah die, and subsequently have six more kids?
(2) What is the probability that Turkey will try to liberate Gaza Strip declaring war on Israel and sending its powerful Navy to do it?
(3) As a Jew, what's your message for Arabs and Muslims?
(4) How was foreign intelligence unable to detect Hitler's amassed military forces before WWII erupted in Europe?
(5) How do you tell if someone is Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or any other religion just be looking at them?
QLost Ten Tribes
(6) Is there a concept called 'Germanic or Celtic Arabism', in which the Germanic or Celtic peoples descended from the Semitic tribes of Arabia?
(7) Are Gypsies Descendants Of The Lost Israelite Tribe Of Simeon?
3. Facebook Comments
Brendon English
 have you looked into the Old Germanic original AEnglish before our language was bastardised with Latin and French! There are so many more words in it , its mind boggling
Whitney Eslick Manuel
I read your books all the time! Thank you, sir, for all you do for greater Israel. May the LORD bring all Israel to the knowledge of who they are and, more importantly, Who He is~
4. Month of Av. Tribe of Simeon
Friday, 13 July, 2018 in First day of the Month of Av, 5778
This month according to the most accepted opinions pertains to the Tribe of Simeon.
A minor view says the Tribe of Issachar.
5. Comments to Video Clips
Hebrew Origins of English
Hibernian Moor
shalom from hibernia , much appreciation for your work..Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice.
Is Donald Trump a Hebrew?
Katherin O'Day
It should be noted , the fourth of Donald Trump's children, daughter Tiffany, is engaged to a fine young jewish man.
Hebrew Origins of English
Samantha Tollstam
You'll like this... Look up phonecian and paleo Greek... The languages are identical and predate the paleo Hebrew texts.
It can be determined that they predate the paleo Hebrew because on one of the oldest stones containing the name of God YHVH the yod is depicted as an iota. Paleo Hebrew doesn't have the iota and thus changed the letter to a yod. Similar, and both languages have yod... But yod wasn't used in the original IEYE. Also.. Look at the phonecian evolution onward into Greek Latin etc. The phonecians are known to have used THE EXACT SAME LANGUAGE as the Hebrews.?
Hebrew Origins of English
Planet Bonkers
English is Germanic, Latin, Greek . . . not Hebrew. Gaelic is derived from Hebrew.
Hebrew Origins of English
Thank you for another great video. Will check out the book
Hebrew Origins of English
Hibernian Moor
shalom from hibernia , much appreciation for your work..Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, Justice.?
Hebrew Origins of English
paul graystone
hebrew did it not come from the proto semetic root of which hebrew was only one language from this root!
Hebrew Origins of English
patterns of language represents patterns of mind so brain structure, giving us insight to i guess genes, IQ, race and language and such, i have thought about this alot already!?
Hebrew Origins of English
Judy Snyder
Great research Sir. Thank you for your research on behalf of the lost tribes.
Hebrew Origins of English
I wonder how much the Native American languages are interconnected with Hebrew ??
Hebrew Origins of English
awfelia commented: "How cool to hear this cos my roots are English and very possibly Scandinavian! I ? Hebrew!"
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