Ten Tribes Studies
(8 October, 2018, 29 Tishrei, 5779)
1. New Article.
Germany is Anti-Israel
Why does Israel get more support from US than from Germany, despite its Holocaust past?
2. New Video Clip.
Germany against Israel
3. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions to be Viewed on the Quora Site
1. New Article.
Germany is Anti-Israel
Why does Israel get more support from US than from Germany, despite its Holocaust past?
2. New Video Clip.
Germany against Israel
Duration:Â 27. 26 minutes
Present-day Germany both helps the State of Israel and works against it. We show how Germany is basically anti-Jewish.
The German People are partly descended from Esau who was also known as Edom. Esau was the twin brother of Jacob who became known as Israel and begat the 12 Tribes of Israel.
Esau-Edom became the arch-enemy of Israel. Descendants of Edom were to be found as minority elements among numerous other nations. Among Germans they were especially prominent.
Edomites are also found among English-speaking peoples who however descend more from Israelites especially the Tribe of Joseph. Prophecy tells us that in the End Times Esau and Joseph will have a Final Confrontation concerning the Land of Israel and Jerusalem.
Germany is Anti-Israel
Why does Israel get more support from US than from Germany, despite its Holocaust past?
3. Recent Answers by Yair Davidiy to Quora Questions to be Viewed on the Quora Site
To see the answers on Quora one after the other in order of their posting go to:
If Hitler had not waged war on Russia, would the Allies have won over Germany anyway?
Why was it beneficial to have the Levites spread out among the tribes?
If Jews claim that their lineage with Abraham is the reason for their occupation of Israel, can Muslims (who also come from Abraham) surely make the same claim?
Do Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza eat Israeli snacks (Bamba, Bisli, etc.)?
Do the 'Ten Lost Tribes of Israel' also have the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin (including the Levite clan of Cohen)?
My dad repeatedly tells me my armpits smell. I take 3 showers a day. How can I tell him to stop upsetting me?
Why does Israel get more support from US than from Germany, despite its Holocaust past?
What is the brutal truth about the British Empire?
Why do Jewish women wear wigs?
What is the Jewish secret to prosperity?
Why are Palestinians protesting the right to return to their homeland? Doesn't Israel already have a policy for "right of return"?
How would you feel as a doctor if your job was to revive children who passed out from extensive, government sanctioned torture and whose only crime was their ethnicity per the Australian documentary "Stone Cold Justice"?
Was Stalin a better person than Hitler?
Why do people believe Israel is an ally of Britain?
Are Germans and Turks the same people?
Is it true per Quora that Israel is a model for ethnic harmony? If so, why are there so many news of killings of unarmed Palestinians by Israel, not to mention videos, as well as reports of systematic discrimination?
Why do left-handed people think they are special?
If Israelis think that the West Bank is their territory, why don't they plant trees there?
Why did God order the Israelites to kill the Canaanites, seeing as He had commanded them not to kill? Couldn't He have eradicated them himself with a plague or another method?
Are the Israelis protected by God?
What do Israelis think of Benjamin Netanyahu?
Can any race practice Judaism, or is it exclusive to Jews?
Is Israel apartheid?
If the Palestinians were to stop trying to colonise Israel, could this solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict?
How would a Jewish person explain why would God choose only the Jewish people to be saved if God created all people?
What if Hitler had been a womanizer?
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