Ten Tribes Studies (31 January, 2013, Shevet 20, 5773)
1. Research Extracts-11
2. New Article and YouTube Clip: Cronus and Chronic Cronis
(a) New Article: Cronus. The Lost Tribes of Israel and the Mythology of Cronos, Saturn, Baal Tsaphon, Typhon, and Cernunnos
(b) New YouTube Clip: Chronic Chronis
3. The Yair Davidiy YouTube Channel
1. Research Extracts-11
Research Sources from Brit-Am Now nos. 601-625
1. Isaiah 18, Israel, and the USA
2. The Significance of the Eye on the Great Seal of the USA
3. Macaque Monkeys: Racial Coloring and Environment
4. Paul Eidelberg: Biblical Roots of the USA
5. Ian McCrae: "Jock" (Jacob) A Nickname for Scots
6. Statistics: Australian Firsts; Other Israelites Nations: Most Trusting of Each Other; Olympic Medals; Military Expenditure; Economic Aid; Richest; Beer; Proud and not Proud of Nationality: Will fight for Country.
7. Dan in Ireland and Wales
2. New Article and YouTube Clip: Cronus and Chronic Cronis
New Article: Cronus
The Lost Tribes of Israel and the Mythology of Cronos, Saturn, Baal Tsaphon, Typhon, and Cernunnos
New YouTube Clip: Chronic Chronis
Duration ca. 21 minutes.
Ancient peoples identified the Ten Lost Tribes with the mythological figure of Saturn whom they said had gone with his followers to live in Ireland and Britain.
See: Cronus. The Lost Tribes of Israel and the Mythology of Cronos, Saturn, Baal Tsaphon, Typhon, and Cernunnos
3. The Yair Davidiy YouTube Channel
This channel was set up and named and set up by one of my sons. At first we did not take it that seriously. Otherwise we would have named it differently.
At present it has 135 clips and averages (for all the clips together) more than 60 views per day.
This may not sound like much but it is not bad and taken together with our two web sites helps us spread the message.
In addition there are 13 clips taken by Gavin Finley that have merited to receive a large number of views.
In addition we have a Hebrew Nations Facebook page
Taken altogether this is a presence.
We would like you all to participate in this endeavor and to send us your comments, criticisms, and suggestions.