Ten Tribes Studies (5 February, 2013, Shevet 25, 5773)
1. Brit-Am YouTube Clip Achieves Relative Popularity.
The Celts Called Themselves Hebrews
2. Recent Anecdote with Racial Overtones: Yair on the Loose Again!
(a) The Incident.
(b) Was Yair Being Racist?
3. Mark Williiams: Celts Ate More Beef and Mutton!
1. Brit-Am YouTube Clip Achieves Relative Popularity.
The Celts Called Themselves Hebrews. Duration ca. 20 minutes.
Uploaded on Feb 16, 2012
The word Hebrew means Israelite. The Lost Ten Tribes went to the West. This is reflected in many ways including the ethnic names they gave themselves. The Celts called themselves Iberi, Hiberi, or Iveri which are all derived from the Biblical Hebrew pronounciation of the name Hebrew.
The Name 'Hebrew'
2. Recent Anecdote with Racial Overtones: Yair on the Loose Again!
(a) The Incident.
You favorite scholar and gentleman, Yair Davidiy, recently attended a Torah Study Lesson. The Rabbi is a friend of ours and takes an occasional interest in Brit-Am opinions. He is also a friend of Rabbi Avichiel who claims the Lost Ten Tribes are amongst Asian peoples. Our friend and teacher said that Rabbi Avichiel had told him that the Ten Tribes may also be found amongst some of the Koreans, and what did Yair think of that?
Yair replied that Rabbi Avichiel is prepared to accept that anyone who has a colored skin and slanty eyes might be from the Ten Tribes, or words to that effect.
Yair added that the Rabbi who asked the question looked Irish or at least could pass himself off as Irish and so could all the other Jews present. They all could claim to be Irish, if they ever had to, and based on their appearance this would sound credible. They could not however claim to be Korean because they do not look Korean.
Yair then quoted an interview he had made with a well-known Rabbinical official who had reported that the best converts to Judaism come from Peoples Brit-Am identifies with the Ten Tribes, see:
# ... there were quite a number of Scottish people. One must say that they were amongst the best candidates. Also the Dutch and the Northern English. # End Quote.
(b) Was Yair Being Racist?
First of all Yair is no more racist than anyone else. Ethnic coloring is largely an outcome of genetic drift combined with environment. Amongst our supporters we have people of Chinese, and of Kirghyz ancestry. A few years ago we met a journalist from South Korea who was interested and had observations of his own.
We do not really discount any possibility but rather prefer to concentrate on the most likely possibility in accordance with the Bible.
Most of us have heard the joke about the person who dropped a coin in the street at night and looked for it under the street lamp, rather than where he dropped it, because the light was better.
When others, Jews and Gentiles, first hear of our beliefs a frequent reaction is to remark that our candidates all seem to be fair and blond. For some reason such remarks are not considered racial. Statistically it is also not correct. Ashkenazi Jews and Gentiles from the West more or less look the same. There may be a few more brunettes amongst the Jews but the overall difference is mostly a question of relative proportions, e.g. only ca.15 % of the Jews may be blondish compared perhaps to ca. 35 % (in some cases, but usually much less) of the Gentiles. This is a difference but not an overwhelming one. Considering that a physical separation between Judah and the Ten Tribes took place about 3000 years ago and that both sides have since lived in different environments alongside differing peoples then some physical variation is to be expected.
Also there were blonds and redheads amongst the Ancient Israelites.
Israelite Physical Types
Pictures of Ancient Hebrews
All these points of course do not absolutely prove anything BUT they are indicative and worth observing.
3. Mark Williiams: Celts Ate More Beef and Mutton!
Re: Brit-Am Now no. 2007: Ten Tribes Studies.
#3. Replies to Comments on YouTube Clip, The Celts Called Themselves Hebrews! (b) Celts Ate Pigs
Shalom Yair
But they ate far more beef and mutton!
According to the article only a tenth of the meat eaten by the Britons
of the Iron Age came from pigs.
Maybe there are estimates for meat consumption from earlier eras.