Ten Tribes Studies (27 February, 2013, ADAR 17, 5773)
1. We Deliver Books Everywhere!
2. New Article and YouTube Clip
(a) New Article. Heroine. Hebrew Nations and the Book of Esther
(b) New YouTube Clip: Queen Esther
3. Research Extracts-12
Research Sources from Brit-Am Now nos. 626-650
1. We Deliver Books Everywhere!
Dear Yair,
I would like to buy your magazines and books. I just need to know
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Yours faithfully,
Brit-Am Reply:
We send orders by airmail to anywhere necessary. Not only do we deliver to Germany and anywhere else in Europe but we have also sent successfully packages to China, Singapore, India, and other places.
We charge one price for EVERYWHERE and this includes airmail (where appropriate) and all handling costs.
God bless you
2. New Article and YouTube Clip
(a) New Article
Heroine. Hebrew Nations and the Book of Esther
1. Introduction
2. Recording of Brit-Am Lecture on the Book of Esther
3. YouTube Clip. Queen Esther.
4. Quick Summary of the Book of Esther
5. Was Esther Blond?
6. A Matriarchal Aspects of Israelite Tribes. Every Wife in her own Time.
7. Jews and Israelite Tribes
8. Esther Rectifies the Lacking of her Ancestor, King Saul.
9. Purim and Haman
10. We are all Human and we all have Responsibility as Israelites!
(b) New YouTube Clip: Queen Esther
Duration: 41:07. To Continue to read Text please Scroll Down!
Queen Esther was from the Tribe of Benjamin. The story of Esther has significance for all the Tribes of Israel.
Heroine. Hebrew Nations and the Book of Esther
3. Research Extracts-12. Research Sources from Brit-Am Now nos. 626-650
2. English-Hebrew Analogies
3. Who Really Accepted Jews During WW2
4. Ancient Middle East Links to Britain
5. Ancient trade (minerals, etc) with the British Isles
6. Phoenicians in the West as Proxies of the Assyrians
7. Phoenician type script and the Khazars.
8. Ancient Tin Supplies from the Iberian Peninsula and from Britain
9. Tin and Bronze From Cornwall
10. Gold and Silver in Ancient Ireland, Celtic Enamel
11. Gold in Bronze Age Ireland
12. Welsh Daffodils and the Phoenicians?
13. Tracy Wright: Scottish Heritage of Southerners
14. Phoenicians Brought Leeks to Wales
Index of Research Extracts Collated Up to Now
See Also:
Index-1. List of Subjects Covered in Secular Sources .
Proofs from History, Archaeology, Linguistics, Mythology, etc, Linking Western Nations with the Ancient Middle East