Ten Tribes Studies (19 April, 2013, Iyar 9, 5773)
1. Prejudice. AÂ Tall Tale of Short Tails.
2. What happened with Lost Israelite Identity?
3. Initial Preview of Hebrew Ancestry
1. Prejudice. AÂ Tall Tale of Short Tails.
A few decades back it was the practice in Israel for many of those who wished to learn medicine to go to Italy. Apparently the necessary facilities did not then exist in Israel, or they did but only took in a limited number of applicants. I do not know what the situation is at present. Anyway, an Israeli doctor told me about an experience he had when he was learning medicine in Italy. He was doing an Internship and was responsible for other medical students. At that time there were quite a few refugees etc in the area from the Adriatic coast opposite Italy (Croatia, Serbia, Albania, etc). There were also people from these areas amongst the students working underneath him. These peoples had a long history of hostility towards each other. One of the students approached the doctor and asked him if he had not noticed that patients from one of the rival groups (to that of the student) had tails on their backsides. He was deadly serious and believed in what he was saying. [Just for the record the people in question did not have tails and were no different from any other group.]
This was a person who had learned medicine, was educated and intelligent, and must have already treated numerous patients from the group in question. Nevertheless in his childhood he had been told that the said group did have tails and he had never managed to free himself of this preconceived stereotypical image.
The same sometimes happens with us. By the nature of our work we deal with non-Jews. Usually they are positively disposed towards the State of Israel, Israelis, and Jews in general. They may also wish to learn from Jews not in order to become Jewish but rather to add depth to their own beliefs. We may be associated with such people for quite a while and quite closely. Suddenly, as if from out of nowhere, it happens that we are brought to realize that they are convinced that there is a Jewish Problem, and that the Jewish Religion lacks love or spiritual depth, and that they may be able to help alleviate the situation.
They seem to reach this conclusion not because of anything they have experienced but rather what they learned in their childhood or due to a psychological need to so picture the reality around them.
The State of Israel does however lack numbers of people to fill up areas of Judah and Samaria. We lack Israelites controlling and dwelling in Lebanon, Jordan, and Syria.
Amongst the Israelite Nations there are people who NEED this solution.
We in Brit-Am/Hebrew nations are attempting to do something about this.
We need your help.
2. What happened with Lost Israelite Identity?
We published "Lost Israelite Identity. The Hebrew Origin of Celtic Races" in 1996.
It sold out shortly afterwards. It was our third book. Since then we published six other books as well as new printings and new editions of our other works. We did not do anything however with "Lost Israelite Identity" (despite public demand) apart from making "Lost Israelite Identity" in three separate sections as .pdf file e-books for purrchase.
"Lost Israelite Identity" is a huge work. It is divided into three sections each one of which is like a book in its own right. [And indeed these three separate sections have been sold by us, each as separate .pdf file books]. It has ca. 450 pages. This includes numerous footnotes and endnotes and appendices in small print. We had intentions to take segments of this work, add to them, and develop what they say and make them into other books. Preparations were made. In the meanwhile, over the years, a lot of new information and valuable insights have come our way.
Finally we have decided to produce a new work, "Hebrew Ancestry. The Israelite Identity of Celtic Peoples" that in effect will be a re-writing of "Israelite Identity" but with substantial changes. The amount of raw information and wording will be reduced but the essential facts will be kept and added to.
3. Initial Preview of Hebrew Ancestry
                There were originally Twelve populous large Israelite Tribes. Ten of these Tribes split off from the remaining two and formed their own kingdom of "Israel". They were conquered by the Assyrians, exiled en masse, and disappeared. Exiled along with them were many from the two Tribes that remained.
               The Bible (2-Kings ch.17) and archaeological discoveries prove that most of the Ancient Hebrews were taken away by the Assyrians. Their identity, according to conventional accounts, was lost to themselves and to others and nobody is quite certain what became of them. NEVERTHELESS, they are spoken of throughout the Prophets (e.g. Jeremiah chs.30-31, Hosea chs.1-3, most of Isaiah, Amos, etc.) and in Talmudic and Rabbinical sources as if wherever they are they remain grouped together and are destined to return to God and to the Land of Israel. Before their return, Scripture tells us, they will be fulfilling an important role in civilizing and humanizing mankind. In other words the "Lost Ten Tribes" exist, and must be somewhere, and logically must be an important polity (as the Bible says they will be) in order to fulfill the task laid upon them. 'Hebrew Ancestry' brings proof that they migrated in several waves (and by varied paths) mainly to Western Europe and the British Isles whence their descendants eventually colonized North America, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa.
               This book proves the 'Hebrew Ancestry' case in the same way as the other published works of Brit-Am/Hebrew Nations ("The Tribes", "Ephraim", "Joseph", "Biblical Truth", "Role to Rule", "The Khazars. Tribe 13") each in its own way also did. The proofs adduced in this work are conclusive and demonstrate the truth of 'Hebrew Ancestry'. This book was written to prove the Israelite identity of certain western peoples and that is what it does do. 'Hebrew Ancestry' contains information that may well be more valuable than anything you are likely to find in other works. The particular truth that 'Hebrew Ancestry' reveals may be what this present generation has need of. By acquiring and reading 'Hebrew Ancestry' you will have become involved with the revelation of history.Â
               'Hebrew Ancestry' concentrates on bringing straightforward evidence identifying many of the peoples of Western Europe and their overseas offshoots as being of Israelite origin from the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel. They themselves are on the whole unaware of their 'Hebrew Ancestry'.
               Other books by your present author were also dedicated to this same subject.  Nevertheless none of these works managed to cover all of the case and were not intended to. Several books such as this one (and the others like it) are necessary just to open up the manifold fields of evidence available all of which lead to the same conclusion.
The Ten Tribes are amongst Western Nations. AÂ significant proportion of the inhabitants of Western Nations have Hebrew Ancestry. They should know about it and realize its implications.
               'Hebrew Ancestry' contains similar information to that discussed in our other works but the overall approach is somewhat different. New original evidence is made available. The evidence revealed in 'Hebrew Ancestry' is academically acceptable and capable of passing impartial examination.  'Hebrew Ancestry' in itself is a breakthrough! 'Hebrew Ancestry' adduces facts showing how most of the ancient Israelites really were exiled and what became of them. The 'Hebrew Ancestry' claim is a true one, plentiful proof exists and enough of it is presented in 'Hebrew Ancestry' to prove the point.
               'Hebrew Ancestry' is divided into three.
The book begins by showing how the exiled Israelites became identified with the Cimmerians, Scythians, and Goths. The Cimmerians in an Assyrian inscription were referred to as "Amurru" meaning in effect at that time as ISRAELITES! This is confirmed by other evidence. The different exiled Israelite groups eventually migrated in stages to the north and west. The emphasis in 'Hebrew Ancestry' is on the Cimmerians. The Cimmerians moved to Europe and gave rise to Celtic Civilization. Many of the Celtic peoples were of Israelite-Cimmerian derivation.
               The second part of 'Hebrew Ancestry' consists of historical flashbacks in time followed by further analysis of the Assyrian-directed exile. The historical phenomena from before the Exile that are considered have significance concerning the ultimate destiny of the Exiles and add depth to the rest of the evidence adduced in 'Hebrew Ancestry'.
Historical experiences and cultural features of the Hebrews from before the Exile help us in confirming the Israelite Identity of Celtic peoples at a later date. The Celts did not call themselves "Celtic" but rather Iberi or Hiberi meaning "Hebrew"! The ancient Hebrew-Israelites were descended from Shem from whom came the Sumerians in Mesopotamia, founders of early civilization. Abraham the first Hebrew was a wandering prince whose descendants went down into Egypt where they became associated with, or identified as, the "Hycsos" shepherd-kings. After being enslaved they were freed from Egypt and journeyed to Canaan which they conquered gaining dominance over most of the Middle East. They established settlements in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and Cyprus as well as in "Palestine" proper. They influenced Greek and Egyptian history and are identifiable with the "Sea-Peoples". Some Israelite Tribes participated in Phoenician maritime activity and were identifiable as Phoenicians. In the end Northern Israel was conquered and 'Hebrew Ancestry' relates how the Assyrians exiled Ten out of the Twelve Israelite Tribes to the north.  In their places of Exile they became identifiable with the Cimmerians and company. In addition to sending Israelite exiles northward overland, the Assyrians had also sent a portion overseas by ship. The Assyrians had taken control of the Minoan (Philistine) and Phoenician sea-faring set-up and through this agency transported Israelites directly to the west. They
were re-settled in Spain and elsewhere. In the course of time the exiles in Spain linked up with their Hebrew brethren in the Cimmerian-Celtic forces that advanced overland from the Middle East. From Spain they moved out into Gaul, Ireland, and the British Isles. Evidence for most of the above is mainly derived from Biblical, archaeological, and written sources, all of which are adequately referenced.
               The third part of 'Hebrew Ancestry' shows how Celtic (Irish, Scottish, and Welsh) legends confirm all of the account given above sometimes going into precise detail and often imparting information (since confirmed by archaeology etc) that proves the truth of their tradition. The Celts preserved names of Hebrew Tribes and places. In the past, from pre-Christian times, they practiced aspects of the Mosaic Law and in Scotland continued to do so until fairly recently. The Bible and Jewish tradition confirm and supplement these findings.