Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
9 October 2023, 24 Tishrei, 5784.
1. Personal Update on the War.
2. New Article.
Gaza Hostage War no.2.
3. New Article and Video.
(a) New Article.
The Redemption of Joseph.
The Ten Tribes will Repent!
(b) New Video.
The REDEMPTION of Joseph
1. Personal Update on the War.
A neighbor and close friend of one of my sons was killed in military service.
My hometown, Beitar-Ilit, was struck by rockets. A rocket landed in a major thoroughfare some distance from where I live but in the same general area.
One person was seriously injured and another moderately.
A school, the road, cars, and neighboring block of dwellings were damaged.
Most people at present are staying in their homes. Apart from that most of the shops are open but much less than usual.
There are much fewer buses on the roads.
A grand-daughter of mine is getting married next week. Contingency plans are being made in the event that few of the guests will be able to arrive.
2. New Article.
Gaza Hostage War no.2.
The Gaza Hostage War. "Iron Swords" 2023. articles/gaza2023/
1. The Nature Dancing Festival at Re'em.
2. The Beduin were also attacked by Hamas.
3. IDF Weakened by Secular Ideology!
4. Estimated casualties.
5. Sundries.
3. New Article and Video.
(a) New Article.
The Redemption of Joseph.
The Ten Tribes will Repent!
(b) New Video.
The REDEMPTION of Joseph
Duration: 15 minutes.
Abraham was the first Hebrew. He was promised to become a GREAT AND MIGHTY NATION in order that he might do Justice and Judgment in the world. A similar passage referred to Joseph. The Lost Ten Tribes are represented by Joseph. Rabbinical sources (Rabbi Moshe Valley in the 1600s and Rabbi Avraham HaKohen Kook in our time) opined that the Ten Tribes had to become lost and assimilated among the Gentiles in order to defeat the FORCES of Edom-Esau meaning the Rulers of the Gentiles and also so that they evolve upwards and elevate the rest of mankind with them.
The Redemption of Joseph. The Ten Tribes will Repent!