Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness.
27 October 2023, 12 Cheshvan, 5784.
1. New Article.
Gaza Hostage War no. 5.
2. Hebrew Word "AR" and its English Parallels.
3. Recent Comments to Video Clips.
1. New Article.
Gaza Hostage War no. 5.
"Iron Swords" 2023.
1. Overall, ca. 200, 000 Displaced Israelis.
2. The Bigger Scene. Russia Against, USA in Favor of.
3. October 22, Germans demonstrate for Israel.
4. The Party in the Desert. Background Reports.
(a) Re'im music festival massacre
(b) What was the party in the desert?
(c) 2023 Hamas attack on Israel
(d) The Party in the desert was Against the Torah.
5. Female victims (Jewish and others) of Hamas raped to death.
6. Answer to Quora Question.
Where is the outrage against Netanyahu and the IDF for failing to protect Israelis?
7. Answer to Quora Query.
Were the Jews telling me that the Muslims in Israel were treated equally when they cannot travel freely in the West Bank?
8. Answer to Quora Query.
Has Netanyahu squandered the support given following Hamas' attack on 7 October? Has he snatched defeat from the jaws of victory?
9. Relevant articles in preparation.
2. Hebrew Word "AR" and its English Parallels.
AR in Hebrew means awake, wake. A related word ARAR connotes disturb, arouse, protest..
English words with similar meaning and similar in sound include:
ire, arouse, argue, irritate. irk.
3. Recent Comments to Video Clips.
Prophecies Fulfilled
Yankees made war against a Confederacy of 13 states who were led by a man named Judah Benjamin.
The United States is full of Irish as is Australia. Thanks for your video. I was wondering, are you a believer in the 5 Books of Moses and the Tanak, or do you believe in the Talmud?
I believe in all of them.
I'm just now finishing the reading of "Hebrew Tribes". I find the etymology of names found in Europe and by extension the Americas very interesting. It helps to see how language and naming conventions were established by dominant cultures that clearly have direct ties to descendants of Jacob/Israel.
The Wedding of Israel (1/2)
Stay safe. Looks like WWIII is around the corner.
And I will cause the captives of JUDAH and the captives of ISRAEL to return, and will rebuild those places as at the first. Jeremiah 33:7
Gaza Flies Away Discussion
I'm so glad you're safe and well, Yair. Much love and prayers for all Israel from America.
It seems to me, being separated from Judah in times of pain, is big part of the curse. HaShem have mercy.
the captives of JUDAH and the captives of ISRAEL to return, and will rebuild those places as at the first. Jeremiah 33:7
Gaza Must Fly Away!
I'm a man of peace,but Hamas has to be shut-down. They are shockingly cruel and evil.
They are demonic. My heart is so burdened for those these monsters have kidnapped.
Yes they are: [ The Jews are Israel] ALMIGHTY
makes no mistakes and He knows who it is He has called to make aliyah to the homeland (Isaiah 43:5-6). They are fulfilling biblical prophecy daily - prophecy written only for true Israel - even to becoming a nation again in a single day (Isaiah 66:8-10). ALMIGHTY had allowed the promised land to deteriorate into a barren, desolate wasteland during the long diaspora - to keep the Gentiles out - and He has allowed the land to re-bloom only under the hand of those He himself has returned home: Israel is once again a land of milk & honey, lush, green & fruitful (Amos 9:14-15), and only for the legitimate children.
@craigmcnab9561 ...The word "britain" means "covenant land" and "british" means "covenant man ." The British Empire was called the "United Kingdom" in reference to the Northern Kingdom of Israel ( 10 lost tribes ) that settled the isles of what would become "Great Britain." This all began when the prophet Jeremiah went to what is now Ireland after the destruction of the Southern Kingdom of Judah.
Yair Davidiy: Ephraim NOT to Convert!
This is all very well rabbi but the situation deteriorates in the west but nobody from israel speaks to the torah oservant in the west. Are we to become refugees ?
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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