Ten Tribes Studies. Hebrew Awareness
31 October 2023, 16 Cheshvan, 5784.
1. New Article.
More China and Gaza.
Is China aiming at world domination?
2. New Article.
Move Gaza Away!
Need to Transfer the Palestinian Philistines.
3. New Article.
Prelude to Ezekiel.
4. New Video Clip.
Gaza and China.
5. Answer to Quora Query.
Why did Britain give Israel a homeland by taking other people's homes?
6. Are the Chinese Canaanites?
7. Answer to Quora Query by Yair Davidiy:
Do you think Israel's interest is to reoccupy Gaza Strip or expel Palestinians from the territory?
1. New Article.
More China and Gaza.
Is China aiming at world domination?
1. Road and Belt Initiative (BRI),
2. India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEEC).
3. Did China Order a Barbaric Strike by Hamas Agaisnt Israel? US President Joe Biden may be thinking so!
4. Transfer the Arabs and Watch out for Gog and Magog.
5. China Criticizes Israel, defends Gazans.
6. Russia Threatens War!
2. New Article.
Move Gaza Away!
Need to Transfer the Palestinian Philistines.
3. New Article.
Prelude to Ezekiel.
1. List of Kings of Israel and Judah.
2. The Last Kings of Judah.
4. Ezekiel Had Prophesied before the First Chapter!
5. Highlights of Ezekiel from a Lost Tribes "Brit-Am" Point of View.
4. New Video Clip.
Gaza and China
Duration: 22.16 minutes
The Gaza War was probably initiated by Iran and Iran took its cue from China! Through the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) China has made arrangements that could lead to it dominating the bulk of world trade and have command of a good portion of global raw materials. This would exclude India, the USA, UK, and most of the west. a counter organization backed by the USA links India and the East with Saudia, Israel, and the Mediterranean. The State of Israel is key link in this arrangement. The Gaza-Hostage War comes at a time just when China needs it to.
China and Gaza?
Is China responsible for the "Iron Swords" War of 2023?
5. Answer to Quora Query.
Why did Britain give Israel a homeland by taking other people's homes?
by Yair Davidiy
Bible Studies and Historical Researches
You are referring to the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the British Mandate from 1922 onwards.
There were three parties to the equation here.
1. The Jews.
2. The British.
3. The Arabs of the area.
1. The Jews had been in the Land for eons beforehand. They had been violently expelled but had kept coming back. The number of Jews in the Land usually approximated the economic capability of the area plus the degree of tolerance of whatever foreign potentiary ruled at the time.
In the late 1800s and early 1900s Jews had suffered from pogroms and attacks all over the world.
Their existence was in danger.
In the past different nationalities could survive as subjects of the Great Empires (e.g. Ottoman Turkey, Czarist Russia, Austro-Hungary, etc.) enjoying a degree of cultural autonomy alongside other minorities.
This was changing and was about to do so still more. The Nation State with a homogeneous population was what was to be aimed for. The Jews as a people were to have even less room than they had had previously. The time had come to go home to the Holy Land.
2. The British included among them many who had read the Bible and been impressed with it.
Identification with the Hebrews of the Old Testament had been a trend of thought from the time of King Alfred and his Anglo-Saxon mini-kingdom in early England. Alongside their fair share of Anti-Semtiism there were also Philo-Semitic elements among the British. They also ruled over about 25% of the world and had a strong influence in the rest of it. As well as believing in the Bible they had also been troubled by the sight of barbarous Gentiles in Eastern Europe and elsewhere victimizing the Jews.
Some of the Jews had been lobbying for the right to settle in the Holy Land. The British listened to them.
With the tacit agreement of other great Powers such as the USA and France, the Government of Great Britain decided to give the Jews what they wanted. The original terms concerning a Jewish Homeland, contrary to general belief, did not include Transjordan though in Biblical Principle it should have. The Balfour Declaration had originally intended to give ALL the Land west of the Jordan River to the Jews. Assimilationist Jews in Britain and British Liberals caused this to be moderated. The eventual formulation of the Belfour Declaration was modified to sound as if only a part of the Land was intended and the rights of others (i.e. Arabs) considered, see:
"The Vision Was There. A History of the British Movement for the Restoration of the Jews to Palestine," by Franz Kobler ,1956, London.
Other considerations to those listed above existed but that is the Big Picture.
3. The Arabs in Palestine had consisted of a mixture of different Arabic-speaking religious groups. These had taken part in expelling the Jews in the past or had come in as squatters afterwards.
Many Christian were among them but these were to be driven out by their Muslim neighbors or simply left. This process is still continuing. The British took over the area in 1918. The land had suffered under rule of the Ottoman Turks. It was also still recovering from a severe famine. The Jews came in bit by bit. They bought land usually after paying an exorbitant price for it. They built and invested and the British helped them. Some of the Arabs resented the Jewish presence. Anti-Semitism was increasing all over the world. Among the Jewish settlers were all types including free-thinking libertarians, communists,
Central European Nationalists, Ultra-Orthodox Jews, and so on. They did not always get on well with each other nor with the Arabs. Nor did the Arabs get on with themselves.
The British for their part went ahead with helping the Jews create a National Home for themselves. Some of the British however began to have second thoughts and encouraged Muslim intransigence.
The British ruled with a skeleton staff and a small budget and so adapted themselves to the reality on the ground as much as anything else.
In 1936-1939 Arab Nationalists sympathetic to the Nazis instigated the Arab Revolt. This was suppressed by the British with significant loss to the future Arab fighting potential. Nevertheless WW2 was on the horizon. The British did not want to further antagonize the millions of Muslims in their Empire. In the End the authors of the White Paper (restricting Jewish immigration) of 1939 decided that if they had to choose between the Arabs and Jews they would choose the Arabs. UK PM Neville Chamberlain himself said as much.
In the Israelite War of Indepdendence1948 and the period leading up to it the reigning British Labor Government at the time had tended to be pro-Arab. The Kingdom of Jordan which was one of the anti-Jewish hostile parties. It had a British general in charge of its army and British officers. On the other hand the British military and civil servants in Palestine itself during the British evacuation on their own initiative often took steps that greatly contributed to an ultimate Jewish victory.
After WW2 the British had in effect left the Jews and Arabs to fight it out between them. The Jews won but let a large portion of the Arabs remain.
That was their fault.
The question was:
Why did Britain give Israel a homeland by taking other people's homes?
In light of the above the British did not take the homes of other people since at the time (ca. 1918) the homes did not exist. They were built later with the help of Jewish capital and British administration.
Also a good portion of the Arab population, i.e. the "other people," did not exist in that area either. Many of them would not have been born since the British with Jewish support improved sanitation, nutrition, general welfare, respect for basic human rights, reduction of infant mortality, and overall life expectancy.
In addition to that, many of the Arabs came in afterwards to take advantage of new job opportunities and improved conditions offered by the British administrators and Jewish employers under the British Mandate.
Where did they come from?
They came from Egypt, and the areas of what now are Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.
Even under the Ottoman Empire, who had ruled before the British, many Muslim newcomers had come in not long beforehand as part of a deliberate policy from all over the Muslim world.
6. Robert Smith wrote:
Do you think the Chinese are the canaanite clans of Sin/Shinites
listed in scripture?\
Brit-Am Reply:
The Chinese (like other peoples) are a mixture of different races.
Based on logical deduction we would say that from a Biblical Point of view the Australian Aborigines are a part of the Canaanite Sinim,
but Sinim were also to be found in China.
An article now in preparation will go into the question of Canaanites as they relate to Lost Ten Tribes Identity matters in more detail.
We hope the article will soon be available.
HaShem be with you,
Yair Davidiy
7. Tentative Answer to Quora Query.
Answer to Quora Query by Yair Davidiy:
Do you think Israel's interest is to reoccupy Gaza Strip or expel Palestinians from the territory?
Under present circumstances the State of Israel will If the State of Israel was to expel the Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza they would need to find another location for them.
This is not likely to take place under present circumstances. If it did it might work for a while but probably would not last. Unless the Jews experienced a national rejuvenation and spiritual awakening sooner or later they would weaken. International pressure and the activities of their own 'do-gooders' would cause the Israeli Jews to allow many, or all, of the expellees to return. The problem would come back. There might be wars. At present it could be that the USA needs Israel to save it from China and the BRI but things could change. Transferring the Palestinians to somewhere near by has already been attempted and did not work. It would be better to transfer the Palestinians to some part of Latin America. The USA, Britain, and France should coordinate their activities with Israel. They should neutralize Turkey, and take control of Syria, and Iran. Portions of these areas should then be re-settled by settlers from Western Europe. Many of these are descended from the Lost Ten Tribes.. Biblical Prophecy indicates that something along the lines above will indeed eventually take place.
Yair Davidiy
Yair Davidiy YouTube Station: Clips Concerning the Lost Ten Tribes of Israel
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